Could we see a detailed look at what is going on in Italy around this time. They are a Great Power and a CEW-combatant, and have had the least amount of exploration of their internal politics, economy and military.
I really would love to see some more about the homefront of the Union and CSA during the war as well as some stuff on the use of propaganda on both sides. This is going to be all the more important in the case of the CSA - because keeping the citizenry united in the face of the Union sinking into the Confederate's exposed belly right now is going to be interesting to say the least. I' also looking forward to the Confederate elections and seeing whatever poor SOB is left holding the bag here (how would the election work in areas occupied by the Union? My gut would say that such areas just won't be voting - but what would happen to Congressional elections in districts totally occuped by the Union? Also, does this help further undermine the legitimacy of the government. On the other hand, I could see the Union actually working to maintain some semblence of normalcy in the occupied territory by allowing the election to still happen - good propaganda after all. Though if Union-occupied districts start strangly producing a flood of pro-peace candidates, Richmond may not be seating said representatives! ;) )
Since Persia and DEI doesn't have too much updates, they would be a good start for one.(Especially how Persia developes without Reza Khan/ Indonesia without Japanese would be interesting..)
Updates on reactions of Gandhi Bose and Nehru on Ghadar would be interesting too I guess..
Piggybacking off of that but what has happened in Japan over the past decade or so? I can’t seem to remember when the last update was.
Could we see a detailed look at what is going on in Italy around this time. They are a Great Power and a CEW-combatant, and have had the least amount of exploration of their internal politics, economy and military.
Agreed; it would be interesting to see how Giolitti’s attempt to sideline the Socialists has panned out.
Can someone help me remember if we got a map from Africa? I can't remember if the Scramble happened, what I do remember is that the British are still in Nigeria and the Boers republics survived; if it didn't then this can lead to very interesting geopolitical developments from the African countrie trying to modernize and the industrialized powers wanting their resources.
Can someone help me remember if we got a map from Africa? I can't remember if the Scramble happened, what I do remember is that the British are still in Nigeria and the Boers republics survived; if it didn't then this can lead to very interesting geopolitical developments from the African countrie trying to modernize and the industrialized powers wanting their resources.
In the last update Portugal still retains control of the territories outlined in the “pink map” but they’re also finding it hard to exploit it bc of financial difficulties; I think it’s implied that Britain, France or Germany could take it out from under them.
My thinking on the Spanish Caribbean is that on the one hand, a union of Cuba, PR and SD would be a legitimate force in Latin America; on the other hand, having exited out from under control of Madrid, Puerto Ricans, for instance, would probably start chafing pretty rapidly at being dominated from Cuba, since Havana would rapidly emerge as the political, cultural and economic heart of such a union. So my instinct would be three separate states that are nonetheless in some kind of mutual commonwealth with a customs and passport union with a central body to coordinate policy and cooperation; weaker than the EU, stronger than the OAS/OTL Commonwealth. We'd probably see something like this emerge in the successor states of Atlantic Canada, too.
I agree; ultimately, a union of the 3 islands would be unworkable. Cuba is simply far too large and rich compared to the other two that it would dominate the whole thing, breeding resentment that would only be exacerbated by the physical distances involved. That being said, that doesn't at all mean that Madrid wouldn't try to force such an arrangement anyway, using the same reasoning that you've presented; there's plenty of precedent for that sort of naive thinking (see East Pakistan , or, much more relevantly, the West Indies Federation).
With that in mind, I wanted to open the floor to any requests on content for the 1915-17 cycle that I may not have considered in my notes, since I was so focused on getting to May of 1915 that my notes from here on out are (once again - not the first time this has happened!) thin.
We've just passed the OTL point when Venezuela made its first oil discovery; if that has still happened on schedule then that would be worth a check in.

Another place I think worth checking in on, even if I doubt they'd be too affected by the war, is Hawaii, which has kept its independence IIRC.
One thing I have been wondering is how the German SPD will do come the 1918 elections. They won 106 seats in the Reichstag TTL in 1913, and 110 seats on 35% of the vote in 1912 OTL. They likely have the same percentage of votes and underperformed relative to total vote percentage versus seats. I could see a gain of 20-30 seats based on how their voting patterns are concentrated.
I really would love to see some more about the homefront of the Union and CSA during the war as well as some stuff on the use of propaganda on both sides. This is going to be all the more important in the case of the CSA - because keeping the citizenry united in the face of the Union sinking into the Confederate's exposed belly right now is going to be interesting to say the least. I' also looking forward to the Confederate elections and seeing whatever poor SOB is left holding the bag here (how would the election work in areas occupied by the Union? My gut would say that such areas just won't be voting - but what would happen to Congressional elections in districts totally occuped by the Union? Also, does this help further undermine the legitimacy of the government. On the other hand, I could see the Union actually working to maintain some semblence of normalcy in the occupied territory by allowing the election to still happen - good propaganda after all. Though if Union-occupied districts start strangly producing a flood of pro-peace candidates, Richmond may not be seating said representatives! ;) )
I'm still trying to figure out how the (insert appropriate obscenities & profanities here) anyone could hold a legitimate election in Kentucky at this point. (In my head, the Confederacy controls about 8-10% of Kentucky at this point, mostly within 100 miles of the Virginia State Line.)
An interesting turn would be Cuba, PR, and Santo Domingo released as a union and then Cuba, which resisted Spain for so long, fights an imperialist war to suppress PR and Santo Domingo to continue their Carribean Union when PR and Santo Domingo try to break free..
I'm still trying to figure out how the (insert appropriate obscenities & profanities here) anyone could hold a legitimate election in Kentucky at this point. (In my head, the Confederacy controls about 8-10% of Kentucky at this point, mostly within 100 miles of the Virginia State Line.)
The state legislature could select the electors maybe? In the former thread I mentioned the example of CO, whose legislature did this in OTL's 1876.
The state legislature could select the electors maybe? In the former thread I mentioned the example of CO, whose legislature did this in OTL's 1876.
This idea brought up one thing I just realized and I'm not sure if it was clarified.

South Carolina chose its electors in the legislature (no popular vote) right up until 1860. Did they keep doing this post-secession, and if so for how long?
I love everything about these updates and if I'm feeling your implications correctly than I am wanting the outcome you (maybe) have planned :D

One question, is there a Kingdom of Cuba in the future of this timeline? O:
Since Persia and DEI doesn't have too much updates, they would be a good start for one.(Especially how Persia developes without Reza Khan/ Indonesia without Japanese would be interesting..)
Updates on reactions of Gandhi Bose and Nehru on Ghadar would be interesting too I guess..
Following Gandhi in South Africa is a long term plan of mine that may wind up in the EU thread

But, yes. Persia needs more love. I just haven’t quite cracked the code there beyond “the Qajar continue” and “Mossadegh, but not hagiographic”
Could we see a detailed look at what is going on in Italy around this time. They are a Great Power and a CEW-combatant, and have had the least amount of exploration of their internal politics, economy and military.
Agreed; it would be interesting to see how Giolitti’s attempt to sideline the Socialists has panned out.
I do need more attention to Italy - thankfully, there’s lots of runway up to the CEW to do it!
I really would love to see some more about the homefront of the Union and CSA during the war as well as some stuff on the use of propaganda on both sides. This is going to be all the more important in the case of the CSA - because keeping the citizenry united in the face of the Union sinking into the Confederate's exposed belly right now is going to be interesting to say the least. I' also looking forward to the Confederate elections and seeing whatever poor SOB is left holding the bag here (how would the election work in areas occupied by the Union? My gut would say that such areas just won't be voting - but what would happen to Congressional elections in districts totally occuped by the Union? Also, does this help further undermine the legitimacy of the government. On the other hand, I could see the Union actually working to maintain some semblence of normalcy in the occupied territory by allowing the election to still happen - good propaganda after all. Though if Union-occupied districts start strangly producing a flood of pro-peace candidates, Richmond may not be seating said representatives! ;) )
The clusterfuck of the 1915 elections will come up soon, fear not good sir

Can someone help me remember if we got a map from Africa? I can't remember if the Scramble happened, what I do remember is that the British are still in Nigeria and the Boers republics survived; if it didn't then this can lead to very interesting geopolitical developments from the African countrie trying to modernize and the industrialized powers wanting their resources.
In the last update Portugal still retains control of the territories outlined in the “pink map” but they’re also finding it hard to exploit it bc of financial difficulties; I think it’s implied that Britain, France or Germany could take it out from under them.
@Belka DNW heres your answer
I agree; ultimately, a union of the 3 islands would be unworkable. Cuba is simply far too large and rich compared to the other two that it would dominate the whole thing, breeding resentment that would only be exacerbated by the physical distances involved. That being said, that doesn't at all mean that Madrid wouldn't try to force such an arrangement anyway, using the same reasoning that you've presented; there's plenty of precedent for that sort of naive thinking (see East Pakistan , or, much more relevantly, the West Indies Federation).

We've just passed the OTL point when Venezuela made its first oil discovery; if that has still happened on schedule then that would be worth a check in.

Another place I think worth checking in on, even if I doubt they'd be too affected by the war, is Hawaii, which has kept its independence IIRC.
My plan is to go deeper on Venezuela post-GAW, especially as Franco-German tensions rise… more to come
One thing I have been wondering is how the German SPD will do come the 1918 elections. They won 106 seats in the Reichstag TTL in 1913, and 110 seats on 35% of the vote in 1912 OTL. They likely have the same percentage of votes and underperformed relative to total vote percentage versus seats. I could see a gain of 20-30 seats based on how their voting patterns are concentrated.
Wont quite be a 20-30 seat gain but math for the Drehung will keep getting more and more complicated
I'm still trying to figure out how the (insert appropriate obscenities & profanities here) anyone could hold a legitimate election in Kentucky at this point. (In my head, the Confederacy controls about 8-10% of Kentucky at this point, mostly within 100 miles of the Virginia State Line.)
It’s just ten dudes out in the hollers near Harlan voting at this point lol
The state legislature could select the electors maybe? In the former thread I mentioned the example of CO, whose legislature did this in OTL's 1876.
That’s actually not a bad solution (and seems pretty on brand for the CSA frankly)
This idea brought up one thing I just realized and I'm not sure if it was clarified.

South Carolina chose its electors in the legislature (no popular vote) right up until 1860. Did they keep doing this post-secession, and if so for how long?
Don’t see why they wouldn’t have, especially considering how tight of a leash Tillman had over his home state at one point
An interesting turn would be Cuba, PR, and Santo Domingo released as a union and then Cuba, which resisted Spain for so long, fights an imperialist war to suppress PR and Santo Domingo to continue their Carribean Union when PR and Santo Domingo try to break free..
the East Pakistan example!

That’d get gnarly but interesting to explore. Haiti would be right in the thick of it, too.
I love everything about these updates and if I'm feeling your implications correctly than I am wanting the outcome you (maybe) have planned :D

One question, is there a Kingdom of Cuba in the future of this timeline? O:
And what outcome is that?
Wont quite be a 20-30 seat gain but math for the Drehung will keep getting more and more complicated
I mean if the SPD continues getting the votes it got IOTL and seems to have gotten ITTL as well there's only so long the conservative establishment can ice them out before the dam breaks (obviously not anything resembling Belgium, but there's gonna be an SPD chancellor eventually unless the party self-immolates or something and someone gonna have to get their head out of the sand eventually).
Don’t see why they wouldn’t have, especially considering how tight of a leash Tillman had over his home state at one point
South Carolina still elected its electors via legislature in 19-fucking-15.
There are textbooks ITTL that actually say that.
Southern political leadership without the federal government to rein its most batshit ideas must truly be something to behold, man.
I sort of like the idea (horrible as it would be in reality) of their being the GAW, the CEW, and following that, some massive East Asian War or Eastern Seas War. I know we've had the Alt!Boxer Rebellion and China is potentially in a worse place now than it is OTL, but I'm still hoping on catching a glimpse of some of the more colourful and fascinating figures of the OTL Chinese Warlord Era. Do we end up meeting figures like Wu Peifu, Zhang Zuolin, Chen Jiongming, Feng Yuxiang, Yan Xishan, any of the Ma warlords, and heaven forbid, the Dogmeat General Zhang Zongchang? Do any of them affect the timeline in a meaningful way?

Or do none of them exist because they were born after the POD?
I know we've had the Alt!Boxer Rebellion and China is potentially in a worse place now than it is OTL
Do you know about the atl Boxer Rebellion from the prologoue or have you read the original thread?
Cuz the snswers are different for each scenarios.
Sorry if it sounds rude.
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Actually pretty interested in the state of social movements under paternalistic conservatism, particularly France - for instance, is there such a thing as feminism or suffragism? Where are we on trade unions, official or otherwise? Maybe something on the status of Jews? Colonial policy and experiences might also be engaging if you think they'd be different enough, especially with all the butterflies in Asia.

Alternately, would be interested in the Catholic Church and its dynamics given that it's in a way stronger ideological position but probably has more concerns about its independence. Could be a broad view, a more European perspective, or more specifically Catholicism in wartime America. Very intrigued.
@KingSweden24 Germany winning against France in the CEW (I almost always like when Germany is good except when Nazi) and the aforementioned possibility of a Dominion/Kingdom of Cuba in personal union with the Spanish Hohenzollerns.... mmph
Its nice to come back after a busy week or so and have plenty updates to catch up on! great stuff, Chile in for a rough time it seems, i can see that civil war being pretty savage.
In terms of what people want to see i agree with @DanMcCollum i think homefront updates are actually a great way of letting us know how the war front is going without you having to write the slog of actual battles etc!
On the other hand i do really want to read about the Confederates taking L after L going forward. I thirst for slaver tears