Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

I guess it depends on who the next republican president is. If it's a moderate like Shirley Temple Black or another I could see them be like, "Leave well enough alone." But if the next republican is anything like Reagan then I guess we could expect them to try to pass laws like that.
Which is why I would like to propose to Mr. President that in the TTL 1984 election, the GOP nominated either Senator Jesse Helm, Senator Paul Laxalt, or Representative Phyllis Schlafy (she did run an insurgent campaign that almost cost Bush Sr. his nomination in 76) as their presidential candidate, running on a campaign of "the only thing Ronnie did wrong was losing the election" and "Ronnie lost because he was not conservative enough." Given RFK's popularity and their nomination angering Romneyites and possibly even Nixonites in the party, the GOP would suffer a landslide defeat like Walther Mondale and the Democrats in the OTL 1984 election. That way, after such a staggering car crash, the moderates in the party would have enough will and momentum to sideline the Reaganites and Buckleyites in the party.
Late (again) but again terrific update. While in theory the nuclear freeze sounds good if it is one sided it would be terrible.

As a agnostic person I don't really have an opinion on religion or Christianity.

That cliffhanger sounds alarming 😳

Also what's MLK been doing? Since civil rights has more or less been accomplished, is there anything else he is fighting for now?
Indeed. It does lead to the question on whether Sweden and Finland will join NATO in this timeline, given the Soviets's demonstrated that they do not honor the territorial integrity of neutral countries.
I agree. Especially both being smaller countries with a much less stronger military compared to the Soviet Union
I meant since then
The President and other commenters could correct me on this, but from my recollection of the timeline, MLK, after the success of the civil rights movement, shifted his focus and energy to economic inequality, becoming a champion of the basic income program. He unfornately passed away in 1976.

Edit: ninja'ed by the President himself
Indeed. It does lead to the question on whether Sweden and Finland will join NATO in this timeline, given the Soviets's demonstrated that they do not honor the territorial integrity of neutral countries.
No, Sweden and Finland wouldn't be joining NATO anytime soon, especially in Cold War years.

Sweden was very rigid in regards to it's neutrality policy, whilst Finland was not only officially neutral, but there was also "Finlandization" and the Finnish-Soviet Treaty of 1948 to consider.

But either way, will be looking forward to seeing what the Hårsfjärden War entails (the wording and hints in other chapters seems to indicate that this is not maybe a mere incident between Sweden and the Soviet Union, but something that grows into a major crisis).


Harsfjarden was a relatively minor incident in real life so I'm curious how it blows up here. Able Archer occurred in 1983.
MLK lives until 1976, when he passes away from complications of cardiovascular disease. I've read several sources claiming that his doctors believed he was fairly unhealthy while alive. Without being assassinated here, he lives eight more years.
I can see that, he didn't look 39 when he died and it sadly wouldn't shock me if he were ill. At least this time he lived to see a world that if not actually his dream come true is at least on the way.
MLK lives until 1976, when he passes away from complications of cardiovascular disease. I've read several sources claiming that his doctors believed he was fairly unhealthy while alive. Without being assassinated here, he lives eight more years.
I’d say that’s a reasonable guess as to when MLK would have died of natural causes; he was not a healthy man.
Yeah, Senator Goldwater actually had a grandson who was gay.
For a politician who became the leading figure of Republican Party's Conservative Wing, I didn't expect him to be an ally of the LGBT+ Community. Did his fellow members of the party were shocked that they heard this news? Would he support President RFK's plan to put research funds on AIDS Epidemic ITTL? Would Senator Helms bully him because his grandson is Gay and accepts for who he is? What would the Americans would say that he's fighting for the rights of the LGBT+ Community after having conservative rhetoric? It didn't cross my mind and still can't believe that he's supporting them and have every human rights to exist.
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For a politician who became the leading figure of Republican Party's Conservative Wing, I didn't expect him to be an ally of the LGBT+ Community. Did his fellow members of the party were shocked that they heard this news? Would he support President RFK's plan to put research funds on AIDS Epidemic ITTL? Would Senator Helms bully him because his grandson is Gay and accepts for who he is? What would the Americans would say that he's fighting for the rights of the LGBT+ Community after having conservative rhetoric?
For your information, while Barry Goldwater does became infamous historically as "Mr. Conservative," that's actually a misconception. He's not conservative; he's a Libertarian. The type that wanted to decrease government's intervention or power while at the same time being socially moderate or even liberal. Meaning tending towards fiscal conservatism and social libertinism. The type that will vote on the decriminalization or legalization of Marijuana and other softcore drugs but either not propose or vote against anti-discrimination bills.
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For your information, while Barry Goldwater does became infamous historically as "Mr. Conservative," that's actually a misconception. He's not conservative, he's a Libertarian. The type that wanted to decrease government's intervention or power while at the same time being socially moderate or even liberal. The type that will vote on the decriminalization or legalization of Marijuana and other softcore drugs but either not propose or vote against anti-discrimination bills.
Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t he much more of a standard law-and-order conservative in the 60s who shifted more libertarian in the 70s/80s, and his big issue with the GOP was letting preachers start having input on policy?
Interesting questions! I admit to needing to do a bit more research before I write up anything official on this front. Would you be interested in writing a guest post, @QTXAdsy ? Or anyone else, for that matter?
Hmm, not too confident about doing a guest post so I'm assuming that 1982 goes about the same with OTL with Italy winning it.

However, the idea of the USA hosting the 1986 if Columbia pulls out like with OTL which happened in 1982, maybe it could be that RFK here could support the idea of bringing the World Cup to the USA much sooner than OTL. Honestly compared to Mexico which literally had to scrape its way to get its stadiums ready, there wouldn't be that problem if the US host it given how they already have the stadium infrastructure already in place so what we have is 1994 but a decade earlier which has interesting side effects to the US men's team.

Given how the 1994 WC helped the game to grow in the country in the aftermath, I have no doubt a decade earlier than OTL could likely see a scenario in which both mens and woman's teams could be equal in terms of being competitive and if the USA hosts it in 1994 then it could open the door for Morocco to host the tournament in which IOTL they would have done were it not for the American bid and that means that Morocco and not South Africa is the first African country to host a WC and that opens up a butterfly effect of football in Africa but I'm getting ahead of myself.
I can see that, he didn't look 39 when he died and it sadly wouldn't shock me if he were ill. At least this time he lived to see a world that if not actually his dream come true is at least on the way.
It is funny that MLK always looks young to me. Even though, yes, I’ve read about his poor health, he still looks young.