mongol empire

  1. GameBawesome

    Q: Attempts to reunify the Mongol Empire

    The Mongol Empire was one of the largest empires in history. Stretching from Asia to Europe. However, the empire divided, becoming four Khaganates, which in turn disintegrated into smaller nations. The question is, were there any attempts to reunify the Mongol Empire, serious or even thought...
  2. Western Europe: No Mongols

    (The timeline this is for.) What would the politicial, economic, and social situation be in Western Europe if the Mongol hordes never arose? Please no regurgitaton of the Chaos TL. Holy Roman Empire's situation. Consequences of a unified Poland (by the Silesian Piasts) on the HRE. Effect on the...
  3. Storms of the Eternal Blue Sky: The Yuan Restoration

    What if the Northern Yuan retook northern China, and restored the Yuan dynasty? Mongol TLs are relatively rare, especially ones post-Yuan or post- the collapse into independent khanates, so I'd though I'd start my first TL based on the POD of 1517, where in OTL, despite the odds, the Ming...
  4. Gothicus

    WI: Nogai Khan Becomes Roman Emperor?

    Nogai Khan, the de facto ruler of the Golden Horde in the late 13th century, was a very unique figure among Mongol warlords and he had a very interesting history with the Byzantines under Emperor Michael VIII. After a short raid into Thrace in 1265, Michael gave him his daughter’s hand in...
  5. Subutai died in 1240

    For whatever reason (he was in mid 60s then, so his death from natural cases should not be surprise for anyone) Subutai, one of greatest Mongol generals, dies in December 1240. It is after conquest of Ruthenian principalites, but before Mongoł invasion of Hungary and Poland. Considering the...
  6. WI: Börte never kidnapped

    The abduction of Börte by the Merkit is considered by many scholars to be one of the defining events in the life of Temüjin, who would later be known as Genghis Khan. These scholars contend that it moved him along the path towards becoming a conqueror. What if this kidnapping had failed, or had...
  7. Iron_Lord

    WI: Order of Assassins kill Möngke Khan The Order of Assassins were a Islamic State in the Levant that specialise in assassination, Gurrila warfare and phycological warfare to fight States larger and more powerful then them. Map of the Levant, Assassins shown in white above the Country...
  8. Gothicus

    Mongol Byzantium

    The idea of the Mongols (or an independent Mongol warlord) taking over Constantinople, adopting Greek traditions, converting to Orthodoxy, and subsequently establishing a new Eastern Roman dynasty during the 13th century is commonly brought up, but how and when could this happen, and who could...
  9. Mr_Fanboy

    AHC/WI: Mongols take Constantinople

    Simple enough question: how possible would it have been for Mongol invaders (either in the form of the Golden Horde or the Ilkhanate) to have seized Constantinople during the 13th century? What might be a plausible series of events leading to this? Depending on when such a siege would occur...
  10. WI: The Mongols invade Europe a year earlier

    The story that the Mongol invasion of Europe failed to reach the Atlantic because of the death of Ögedei Khan is a popular one, but I find it to be unlikely, due to the vast distances that messengers would have to travel. I'm more inclined to believe the theory that they withdrew because of...
  11. GameBawesome

    WI: Khutulun becomes Khan/Khatun

    Khutulun, the famous Mongol warrior-princess who was a wrestler and a fierce warrior. She was her father’s (Kaidu) favorite child, whom he sought political advice and support. Accounts say that her father, wanted her to be his heir, but her male relatives rejected it, and in 1306, she died...
  12. AHC: Mongols restore Ayyubids to Egypt

    In the mid-13th century the Ayyubids still existed but had been pushed to Syria by the Mamluks who established their sultanate in Cairo. Ayyubids were weakened and defeated by the Mongols, but some Ayyubid emirs sided with the Mongols, which ultimately led to their discredit and decline when the...
  13. Challenge: Christian mongol khanates

    The Mongol Empire was the greatest empire of the history in contiguous landmass, and was succeeded by four khanates after its dismembered: the Yuan dinasty of China, the Golden Horde, the Ilkhanate and the Chagatai khanate. Your challenge is this: make at least two of this khanates convert to...
  14. Etruscan-enthusiast35

    Get the Mongols further into Europe

    Exactly as the title says, what would it have taken to get the Mongol Empire to successfully push further west into Europe than Ukraine?
  15. No Gengis Khan and No black plague

    What if the two most devastating events in the medieval era, namely the rise of the Mongol empire and the spread of the plague, never happened? How would Eurasia develop without the fear of the Mongol hordes? How do trade, international relations and demography change?
  16. WI: More direct Mongolian settlement in the Golden Horde?

    The Turco-Mongol tradition in the Golden Horde was primarily established by the acculturation of Cumans and Kipchaks, creating the Tatars as the predominant group inheriting the political and legal institutions of the Mongols while having a Turkic culture. Later, the Golden Horde was fully...
  17. The Lethargic Lett

    DBWI AHC: Butterflies needed for this massive Asian Empire?

    Found this unlabeled map on an Alternate History forum in a pre-1900 forum. It looks like a classic case of a ridiculously large space-filling empire in a TL where Asia isn't the focus, but just for the sake of it, is there any way to create this Empire? My first instinct is to say that it's a...
  18. Incanian

    AHC Genghis Khan II Conquers Tibet

    If you know don't know the story of Roman Von Ungern Sternberg....what the hell have you been doing with your life? Learn about him. I and a lot of the Kaiserreich community call him Genghis Khan II Anyways, after he conquered Mongolia, Lenin saw he was the only threat to the Soviets now, and...
  19. Incanian

    There's More Out In The Plains Than You Think.........

    After Genghis Khan's death, Genghis Khan's tomb was carried to an unknown place in the Mongolian Plains. It was said that rivers were diverted to cover his tomb, and dozens of trees were planted to blend his tomb with the environment, so no one could find his body, however, this is not proven...
  20. Gukpard

    AHC make Yuan (mongol) China to last until modern day

    I wrote mongol to not cause confusion with Yuan Shikai Empire of the 1900s. The Yuan dynasty is known as one of the most unpopular and illegitimate dynasties on Chinese history, and so I have a historical challenge: Have the Yuans to last until modern day in power. The only point that is...