Alternate Jewish diaspora homeland?

Just reading the book Yiddish civilisation today and about the heym or homeland of Eastern European Yiddish speaking Jews, it makes the argument that attention should be paid to the history of the Yiddish homeland that does not focus entirely on its destruction in the 20th century and it should be evaluated as its own nation within Europe.

I think there is a similar problem with the alternate histories of Judaism too, it seems like a great number of questions are asked about Jewish states in the 20th century seemingly accepting the premise that the 20th century and the creation of modern nation states would necessarily involve expelling the Jews to some sort of state.

This thread is to imagine a different heym for diaspora Jews than central Eastern Europe where up until 1948 had been the location where most of the worlds news lived.

Obvious candidate Is Iberia but how do we create a system where Jewish populations are cultivated and preserved as they were in Eastern Europe, it’s often forgotten that Muslim Iberia was not particularly welcoming to the Jews in the immediate centuries before the reconqueista as almoravids and almohads oppressed them and caused many to leave.

This is quite a big question was just wondering if anyone had any ideas.
Spain and Portugal is pure ASB as that would require MASSIVE changes on their historical process of unification who will likely knock-out the entire history of modern Europe...
There is a reason for which Jews communities survived in Eastern Europe better than in other lands
I'd recommend Michael Chabon's Yiddish Policeman's Union, which is set in a Yiddish speaking metropolis (Sitka) in Alaska.
Would a early discovery of america or a late disapora from spain/portugal help them settle the Island of hispaniola?
Spain wasn't really interested in murdering the jews yust expelling them could they have send them to the caribs instead?
Just reading the book Yiddish civilisation today and about the heym or homeland of Eastern European Yiddish speaking Jews, it makes the argument that attention should be paid to the history of the Yiddish homeland that does not focus entirely on its destruction in the 20th century and it should be evaluated as its own nation within Europe.

I think there is a similar problem with the alternate histories of Judaism too, it seems like a great number of questions are asked about Jewish states in the 20th century seemingly accepting the premise that the 20th century and the creation of modern nation states would necessarily involve expelling the Jews to some sort of state.

This thread is to imagine a different heym for diaspora Jews than central Eastern Europe where up until 1948 had been the location where most of the worlds news lived.

Obvious candidate Is Iberia but how do we create a system where Jewish populations are cultivated and preserved as they were in Eastern Europe, it’s often forgotten that Muslim Iberia was not particularly welcoming to the Jews in the immediate centuries before the reconqueista as almoravids and almohads oppressed them and caused many to leave.

This is quite a big question was just wondering if anyone had any ideas.
Maybe a Judaistic Abyssinians Axum?