A Divided Shores - The Two Nations of North America

Opening Post and World Map as of 2023
A Divided Shores
Since the old thread is considered to be deprecated or no longer in use after four years that we're building on a worldbuilding project where we took over a year to build the world of where the Confederate States won the civil war/independence through joint Anglo-French peace mediation and survival of competent commanders and generals brought the conflict with the United States to an inconclusive standstill but the peace effort has made the Confederates, in general, achieved the means of fighting the independence or state's rights but note, I don't even condone or endorse or praise the Confederacy which is historically being viewed as a defender of the draconian institution that prevented non-whites from achieving full rights.

To be honest, I've been reading too much @CosmicAsh's Our Fair Country and These Fair Shores, @Planita13's A Shining Valley, @Onerom's Nobody Expects, @LeinadB93's Hail Britannia, @KaiserEmu's Of Droughts and Flooding Rains, and @Lewie's Good King George; and since there are three worldbuilding projects that I have been abandoned, I have to restart the beloved TTDN from a scratch and creating my own TL in mixed styles of realism. In the last few weeks or couple of months, I've been brainstorming and thinking about the trajectory since I made the point of divergence where generals such as Stonewall Jackson and Albert Sidney Johnston have both likewise survived which prevented the Confederacy Army from nothing more than a joke or a paper tiger after reckless defeats when each battle had ended in Union's favor that led to the end of the Confederate States. In fact, in my own TL, the survival of both competent generals has led to the survival of the Confederate States and inconclusive battles had splintered the Union's army units led to joint Anglo-French meditative efforts to push on pressuring the United States to recognize the independence of Confederacy, and its place in an altered world setting. I was inspired by @TastySpam's Dixieland: The Country of Tomorrow and @PGSBHurricane's Champions of Dixie.

The primary PoD of a restarted TTDN or A Divided Shores is the Confederate general named Stonewall Jackson has survived the encampment when in OTL, he was shot in the back as the Confederate Cavalry unit mistakenly shot him and Albert Sidney Johnston missed the incoming bullet from behind and the competent generals who were being placed on the inconclusive Battle of Glendale when they find a tricky strategy to tackle with the volley of Union units. The survival of both Stonewall and Sidney Johnston is that these two competent generals could lead the battle when they used an unknown strategy to attack the pursuing Union infantry, artillery, and cavalry units from the exposed flank and their plan was to splice the rear and to secure the passage route that led to escape routes for the Union army have been completely blocked, cutting off any avenues for escaping Union army units. The famed general named George McClellan who was the notable commander has not available and the appointment of an incompetent general had brought the Union's army performance to a lackluster move which led to the leaderless Army of the Potomac split or complete collapse when another round of defeats which had led to the Army of Virginia to further scuttle and was therefore unable to coordinate to mount a counterattack on incoming Confederate forces. The dismal and terrible performance of the leaderless Army of the Potomac and the disastrous retreat of the Army of Virginia has led the countries like the United Kingdom and France to push forward with the peace talks and ramp up economic pressure together with the Royal Navy's threats to initiate blockade of the Union-led ports.

Every comment, appreciation, question, suggestion, etc. is very welcome, and although the main "big events" and the general flow of the world are already mostly planned, there's plenty of room to include new content to flesh out this TL, so if you want to propose anything go ahead. And to begin with, I hereby present the world map as of the 1st of January, 2023.


I would also appreciate requests on which parts of the world would you like to know more about, so I can focus on them in the next sets of updates. Hope you like it and therefore this TL will be open to questions, suggestions, ideas, or outright contributions.
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Seems good! I'm a bit interested in Brazil, it seems to be doing quite well in the space industry but I wonder if it is doing as well economically or politically. Is it still the OTL main power of South America?
Very nice. I look forward to seeing what your world has to offer.
Yeah, it's graphically fantastic in this coming worldbuilding TL but I have to focus on building the infoboxes and maps in my next installment.
Seems good! I'm a bit interested in Brazil, it seems to be doing quite well in the space industry but I wonder if it is doing as well economically or politically. Is it still the OTL main power of South America?
Main power, but not on the global level since Brazil is still a regional power in Latin American affairs but a potential that they can become a global power that can play a crucial role in shaping Southern politics or the Global South geopolitics with no dictatorships jacking around unlike in the OTL.
Southern War of Independence/American Civil War; Abraham Lincoln
The Southern War of Independence or American Schism (April 12, 1861 - June 23, 1863; also known by other names) was a significant war of the American Schism. Widely considered the battle that secured the independence of the Confederate/Confederated States, fighting began on April 12, 1861, after the secession of states that had seceded over the issue of slavery, and the initial formation of the Confederacy. The British Empire and France recognized and diplomatically supported the seceding states and the central cause of the war was the dispute over whether slavery would be permitted to expand into the Western territories, leading to more slaveholding states, or their institutional practice being discontinued.

The roots of the conflict can be traced to Dredd Scott v. Sandford and the Harpers ferry raid, an effort by abolitionist John Brown in an attempt to incite a slave revolt in Southern states by taking over the United States arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia before the botched raid ended up as a failure when Brown's party of 22 were defeated by a company of U.S. Marines, led by First Lieutenant Israel Greene which led to ten raiders killed during the attempted raid, seven would be tried and executed afterward. Other causes can be traced back to the rise of abolitionism, the Missouri Compromise, the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, and the rise of States' rights have been major influencing factors that political alienation has led to increasing tensions between the Free North and Slaveholding South and these events such as the Harpers ferry raid and political fragmentation has eroded any attempts to seek compromise in the issues of slavery due to the influence of abolitionism that pitted their efforts against the Southern aristocracy and ways of life.

Despite finding ways to compromise, the rise of the Republican Party has further faded any attempts to reconcile with the already agitated Southern states. Lincoln's victory in the Elections of 1860 brought the tensions to a final straw, as the Southern states in response, seceded from the federal government such as South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. The federal government in the North in response to attempts to quell the secession ended with the first firing shots at Fort Sumter in South Carolina and in the following months in 1861, the states of Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee seceded, and February 4, 1861, Jefferson Davis holds another convention which led to the formation of the Confederated States. The Confederacy has likewise seized control of Northern-controlled forts and other assets within their borders.

During 1861-1862 in the war's Western Theater, the Union made significant gains before Johnston's counteroffensive, through in the war's Eastern Theater, the conflict was inconclusive. By the beginning of the mid-1862, tides had slowly turned in favor of the Confederacy as the tactics and competent planning while the Union Army made advantageous gains before the dismal Battle of Antietam where the Union forces suffered with a series of setbacks and inconclusive battles brought the battle to the standstill. Key Confederate victories such as Arlington, Baltimore, and York have led to the counteroffensive, a desperate move in an attempt to drive the Confederate forces out, which was successful but unable to deal with a string of retreats and defeats as the threat of British blockade and joint Anglo-French peace efforts has led to a renewed fears that a naval intervention could lead to the border between Canada and the United States, a potential battlefield. Some of the Union Army units have likewise already split off or scuttled after disastrous escapes and dismal performance cost Lincoln's presidency and the popularity of the Republican Party, following the Burning of Hanover, Pennsylvania during the retreat of the fleeing Union forces.

To plan for another counterattack to prevent the Confederates from taking the symbolic city of Philadelphia, various Union army units with excellent skill developed a tricky strategy that trapped numerous incoming forces under the Army of Northern Virginia and Army of Shenandoah, repelling the enemy attempts to take the city by force but it paralyzed the Union's Army of the Potomac due to high losses of infantry and cavalry numbers. Most of the fighting took place in Kentucky, Missouri, and Tennessee as both Union and Confederate armies grind down on each other in a series of battles and the Western Theater has brought to a standstill as there are numerous inconclusive battles and retreats as well as battles that repelled the attempted Confederate northward advance has forced Lincoln to engage with meditative talks with the seceding states. The Confederate and Union forces signed a ceasefire as the exhaustive and prolonged battles took a toll on soldiers and inflicted significant infrastructure damage, fighting died down on June 18, 1863, before the final Treaty of Halifax peace treaty has been signed on June 23, 1863, with a wave of surrenders followed. The conclusion of the Southern War of Independence lacks a clear and precise historical end date despite the obligations being told by the conditions of the said treaty, as the Confederate and Union forces continued fighting from June 23 until the end of 1863 and the treaty has led to the Panic of 1863 where stock markets have been collapsed caused by the economic cost of the war.

The Southern War of Independence/American Civil War is one of the most extensively studied and written episodes in Northern American history. It remains the subject of historiographical and cultural debate. The war has been ended which led to the recognition of the independence of the Confederated States as a sovereign nation and the Treaty of Halifax finalized the full peace treaty which ended hostilities between the Union and the Confederacy and formally transferred Kentucky and Indian Territory to the Confederacy in exchange for ceding northern portions of Virginia including Arlington to the Union while splitting the New Mexico territory between Confederate-held Arizona and Union-held New Mexico territory respectively. In the aftermath, the effects including the Panic of 1863 one of the factors that led to Lincoln's bitter loss in the 1864 presidential election to a Democratic opponent and former governor of New York Horatio Seymour, and the splintering of the Republican Party in the later decades into the Socialist (now Social Democratic) and Old Republicans as the Democratic Party had regained its national importance as the force of the American politics.
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Great to see this back!
Yeah, a bigger revival but this one will be open to anyone who can post suggestions, questions, and criticism about this TL. I'm planning on building a much more complex lore from the start of the PoD.
What's the current opinion of Honest Abe ITTL?
Diverge from the OTL, Abraham Lincoln is one of the most influential figures in American history and was one of the vocal opponents of institutional slavery and supporter of abolitionism as he entered the doorsteps of the Oval Office, he led the war then, since the PoD happens, a series of inconclusive battles, unanimous decisions, and terrible defeats has eroded the popularity as the Union Army performance has performed well but unable to defeat the competent units of the Confederate Army which led to splintering or collapse of the armies of the Potomac and Virginia. An episode of heightening tensions between the United Kingdom and the United States as well as the Royal Navy threat of blockade played a key factor in drowning the popularity of Lincoln even after the Burning of Hanover and incoming Confederate forces near the outskirts of Baltimore, Washington D.C., and Philadelphia has further even damaged Lincoln's credibility.

The Treaty of Halifax served as a devastating blow together with the Panic of 1863, meaning to say that the construction projects like the Transcontinental Railroad would be delayed for a year and financial difficulties would mean Russia was unable to sell Alaska to the United States until the discovery of both oil and gas has transformed the backward colony into a thriving and more prosperous in the Russian Empire where the draconian policies have brought dissidents and writers into further exile into Alaska. In the end, Lincoln lost to New York governor Seymour in the 1864 presidential elections and retired, yet he was still politically active and in the early 1880s, he was among the labor leaders and former Republicans to establish the Socialist, now Social Democratic Party of the United States.
The US sounds like a good place to live ITTL. The CSA not so much.
In the United States/the North, standards of living and economic and political outlook made the country much better unlike in the OTL.

For the Confederated States, it was just a trace of leftovers from the years of Walker's dictatorship where rampant historical revisionism remains a big problem even online as neo-Walkerist groups, especially those in the Whig Party have been kept on worshipping him as the 'Great Disciplinarian', owing to his policies such as National Redevelopment Plan, Great Miracle, and Morality Policy which costed their lives of LGBTQ+ and his infamous policy on cracking down on civil rights groups has kept the country further lagging behind in terms of freedom index. Think of Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and the Philippines.
Yeah, a bigger revival but this one will be open to anyone who can post suggestions, questions, and criticism about this TL. I'm planning on building a much more complex lore from the start of the PoD.
On that note perhaps an alternate version of one of the Pew Global Surveys- they do them to calculate global attitudes on social issues and the like- would be a good idea to flesh out public opinion in various countries.


Gone Fishin'
Has English diverged from OTL? I can't quite parse some of the grammar on the latest post. "First lunar city of reaching," "faces with the court," and "mistakeable decision" jumped out to me as I was reading.

Nice post though!

Edit: occurred to me first language may not be English. Didn't mean to insult
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Curious on the factions involved in the Mittelafrikan conflict.

Pro-government forces
  1. Mittelafrika/Republik Mittelafrika (Ngute's Faction) - pro-Commonwealth, pro-Western, national conservatism, Christian democracy, nationalism, and big tent
  2. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland/Commonwealth - both combat and humanitarian operations being conducted; backed Ngute's pro-government forces' attempts to save the staunch pro-Western/Commonwealth government from falling into the hands of Sangô Liberation Army, Army of African People's Liberation, Chadian Islamic Front, and Coalition for People's Change.
  3. Paul and Carla Friends - a notoriously and staunchly pro-Commonwealth mercenary unit operates from the United States providing security apparatus for serving Tripple Allied Coalition forces and humanitarian workers.
  4. Kingdom of Italy - became involved as the war progressed with a spillover attempt into the edge of Italian Libia which was repelled by contingent units of the Royal Italian Army and Air Force as the Islamic Front of Chadia and Arab Ba'athist Liberation Army made any attempted contact with the Front Libiano Patriotico, leading to countless terror attacks in Tripoli and shootouts in Milan.
Anti-government forces (far-left)
  1. Army of African People's Liberation - a notoriously far-left anti-colonialist group had turned into a guerilla group and anti-government forces. Notorious for using terrain, jungles, and other tactics to lengthen the continuous war in an attempt to exhaust the government and intervening country while trying to force them into a round table that is already stalled. Previously supported by the Soviet Union, Poland, Prussia, Mesopotamia, Iran, and India between 1965 to 1987 before the Long Ceasefire of 1988-2013 to establish a socialist state based on the ideals of Marxist and Leninist with pan-African character.
  2. Coalition for People's Change - the newest armed left-wing militia movement formed in around 2014 after the merger of National Rally, Radical People's Democratic, African Legionary Warriors, and Communist as well as armed groups into a unified and formidable anti-government and anti-Commonwealth forces which is responsible for continuing attacks on Western military convoys, pro-government civilians, humanitarian groups, and Western forces as well as corporations. Financially backed and militarily supported by the Chinese Legionary State, Ottoman Turkey, East Africa, and other former Soviet veterans.
Other anti-government forces
  1. Sangô Liberation Army - one of the key separatist forces operating within Mittelafrika with the clear goal of creating an independent Sangô-speaking state which also has the political arm of the Partei für die Freiesangô (PFS) operating in the country's politics before being shut out of power over the series of disagreements on creating Ngute's unified coalition and continued attacks on British humanitarian convoys. Their headquarters was in Bangui, the seat of the separatist forces long before Operation Dawn Thunder when the British managed to inflict devastating bombings on the rebel-held city. Currently, they are operating in eastern Kamerun and western Equatoria.
  2. Arab Ba'athist Liberation Army - another pan-Arab separatist army operating in Um Hadjier with its objectives of creating a Ba'athist Arab state. Notable for shooting down numerous Royal Air Force fighter drones and theft of the French and Commonwealth military supplies.
  3. Islamic Front of Chad/Islamische Front des Tschad - other active anti-government forces operating in Djoki and Biltine, controlled by Islamist militia with an extreme vision of creating an independent Sharia-based state in Chad which is responsible for attempted sieges in Abéché that failed and their forces have already faced with pushback during the recent counteroffensive. They also spilled the conflict over into the territory of Darfur, Sahel, and Egypt which drew the anticipated Egyptian counterattack, the French intervention, and LoN peacekeeping operations in Darfur from 2019.
Map of the United States and the Confederated States

NOTE: This is the first map that I made using the QGIS application which I took short time to convert into SVG when I edited it with colors, labels, and names. A twin colossus nation in North America is comprised of the United States and the Confederated States, two countries that had diverged apart since the PoD in 1861.
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