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  1. British politics in a TL in which Hitler is assassinated in 1943

    I am working (so to speak) in a TL in which Hitler is assassinated in early 1943 and a military government takes power in Germany. Thanks to better military strategy, the war goes better for Germany and in the 1944 US presidential elections the Republicans win under a peace platform, leading to...
  2. Consequences of the collapse of the Soviet Union for the Pacific War

    Had the Soviet Union collapsed or been defeated by Germany during WW2, how would that have affected the Pacific War? Would that have benefited Japan or not? And if so, how and why? Thank you very much.
  3. Consequences for the Pacific War if Germany does not invade the USSR

    Just as it says in the title: ¿What would have been the consequences for the Pacific war if Germany had not invaded the Soviet Union in 1941? Would Japan have had more advantages in this scenario, and if so, what would they have been?
  4. PC/WI: The Soviet Unión making a separate peace with an anti-nazi German government after Tehran

    When talking about the possibilities of a new German government arising from an anti-nazi coup in 1943-1944, it is usually held that after Tehran neither the Western Allies nor the Soviets would have agreed to a separate peace or a peace without unconditional surrender. But I think one can argue...
  5. WI Alexander of Russia and Frederick William III of Prussia die before the battle of Leipzig

    Just before the battle of Leipzig, on the evening of October 15, 1813, Tsar Alexander of Russia and King Frederick William III of Prussia were scouting toward the enemy lines with some advisers, they were seen by the french and were almost captured. If they had been killed then, what would have...
  6. What does the Polish government do if there is no Polish guarantee?

    In a TL where Hitler was overthrow by the Army in 1938 and Germany didn't occupy Prague in March 1939, and hence there is no British and French guarantee to Poland, what would the Polish government have done if the Germans demand Danzing and the Corridor? Do they refuse, leading to a...
  7. How would the fall of the Nazi regime in 1938 have affected Fascist Italy?

    If the the Nazi regime had been overthrow by the Army in connection with the Sudeten crisis (September 1938), what effect would that have had on Mussolini and Fascist Italy? Suddenly, the other great totalitarian-fascist regime in Europe, to which he was getting closer in the last years, is no...
  8. Catherine the Great lives longer (Bonaparte vs. Suvorov)

    Just before his death on 17 November 1796, Catherine the Great had agreed to dispatch 60,000 troops to the Rhine to help the First Coalition (mainly Austria and Great Britain, by then) against Revolutionary France. Se had chosen Field Marshal Alexander Suvorov as Commander of this force, and he...
  9. Could the Germans have destroyed the Anzio bridgehead

    I wanted to ask the Forum if it was possible for the Germans to destroy the Anzio bridgehead, and if so, how. And what would the consequences hace been?
  10. AHC/WI: Best Luftwaffe in 1944

    How much could the Luftwaffe have improved its performance in 1944? What could the Luftwaffe have done in 1944 in order to improved it? And what could It have realistically achieved?
  11. How many German forces in France would be enough to make the Allies cancel Overlord?

    In an earlier thread ( I asked how many forces would the Germans have needed in France to defeat Overlord. Now I ask a different but related question: How many forces...
  12. How many forces would the Germans have needed in France to defeat Overlord?

    Well, just what I say in the title. What is the minimum of forces needed to defeat Operation Overlord? Thank you very much.
  13. Fate of Yugoslavia without WW2

    If World War II had not taken place, what would have happened with Yugoslavia? Would it have disintegrated, or could it have survived, perhaps federalized? Thanks.
  14. A question about British intervention in the American Civil War

    The question is: had the United Kingdom intervened in the American Civil War as a result of the Trent Affair, how long would the war have lasted? Thanks.
  15. A question about Overlord preparations

    With a POD no earlier than January 1, 1944, is there anything the germans could have done to make (without knowing it) the preparations of Operation Overlord take a bit longer, so that the first date to land should be June 19?
  16. AHC: postpone D-Day as much as possible

    With a POD no earlier than december 1943, have D-Day postponed as much as possible. Bonus if it is postponed to 1945.
  17. WI Stonewall Jackson had not been shot (but this time a different question)

    I know that there must be hundreds of threads about that question, but what I want to ask is a concrete question. When he was shot during the battle of Chancellorsville the intention of Stonewall Jackson was to press the attack in order to cut the Union Army of the Potomac off the United States...
  18. If Germany had had one army more in France by June 1944, could she have repelled the Normandy landings?

    What the title says. I wanted yo know the opinions of the experts. I was thinking in one of the armies of the Eastern front transferred to France. Thank you very much.
  19. Consequences of retaining the Articles of Confederation in the French Revolutionary Wars

    I wanted to ask what consequences would have had not adopting the US Constitution and retaining instead the Articles of Confederation in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. Would there have been any butterflies? Or would everything have gone like IOTL? Thank you very much for your answers.
  20. Consecuences in Italy of a coup in Germany in March 1943

    If there were a successful coup by the german opposition to national socialism in March 1943, what would be the consecuences in Italy? Most threads about this topic assume that Mussolini would also be overthrow shortly after, but I have my doubts. With Hitler gone the king of Italy, the italian...