
  1. ronaldo

    United states invades spanish homeland

    US invades mainland Spain How can the United States during the Spanish-American War invade continetal Spain or the Balearic Islands, perhaps to support separatist movements of regions of Spain American balearic islands, spain divided? american cuba? Reaction from portugal, uk and france...
  2. ronaldo

    Different countries for the French revolution

    Different countries for the French revolution Could it be in Spain or the United Kingdom or Portugal or Holy Roman Empire or Russian Empire or Ottoman Empire or in another nation? Could it be Eastern nations like China or Japan? What and why this nation has the potential to be a place for the...
  3. ronaldo

    What would be the largest possible size of Brazil?

    Giant Brazil What would be the largest possible size of Brazil? Could you get the Guianas? Have a coast to the Pacific and CARIBBEAN? Attach the bolivia (including your old coast)? Is Paraguay divided between Brazil and Argentina? Possessing the Portuguese colonies in Africa (Sao Tome and...
  4. ronaldo

    Brazilian war of succession

    in our timeline with the death of Pedro I of Brazil, Pedro II of Brazil becomes emperor and Brazil enters the regency period, it does the majority of stroke and becomes emperor In my scenario like Brazil could have two or more people fighting for the THRONE OF BRAZIL? A war of succession in...
  5. Lusitania

    Rebirth of an Empire "O Renascimento de um Império" v2.0
    Threadmarks: New Beginning (1750-1777)

    Hello, it is with great pleasure that we finally start posting the revised and updated "Rebirth of an Empire". To those not familiar with the original TL is it centered on Portugal and its empire. The TL starts in 1750 at the start of Joseph I reign and the appointment of the relative unknown...
  6. kasumigenx

    1520: A Majapahit timeline

    Guns of Trowulan aka 1520 Emperor Brawijaya VI I On 1520, Majapahit vassal states such as Demak and Brunei already are already in power and would advance further the impending collapse of Majapahit, Girindrawardhana aka Brawijaya VI have been advised on what to do and save the empire, he...
  7. ronaldo

    Pedro I of Brazil neutral in the liberal wars of Portugal

    Pedro I of Brazil neutral in the liberal wars of Portugal It is if Pedro I of Brazil abdicates in favor of his brother, thus does not interfere in portugal, not leaving Brazil, thus being able to raise his son What would be the effects in Brazil and in Portugal? Brazil without regency period...
  8. ronaldo

    Portuguese colonies in caribbean

    How could Portugal have colonies in the Caribbean? Is it possible to have colonies in the Caribbean and still maintain the territory that you have gained from Spain besides the tordesillas treaty in present-day Brazil?
  9. ronaldo


    PORTUGUESE GALICIA IN THE WAR OF SPANISH SUCCESSION Is Portugal possible to obtain Galicia in the Spanish war of succession? What would be the effects in Portugal and the Portuguese empire, could Brazil be affected by Portuguese Galicia?
  10. Karolus Rex

    Need help in dating a Musket.

    I think this is the right forum, but if I'm wrong I apologize to the mods in advance, but as the title says I need some help on dating. Some background first. My father as recently bought a Musket and as asked me to try to date the weapon and to find someway of trying to restore it. Now while...
  11. WI: Portugal-Netherlands Union via Habsburg?

    I am wondering about the possibility of a Portuguese-Netherlands personal union under the Habsburgs. The timeline I am working on (with a POD at the Battle of Pavia in 1525) involves Charles V having a second son as a major early butterfly. This son, Infante Juan/Johan van Spanje, will inherit...
  12. AHC/PC: US-Portuguese War

    What's the best POD or collection of PODs for a war between the United States and Portugal from 1776 to the present? This could be any version of the US, and "Portugal" includes the Portuguese Colonial Empire, which may include Brazil depending on timing.
  13. WI: More Portuguese involvement in Bhutan

    The thread that I created about regions and subjects not discussed often got me more interested in reading about areas where my familiarity is limited. I have seen a few discussions about places like China, Japan, Philippines, and Vietnam. However, one region that I have not seen being discussed...
  14. Karolus Rex

    Long Live George I - A Portuguese TL

    No, not the German that got to be King of the Uk. This George, or better Jorge, is the natural son of John II. I asked for feedback (by the way thanks Ciniad) and I just decided to go on one of fuck it and try this idea. Here goes nothing...
  15. Challenge/WI: Portuguese Empire monopolizes colonization until ca. 1600?

    Historically, the Portuguese had a clear head start in the overseas colonial game, developing the caravel, exploring Africa and India before anyone else, and building a vast, trading empire despite their small territory and population. What if their rise was even more meteoric? Let's say John...
  16. WI: King Edward II of Portugal?

    Following on from this thread from 2013 (https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/king-for-a-day-duke-for-a-lifetime.296626/), how different would things be if Duarte (Edward), Duke of Guimarães (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infante_Duarte,_5th_Duke_of_Guimarães), had not died in 1576...
  17. Ameck16

    How to get Portugal to colonise the Cape.

    What would need to change from 1500-1580 for Portugal to set up a permanent Settlement at the Cape.
  18. Ricard (i.e. Rdffigueira)

    One Nation Under the Southern Cross - an alternate Brazil TL (updated 13/08)

    ONE NATION UNDER THE SOUTHERN CROSS Hello, friends, in this thread I’ll present you a project which has been developing in my mind for some time now: a timeline in which the colony of Brazil becomes independent from Portugal, but instead of adopting a monarchical system under the Braganza...
  19. AHC: Save the United Kingdom of Portugal Brazil and the Algarves

    The United Kingdom of Portugal Brazil and the Algarves has always fascinated me. It was the only time in history that a European country and Empire was governed from a a former colony. Sadly it died because of the Portuguese Cortes. So the challenge, if anyone wants to accept, is to find a way...