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  1. Could the Entente navies have forced the Dardanelles?

    Edward J Erickson goes into this in "Gallipoli: The Ottoman Campaign" pp22 to 29. Blames Churchill for propagating the "myth".
  2. Could the Entente navies have forced the Dardanelles?

    The Majestic class & the other pre-dreadnoughts were the fire-support vessels that remained offshore until they were sunk by subs & the Muavenet. They can't fulfil the role of battle fleet sailing to Constantinople, providing shore bombardment & be the transport for troops & supplies ( bit like...
  3. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    Take you time and follow the experts' advice - don't over do it! We can wait.
  4. Could the Entente navies have forced the Dardanelles?

    Yes, poorly phrased by me. The warships had more problems dealing with the mobile batteries as they moved (unlike the forts) and required both accurate spotting and indirect fire. The howitzers kept the minesweepers away. Yet the Inflexible had her bridge burnt out & foretop destroyed, so...
  5. Could the Entente navies have forced the Dardanelles?

    They didn't get as far as the Narrows, only as far as the bay before Chanak (Canakkale) where the 3 predreadnoughts were mined & lost; they did not penetrate past Chanak itself (where the pleasant ferry to Echeabat, which carries you across continents, runs today) and certainly not the actual...
  6. The Germans build carriers, instead of battleships, prior to WW2

    Conflated with Lutzow / Deutschland?
  7. Could the Entente navies have forced the Dardanelles?

    To be able to bring warships, let alone supply vessels or troop transports, they would have to hold both sides of the Straits beyond the Narrows right up to the Sea of Marmara. That is a lot of ground, especially on the Asiatic side where you would have an equally long land side to hold. The...
  8. British politics in a TL in which Hitler is assassinated in 1943

    Winning the war OTL didn't help Churchill & the Conservatives. My guess is that the blame will be laid at the feet of the pre-war National Government (overwhelmingly Conservative), and also the memories of pre-WW1. And there was no doubt who was Britain's war leader, with the number of...
  9. Is a successful 1918 Spring Offensive possible?

    Would add that a successful Spring Offensive in itself may not win the war: "The operation was a success. The patient died."
  10. Is a successful 1918 Spring Offensive possible?

    The Op asked about a successful Spring Offensive in 1918. Any POD prior to 21 March 1918 would change the conditions on that date - the strategic & tactical positions may vary, the front may well vary, and who says we will have a Spring Offensive, either at that time or never? Respectfully...
  11. Could Hungary have successfully defected in WWII?

    Romania defected. Slovakia too. Still ended up as Soviet puppets.
  12. Could the Entente navies have forced the Dardanelles?

    Yes, the navies could have forced the Dardanelles - and were on the point of doing so when they decided they couldn't - but could not move into the Sea of Marmara without ground support to: - Clear more batteries past the Narrows; Ensure that supplies to the fleet (coal, ammo, food) would not...
  13. British politics in a TL in which Hitler is assassinated in 1943

    The next General Election would not be held in 1945; the last General Election was in 1935, and the next had been due in 1940, but was postponed for obvious reasons. Certainly Labour called for an immediate cessation of the wartime coalition / national government in 1945 - and that with a...
  14. Delaunay's dream: A World Football Timeline

    I do love TL's where that great Dutch side gain the prize they deserved (twice).
  15. Malaya What If

    OK - I'll come clean - I'm a dreadnought floozie!
  16. Malaya What If

    Briggs (& Dundas) were, as you say, both on the compass platform, as per their evidence given at the Board of Enquiry in August 1941. Briggs testified that he could both see & hear the actions of the SGO, the Captain & the Admiral, and that Holland did not try to leave the bridge (and he uses...
  17. Malaya What If

    Holland deciding not to leave the ship when Hood blew up at Denmark Strait could be a similar example; Ted Briggs recalls him slumped despondently in his admiral's chair, making no move to join most of the evacuating bridge crew, with Captain Kerr standing alongside.
  18. Consequences of the collapse of the Soviet Union for the Pacific War

    I have to disagree. OTL Monty in '44 was well aware that Britain's manpower resources were running low, which is one reason he tried an awful lot of expensive battles using armour rather than infantry. AA regiments were being disbanded and sent to France as undertrained infantrymen. Also...
  19. WI: Kühlmann's "Peace Kite" Flies, a Negotiated End to WWI in 1917?

    By the time the British had gained control of contiguous territories which could make Rhodes's dream a reality, the financial state of the British economy made it pretty much impossible to complete linking up the bits that did exist. And, to be honest, would it have made much difference. If we...
  20. Marineflieger Kommando: MFK - Hitlers Fleet Air Arm

    A rational senior member of the Kriegsmarine? Whatever next? Seriously, a well-thought out and written chapter.