Recent content by Ricobirch

  1. Ricobirch

    What Goes Up Must Come Down: A Third Reich Cold War TL

    Here is the thread that discusses all of the kicks and bans. It's a pretty good wiki on what not to do.
  2. Ricobirch

    Under Center: The NFL In The New Millennium

    Well it was a good run. Taking a look a the 2017 QB draft class.....can't wait for that post.
  3. Ricobirch

    Under Center: The NFL In The New Millennium

    Why were they going for 2 if the score was tied?
  4. Ricobirch

    Under Center: The NFL In The New Millennium

    How is the league going to deal with the London travel issues? Are we going to see a realignment?
  5. Ricobirch

    Under Center: The NFL In The New Millennium

    Sorry if this was addressed in a previous post but what does the competition between the NFL & FFL for draft picks look like?
  6. Ricobirch

    Under Center: The NFL In The New Millennium

    I'm ecstatic that Nado got a ring. But I'm angry he wasn't wearing purple.
  7. Ricobirch

    Under Center: The NFL In The New Millennium

    Rest of the NBA: (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
  8. Ricobirch

    Under Center: The NFL In The New Millennium

    you see that Calcaterra? You're readers are crying out for a Bronco dynasty!
  9. Ricobirch

    Under Center: The NFL In The New Millennium

    And at least we still got Von.
  10. Ricobirch

    Under Center: The NFL In The New Millennium

    I'm a Bronco fan & I love DT(Best receiver in Bronco history not named Smith), but...dude had a tendency to look past catching the ball.
  11. Ricobirch

    Under Center: The NFL In The New Millennium

    Glad I can return a small part of the entertainment this thread has given me.
  12. Ricobirch

    Slow Drift to War Europe 1984

    Thanks Farmer, that helps a lot.
  13. Ricobirch

    Under Center: The NFL In The New Millennium

    Not sure how he fell so low but bless you for keeping Von in Orange.