
  1. Erich von Manstein defects to the Soviets after the Battle of Kursk

    Erich von Manstein after the defeat at Kursk and seeing how the initiative has completely passed to the Soviets, decides that now is a great time to switch sides, so he takes a truck and drive it straight to Soviet lines with a white flag attached on top, as he gets into contact with Soviet...
  2. TheDoofusUser

    WI : Mao dies in the 1950s but Stalin survives another Decade, what happens to China and the USSR

    so I've been reading a few threads on what if Mao died and if Stalin lived another decade and so, I've come to ask everyone here this question - What if it was Mao, not Stalin, who died on that day in 1953. Who is his immediate successor? Is there a possible way for China to leap slowly but...
  3. Did the Soviet Union plan to annex Finland during the Winter War?

    Very quick question because I cannot find a definite answer to this, when Stalin first invaded Finland, did he had in mind to annex the entire state, to sort of restore the Grand Duchy of Finland in a red coat of paint as a new Finnish SSR? because it seems that after it was made clear that the...
  4. AHC/WI : People's Republic of China perceived as more of a threat than the USSR?

    What if the People's Republic of China was taken more seriously and a bigger threat than the Soviet Union and the WARPAC ? Could have it happened? What if there wasn't a thaw between China and the USA?
  5. DarkoRatic

    RSFSR with real Autonomy

    For example, since the RSFSR in our timeline had no anthem nor a branch party of the CPSU and KGB of its own, and most of the institutions were under direct control of the central state of the USSR, what if Khrushchev or Brezhnev had introduced them, would it have influenced the course of USSR...
  6. WI: Soviet Rump State after Violent Collapse

    Let's say that rather than Gorbachev a hardliner takes over (say Ligachyov) who clamps down on liberalism and in a last ditch attempt to avoid instability embraces neo-stalinist totalitarianism. This fails and order completely breaks down into the Second Russian Civil War that lasts until the...
  7. If the USSR had successfully reformed in 1991 and made peace with the USA, what events could spark a second cold war in 2005?

    In "Project: Vigilant", my alt-history project, the planners of the August Coup all conveniently died in a plane crash and Gorbachev's "New Union Treaty" was successfully signed on August 20th, 1991 between the supportive SSRs. Likewise, in P.V, the name "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics"...
  8. Nixon wins in 1960- 1969 Sino-Soviet War?

    So, the PoD may be that Nixon nominates Thruston Morton as his VP and performs a bit better in Southern States managing to win narrowly defeat JFK. In 1961 he orders a full-blown invasion by US Army after a Tonkin-like provocation instead of what JFK did IRL. Castro is toppled and there is no...
  9. Omnicide: World War III In 1953
    Threadmarks: Opening

    "1941 was not the worst, oh no. And 1945 was not the end. All we went through together was meaningless. Those desperate, brutal battles against the fascists in the long first summer of the war, the bitter cold outside Moscow and Stalingrad, and our heroic march to Berlin- none of it mattered...
  10. Rosa Luxemburg leads USSR

    Although many people think that Rosa Luxemburg is German,in fact she was born in Poland,in the then Russian empire.What would have happened if she had remained connected to Russia and not moved to Germany and participated in the October Revolution?Would she have collaborated with Lenin?And let's...
  11. The Century of the Common Man
    Threadmarks: The War Ends

    The War Ends Henry Wallace was, for the First American Republic an unusual President, a progressive New Dealer he was to the left of much of the political establishment and easily the second most popular politician in the country, second only to his President; Franklin Roosevelt. When Roosevelt...
  12. VadisDeProfundis

    AHQ: Succession of Brezhnev

    Leonid Brezhnev's health problems were evident to all those who were close to him, and in the politburo. In 1981, apparently most in the central committee had realised that the general secretary didn't have long to live, and were looking for a successor. As we all know, IOTL the position went to...
  13. A hardliner ATL Soviet Union doesn't withdraw from Afghanistan, results?

    I find it confusing to what could happen Afghanistan if the Soviets never had withdrawn. And I have read these threads and...
  14. What if the Warsaw Pact nations were able to reform?

    In this timeline, the USSR end up being less controlling of their satellite states in Europe. The Soviets don't remove Imre Nagy from power in Hungary leading them to avoid the Hungarian Revolution. Soviet leadership also decides to make a compromise with Czechoslovakia and does not invade them...
  15. WI 1979 Soviet Anthrax Leak kills hundreds of thousands?

    Instead of the unpopulated suburb, the plume of anthrax spores goes the other direction directly over the city of Yekaterinburg killing tens perhaps even hundreds of thousands. So this is essentially Chernobyl 7 years early, except a million times worse caused by the Soviet offensive biowarfare...
  16. Soviet attack on Francoist Spain in 1945?

    In the immediate aftermath of World War II, Truman, Churchill and Stalin discussed their stance vis-à-vis Spain at the Postdam Conference, but did not reach an agreement on immediate action (more than internationally ostracising Spain). I believe Churchill was vocal against any kind of...
  17. Ryker of Terra

    Non-purged Red Army vs Wehrmacht?

    So the way I understand it, Soviet armed forces were seeing some serious innovation as regards military theory during the 1920s-30s. Not only was the Red Army rapidly modernizing, Soviet commanders were also theorizing how to best make use of it, and they came up with Deep Operation/Deep Battle...
  18. How would a possible USSR victory in the Cold War come about and result?

    With any POD (or PODs) from 1945 to 1991, what would need to happen for: - No dissolution of the Soviet Bloc or the Soviet Union - Socialism in one form or another becomes the mainstream, most common, iddeology - The USA falls in a similar way to the USSR (divided into several nations) with...
  19. Kurd Gossemer

    Europe and the rest of the world without WW2.

    The pod is simple: Hitler dies from his wounds after being blinded by mustard gas on WW1 and never enters politics, meaning that while there's several far right-wing groups causing troubles they never get to wield any serious power outside of working as a block. So for Germany there's no war as...
  20. Kurd Gossemer

    Revanchist Non Nazi Germany starts WW2, can they win?

    The premise is very simple, instead of the Nazis being the ones in power, it's the same Weimar Republic but with a leading party who also controls the parliament for the whole war for simplification sake's and they have just started WW2 by invading Poland after a secret deal with the USSR to...