WI: Mussolini doesn't rise to power

The Italian Facist party remains a minor player in Italys politics? Further squabbling between conservative and leftist parties and they argue over policy and ministerial allocations? In 1937 Italy backs up Austria thus squelching the nazi Anschulss, thus discrediting Hitler and leaving Germany bankrupt for not gaining Austrias financial reserves? If the nazi government/Hitler somehow survives that one then Italy remains nuetral through 1939-41?
My grandmother doesn't forget how to speak English. :D

Seriously - my great-grandmother brought my grandmother and her older brother to Italy to visit relatives when Mussolini rose to power. All the ports were closed for some time. My grandmother - a little girl at the time - was able to speak both English and Italian when she went there, but after being held up so long in Italy, she forgot how to speak English. It took her months to re-learn it when she returned.

Of course, this probably isn't the kind of event you're looking for.:D

I think this is an interesting idea. I'm wondering - if Mussolini doesn't rise to power - does Hitler even follow him? That is, would Adolf Hitler still be inspired to take up fascism if he doesn't have Mussolini's government as a successful model to look to?
Maybe the Integral Nationalism of Maurras would be the big thing now that fascism wont steal the focus. The over-intellectual nature of Maurras' ideas would however hinder it from gaining power anywhere.
Maybe Italy would have gone Communist.

Difficult, Mussolini clearly demonstrated how divided the socialist front were. In a worst case scenario there will be lot of violence and chaos in a short civil war but in the end the King army will prevail and all will be followed by some sort of very authoritarian 'democratic' goverment who will last some years.
But the more probable outcome of no Mussolini (so the Fascist will remain a divided phenonomenon who will quickly burn itself) will be a political stability akin to France with some more violence and the King who will take even more intrusion in the life of the various goverments.