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  1. Schnozzberry

    The Highest Point of Perfection — A Monarchical USA timeline
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Revolt of the Regulators

    “…a horrid and unnatural Rebellion and War, has been openly and traitorously raised and levied against this Commonwealth, and is still continued, and now exists within the same, with design to subvert and overthrow the Constitution and Form of Government thereof which has been most solemnly...
  2. Schnozzberry

    If Buttercups Buzz'd After the Bee: The Rise and Fall of the American Empire

    Hello everyone! So, those of you who read my timeline Death of a Republic probably remember that I put that timeline on an indefinite hiatus because of stress over personal problems. The situation is broadly speaking resolved and faster than expected so I was able to resume work on Death of a...
  3. Schnozzberry

    Death of a Republic (A monarchical USA timeline)
    Threadmarks: 1. The Beginning of the Beginning

    Hello everyone, I don't know what quite to say for an introduction as this is my first post here. Anywho, I've been tinkering with a timeline for a while, so I figured writing it up here would be a good idea. Any and all criticism is welcome. Enough blabbering, here's the timeline. "We are...