Recent content by Ramontxo

  1. Cubans vs Israel

    Some advisors are not 50.000 troops organised in two Divisions
  2. Cubans vs Israel

    As said above, the Cubans deploying in the middle east would be an massive No No for the Nixon administration. It is now far more difficult for Siria and Egypt to achieve the surprise they did in OTL and I suspect the White House would had sold an lot of weapons to Israel
  3. España No Ha Muerto: If Franco brought Spain into the Second World War

    The POD was in 1941, by that point the Basque Govermnet had been in control of Bizkaia and parts of Gipuzkoa and Araba until the fall of Bilbao, it (and the PNV) had close relations with the USA Goverment and the State Department (through people like Galindez* mentioned before) it dosent mean...
  4. A Second White Rose - Edmund, Earl of Rutland Survives

    About two widows marrying and their son and daughter doing the same in my humble opinion nothing in Catholic doctrine prevent it.
  5. The eagle's left head And
  6. Optimize German Army for WW1

    Very few due to petrol being scarce. But in 1914 any number of trucks (with an strategic reserve of petrol to back them) would have been invaluable
  7. Optimize German Army for WW1

    Open the army to the middle class aspiring officers that OTL went to the Navy. Reduce significantly the size of the said Navy (and so preventing the naval race with the UK) with the founds and manpower liberated form additional army corps and increase the number of trucks. And yes form...
  8. for WW3 stories: the Soviet dilemna about... French nuclear weapon or "Why the Rhine was the limit"

    So your take is that the people of Checoslovaquia, Hungary, East Germany or Poland would be convinced that the USSR was defending itself while invading Western Europe? And that after 1956 Budapest or 1968 Praga?
  9. A Second White Rose - Edmund, Earl of Rutland Survives

    And Basque BAIONAN KANTUZ - ENE MAITE KATTALIN - 23/02/2019 Edited to change the video
  10. A Second White Rose - Edmund, Earl of Rutland Survives

    Kattalin in other, small, language
  11. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    First thanks a lot for the info. Second if only...
  12. Spain during WW2 if Republicans won the Civil War?

    I strongly doubt she would be given that option.
  13. The eagle's left head

    Exactly, what was the problem?
  14. The eagle's left head

    And the wiki article (big surprise) is not that helpful. It explains how it developed far more than what the actual Theological differences were.
  15. WI: Government of India Act 1935 introduced in 1919

    The Indian Army in WW2 was an volunteer force. Any soldier serving in it did so without any compulsion