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  • Salvare7097


  • Hey sorry if my kids post bothered you. He snuck onto my laptop and onto my account on
    • Like
    Reactions: Sam R.
    Sam R. 1
    Look no worries mate, but your kid sneaking around trying to post real history is a great thing. Tell him he needs to read more history books. And the idea of historicising gender is a good one. Bruce, J. (1985). Back the attack! Canadian women during the second World War—At home and abroad. Macmillan of Canada. might be a good start.
    Salvare7097 2
    thanks for the recommendations will be buying that for him. Setting them up with their own account.
    Sam R. 1
    Also find out what motivates your kid about history, and find them a great book at their current level. Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States is quite popular for a secondary text that "defeats" assumptions people make about history.
  • Omar04

  • Hi,
    I was wondering if I could get your opinion on Robert Thurston's Life and Terror in Stalin's Russia.
    Sam R. 1
    I’ve found my copy. Give me a couple of days.
    I forgot to ask again, but could I get your opinion this late? Sorry.
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