Recent content by The Undead Martyr

  1. King Theodore's Corsica

    Big question is if France jumps in or not- their most obvious gain would be part of the AL, but that would only be on the cards if a desperate Vienna makes concessions. Other possibility is the Ottomans sparking another war with Russia.
  2. Realistically, how long could the Emirate of Sicily have lasted?

    The Emirate of Sicily ruled the island for about two centuries, eventually falling apart due to Italian naval supremacy, Norman adventurism, and political fragmentation. But was it truly doomed to fall apart? Sicily itself was not the only Muslim presence in Italy, but it was the most...
  3. Historical Discussion: The State of the Eastern Roman Empire Post-1204. Was 1204 Really the Start of the Decline?

    True, but these are not as distinct as one might think- the better analogy is driving recklessly on worn down tires and then getting your car wrecked. The "maintenance" contributed fairly directly to the collapse. Absent imperial weakness the Latins wouldn't have been able to show up and seize...
  4. Historical Discussion: The State of the Eastern Roman Empire Post-1204. Was 1204 Really the Start of the Decline?

    Pre-1204 was not exactly sunshine and roses, and even if 1204 was a massive shock that unmoored the Empire there is a reason that the total collapse came more than a century later (and the final fall a century after that). Conversely, 1204 itself was not a bolt from the blue, but a fire...
  5. WI: Castilian King killed in Aljubarrota?

    The aftermath of Aljubarrota was not exactly favorable to Castille as it was; nevertheless, the Castillians pressed the English out. I could see John being favored as an adult King from a fairly military prestigious dynasty, eminently desirable after such a massive disaster (and preferable...
  6. Visconti Power Vacuum: What happens if Gian Galeazzo dies without legitimate sons?

    Bernabo Visconti had a few sons still alive in 1402 and several daughters. Iirc Gian Galeazzo also fathered at least one bastard. Louis of Orleans would be Gian Galeazzo's choice (or more accurately Valentina and her consort), provided that Louis came and ruled Milan in his own right, rather...
  7. Medieval Italy United by a Republic

    I would suggest that a Roman republic is perhaps the most "likely" to become revanchist but it requires one to flex the definition of republic and consider the post-Carolingian political currents running through Italy and beyond. Specifically I think of the Tusculani, where Alberic of Spoleto...
  8. King Theodore's Corsica

    I think the unification of (Northern) Italy would be sufficient to prompt nationalist sentiment in Corsica.
  9. King Theodore's Corsica

    Is Corsica known for any spirits or wine? It'd be cool to have the Neuhoffs set up a royal Vinter or something.
  10. King Theodore's Corsica

    I would be ecstatic to get a Sons of the Harlot Enpresss reboot as a birthday/graduation/Christmas present next year.
  11. King Theodore's Corsica

    How are Naples, Venice, and the Papacy viewed by Corsica?
  12. King Theodore's Corsica

    I woild think that the Greek Corsicans could provide an avenue for ties to Thessaloniki's Jewish comminity.
  13. King Theodore's Corsica

    If nothing else, once the war ends I suspect London will want to ensure Corsica doesn't drown financially to maintain her influence there.
  14. No 'third phase' of Hundred Years War: Effects on France?

    If I recall, weren't the Yorks technically ahead of Henry Iv when he deposed Edward III? Regardless, they'd be an obvious rival.
  15. No 'third phase' of Hundred Years War: Effects on France?

    The English would support whichever side bribed them better. They intervened under Henry IV against the Armagnac, but didn't get the full payout of land. Henry V strongly favored Burgundy and eventually sided with them. A decisive victory over England is going to cement Armaganc power, so...