japanese empire

  1. WI Japan conquer China instead of Song

    POD is that Taika Reform succeeds in centralizing Japan. It takes power away from clan. Their land nationalized and redistributed. Imperial government becomes the sole authority in Japan. The Emperor creates a professional national standing army Tang dynasty in China and Silla dynasty in Korea...
  2. FesteringSpore

    Japanese Imperial Role in Taisho democracy?

    In a world where Japan's Taisho-era democracy survive (take your pick of PoDs—Hara Takashi survives his assassination, the Kwantung Army fails to kill Zhang Zuolin, and others), how do you all think that the status of the Japanese imperial family would be? While this Japan would be more moderate...
  3. Would Russia win ww1 in this timeline?

    Japan started industrializing slightly earlier, so during the Russo-Japanese war, Japan does better to the point where it conquers all of Sakhalin and doesn't have to leave the Liaodong peninsula. That way they beat Russia before the winter of 1904-1905 ends. Although Russia loses the rest of...
  4. Effects of an Imperial German (and later Imperial Japanese) Philippines

    POD: In 1894, Marti is caught and arrested as he attempts to depart from Florida with soldiers and guns instead of getting released, or alternatively, he dies before the entire expedition takes place, or Eugene Debs is elected POTUS in 1896, leading to there being no Spanish-American War. Some...
  5. remina

    Korea and Japanese-occupied Kyŏngsang

    LORE This is set in an alternate timeline where Poland-Lithuania survived to the present and expanded its territory, eventually encompassing all of northern Asia, much like Russia irl. In 1392, Ri Sŏng-kye deposed the Koryŏ monarchs and established the Chosŏn dynasty, moving the capital from...
  6. How might the Japanese Empire be different with these early 20th century borders?

    Say Japan is able to scramble up enough cash, perhaps from a greater victory or a much earlier Sino-Japanese War, to make war on Spain for her colonies in the East Indies before the Unites States does in 1898. In addition, the loot from this victory against may allow Japan to pursue a purchase...
  7. Japan without the Nazis

    Scenario: a world where Hitler died in the trenches, the Nazi party never took off, and Germany never started a major war. I'm also going to assume that Stalin stays put and that while there are regional wars and military buildups, no massive conflict occurs. Meanwhile, by the late 30s, China...
  8. Would the Japanese enact land reform if they managed to get the Philippines?

    Despite the POD for this scenario firmly being in the 19th century, I would imagine the specific question I am asking would deal with effects, a majority of which would be in the 20th century. So let us say that the Japanese come into possession of the Philippines sometime before 1898, and...
  9. Ryker of Terra

    Japanese expansion during American civil war

    So first of all, hello everyone. This is my first post after making my account over half a year ago and lurking for many years before that. Good to be here. Now, I've been wondering about the full potential for Japanese expansion if they have a free (or freer) hand in the Pacific. The scenario...
  10. Medieval Japanese colonial empire

    What if Yamato Japan became a centralized state under their emperor like China where would be their conquests ? A monopoly on East Pacific trade?
  11. PC:Axis Victory-Nazi economic miracle

    If Axis win WW2 Nazis conquer or puppetize Mainland Europe, Middle east, Central Asia, Africa and IJA puppetize China, Mongolia, Russian Far east due to US absolute neutrality i.e., no lend lease, no embargo. Could Nazis pull a miracle on the rhine along with reviving soviet economy?
  12. Nuclear German Empire conquers the world

    WW1 is avoided until Germamy develops nukes. Due lack of nazism experts don't leave Germany resulting in Germans being decades aheads of rest of the world in missile and nuclear tech. Germany surprise nuke major cities in UK,France,Russia with V2s forcing them to surrender unconditionally and...
  13. Could Japan have joined the Allies in World War II?

    While Japan was officially allied with Germany and Italy, in practice it was more of a co-belligerent. It generally didn't try to coordinate with its European Axis counterparts, and the two countries were known to work at cross purposes even after they officially became allied. For example...
  14. European US Japan Intervention in Chinese warlord era

    what if US, Japan and Europeans Intervened in Chinese warlord era to keep China divided like they did to Boxer rebellion ? will it succeed? can they carve out satellite states out China
  15. The_Persian_Cat

    WI: Insurgency in US-occupied Philippines and Hawaii?

    Congress officially passed the Newlands Resolution, which annexed Hawaii as a US territory, in 1898, in the context of the Spanish-American War. By that point, the Kingdom of Hawaii had been overthrown, and Hawaii had been ruled by white Americans and their business interests since 1893 -- five...
  16. Japanese racial policy in WW2 victory

    what would Japanese do to non japanese in their empire assuming no war with US and soviets are peace or are defeated by nazis bigger nanking ? will they exterminate them through forced labour or enlsave them or British model of goverment ?
  17. Barbarossa without lend lease and with Japanese invasion of Siberia

    how much can Barbarossa succeed (push to A-A line) without lend lease and with Japanese invasion of Siberia will soviet have a famine and bad supply lines without lend lease food and truks? will soviets be spread thin with Japanese invasion of Siberia ?
  18. Scramble for China during warlord era

    POD 1913 Yuan Shikhai dies warlord era begins Germans decide to slice up Shandong To increase their colonial empire to rival British French follow up with Guangai and Yunnan Russia takes over Mongolia British annex Canton Japan opportunistically conquer manchuria US takes what ? Will this...
  19. What would the United States government have done about Japanese Anime and Manga, if WW2 happened today?

    UPDATE 2: Nevermind, you can comment here. Turns out the guy who said to move this to Fandom AH was wrong to tell me to do that. Now the post in that forum is no longer open to replies. UPDATE: Don't comment here anymore on what your AH Theories are, I am new to this site. I have been told by...
  20. AHC: Imperial Japanese Reformers

    I tried asking a similar question a while ago but since the question devolved into debating China's strategic decisions rather than discussing possible reformist Japanese politicians, I wanted to try asking one more time. The initial scenarios' in the link but long story short China avoids the...