Recent content by octoberman

  1. Fatimids and Buyids convert Arab world and Iran to Shia Islam

    What if, after seizing power in Iran and the Arab world, the Buyids and Famitids began a campaign of forced conversion against the public ? In an effort to alter the demographic landscape such that Shia Islam would eventually overtake Sunni Islam as the predominant religion in the Middle East...
  2. Poland partitioned at Deluge

    What are the sources ?
  3. Fatimids and Buyids convert Arab world and Iran to Shia Islam

    Following their rise to power in Iran in the 16th century, the Safavid dynasty initiated a campaign of forced conversion against the Iranian populace, seeking to create a new demographic environment in which Shia Islam would replace Sunni Islam as the nation's religious majority. Over the course...
  4. Poland partitioned at Deluge

    In the Deluge Poland was invaded by Sweden and Russia. Sweden conquered Poland and Lithuania. Russia conquered Ukraine and Belarus. Yet the Polish carpathian held out. But Tsar Alexis felt he got short end of the stick and turned on Sweden. Poland used this to recovered their territories. So...
  5. Fate of Caesar, Parthia, and Egypt with no civil war?

    POD is that Julia( daughter of Caesar and wife of Pompey) has a son who is adopted as heir by Ceaser sealing his alliance with Pompey. To avenge Crassus invades Parthia with Pompey
  6. Rome conquers Seleucid Mesopotamia after Magnesia

    Rome defeated the Selecuid Empire at Magnesia. This defeat forced them to abandon Anatolia and pay crippling reparations to Rome. Later the Seleucid Empire succumbed to civil wars. The Parthians took advantage of this to take over most of their territory. But what if Rome went further and took...
  7. WI Scythians pull a mongol

    And Central Asian tribes wouldn't need much beuracracy since they would be governed by alliances
  8. Crusader States in the New World?

    how will the settlement be with serfdom still being dominant ?
  9. Democratic Party without Solid South by 40 acres and mule implemented

    It will be a lot if gathered from the whole community
  10. Would a Victorious Hannibal have come to Blows with the Carthaginian Senate?

    He would become the Emperor of Carthage and unrivalled in the Mediterranean conquering it. But it will fall apart after his death because of the mercenary nature of his Army
  11. Medieval Italy United by a Republic

    In Ancient times Rome rapidly unified Italy after developing the legions. It gave Rome access to a manpower pool unrivaled by any contemporary state and paved the way to the eventual Roman conquest of the entire Mediterranean world. Yet after Rome declined Italy became divided by various...
  12. WI Japan conquer China instead of Song

    Yet this time Korea is divided into three Kingdoms which makes conquest easier
  13. WI Japan conquer China instead of Song

    That is why I proposed a route via Korea