Recent content by Mappa Mundorum

  1. Sidewise Nominees 2013

    They're up, on the front page at The long-form finalists are Doktor Glass, Thomas Brennan Expedition to the Mountains of the Moon, Mark Hodder The Cassandra Project, Jack McDevitt and Mike Resnick The Mirage, Matt Ruff Dominion, C.J. Sansom Of which...
  2. TL Description and Title Game

    Skins against Brownshirts The Russian revolution collapses in a fit of backstabbing in the late '20s, which is taken by the world at large as a demonstration of the impossibility of revolutionary communism. Democratic Socialism does much better in the absence of Red Scares, including...
  3. TL Description and Title Game

    The Global South Shall Rise Again Instead of firing on Fort Sumter, the Confederacy sends lawyers and the legality of secession is debated in the Supreme Court.
  4. TL Description and Title Game

    Is the Bear Catholic? American railroads end up siding with the southern states and standarizing on Russian gauge.
  5. AH Title and Description Game

    (I couldn't find head nor tail of anyone named 'Newsome' of political significance at all; I presume you meant Gavin, but I don't feel like FH so I'll go with his dad: ) William Newsom wins his State Senate run in 1968, starting a political career rather than his OTL judicial one. He goes on...
  6. Can slavery be ended peacefully?

    Allowing a peaceable secession (after a failed compromise of 18xx, dealer's choice), technically meets the challenge if the Northern states get to keep the 'United States' name and identity. And it may also be the key to a non-technical solution as well. An independent, impoverished, and...
  7. TL Description and Title Game

    Thinly Sliced Pagans A massive bomb is detonated at the site of the 1981 Oscar Award ceremony, killing, severely injuring, or disfiguring hundreds of the most famous people in America.
  8. AH Title and Description Game

    The Franco-Prussian War spreads to a general European conflict, channelling the developments of the Second Industrial Revolution in a decidedly military direction and causing many of the key new weapons of OTL's World War I to be deployed a generation earlier, although often in less effective...
  9. AH Title and Description Game

    Future History with Presidents Sasha and Malia Obama leading the US deep into the second American Century. Wehrwolves of London
  10. TL Description and Title Game

    (I think this is where to untangle this one from.) Paved With Good Intentions: The Road to the Greater Depression of 1999 The anti-prohibition movement rejects the idea of ratifying via state conventions, opting for the traditional state-legislatures method. This fails. Another attempt to...
  11. AH Title and Description Game

    Outmanuvered on the convention floor, McGovern is forced to accept Wallace as VP candidate. He still loses to Nixon, but much more closely, and butterflies stop Watergate from ever coming out, and there never is a Southern Strategy/full-scale realignment. Ford '76, Wallace '80, Anderson '84...
  12. TL Description and Title Game

    Pilgrims Prosper The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom manages to find enough European support to prevent Britain and France from intervening, and survives to establish a very uneasy peace with northern China, and later be one of the Central Powers in a World War I that is actually sparked there...
  13. TL Description and Title Game

    The Indus Runs Red Saddam Hussein is a confirmed kill during the tail end of the air campaign in the Iraq war, and the US and Coalition forces choose to quickly replace him with a puppet strongman rather than attempt a long occupation and nationbuilding process.
  14. TL Description and Title Game

    The Best Garment Is Righteousness Great Britain never adopts the Gregorian Calendar (nor does the US, Japan or China.) Also, without as strong a single standard, France retains the Revolutionary Calendar rather than returning to the Gregorian.
  15. AH Title and Description Game

    In 1643, After the death of Cardinal Alexandros, it is revealed that said Cardinal was in fact a woman who had, according to rational accounts and theories, been passing for male for decades. The church, unable to completely suppress the entire scandal, promotes an official line that the...