Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

That's basically a GROSS oversimplification. ALL movies are saved in the editing process, and most of what made Star Wars work IS Lucas. He had help but there's a need for people to try and claim he's only ever been an inept buffoon and that he didn't really create Star Wars.
The Prequels were ALL Lucas, sole writer and sole director.
He absolutely created Star Wars, but that's a double-edged sword; yes he created the Jedi, Sith, Lightsabers, The Force, and had an overall amazing idea for a story that still holds up to this day....but he's also SOLELY responsible for Jar-Jar Binks, "I hate sand", and making a couple of the best actors in Hollywood look like hacks with his bad writing and mediocre dialog.

He's been praised for 46 years for the good, he's only been getting half that for the bad, and IMHO that's how it should be.
Absolutely praise people for the good they do, but NEVER allow that mean they shouldn't be called out and allowed to get away with what they do wrong.
He had a lot of great ideas, but when he had Absolute Power he executed them poorly; his best work came with collaboration.
The Prequels were ALL Lucas, sole writer and sole director.
He absolutely created Star Wars, but that's a double-edged sword; yes he created the Jedi, Sith, Lightsabers, The Force, and had an overall amazing idea for a story that still holds up to this day....but he's also SOLELY responsible for Jar-Jar Binks, "I hate sand", and making a couple of the best actors in Hollywood look like hacks with his bad writing and mediocre dialog.

He's been praised for 46 years for the good, he's only been getting half that for the bad, and IMHO that's how it should be.
Absolutely praise people for the good they do, but NEVER allow that mean they shouldn't be called out and allowed to get away with what they do wrong.
He had a lot of great ideas, but when he had Absolute Power he executed them poorly; his best work came with collaboration.
George Lucas needs someone to rein him in. Him wanting to turn Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade into a haunted mansion with ghosts movie and Spielberg shutting it down is a perfect example.
I just happened to be watching Alternate History Hub’s Iceberg video and he mentioned this timeline. Tbh felt like he was a little harsh on the TL but I won’t judge
That dosent really work when you were a Vice President, although it remains a good slogan in any race with significant economic or cultural grievances and dislocations. I got one... "Come Back Home America". Yes, blatant steal from Mcgovern but that man never made that famous speech, hehe. And it works

"Across this great land, I see the problems, I see the effects of Big Goverment policies, which cripple our growth, the looks in the eyes of the working man whose pay check isnt matching his job because of Inflation, I see a rising crime rate which cripples inner cities, and leaves a trail of destoryed lives in its wake, I see a program which ships are kids away from their kith and kin. (Bussing will never be popular). America, we need to come back, away from failure and decit by a Democratic Administation, come home America!"

Reagan Campaign: Okay, thanks (looks as the Republican sweep the south and Midwest because Ticket Balancing is an actual thing you need to do, and the super liberals prone to gaffes who come from either a Safe Republican state with a grand total of three electoral votes and literally New England, and in Naders case, zero goverment experience, is not going to do the job)
Ooo I like. Thank you, sir! "Come Back Home, America" it is.
I just happened to be watching Alternate History Hub’s Iceberg video and he mentioned this timeline. Tbh felt like he was a little harsh on the TL but I won’t judge
For what it's worth, I took the jabs in stride. Just seeing my work mentioned by Cody was a huge honor! :) The whole time I listened to that part of the iceberg, I had a giant smile on my face.
My most effective strategy against a Kennedy Campaign as a Republican is “Sorry, you don’t deserve the Presidency because of your brother”, then needle the heck out of him on his liberalism. Find his most unpopular decisions (probably find him saying something about Bussing for instance), and press him to make stands on issues he’d rather leave mum. I’d suggest digging around more, find all the shit he covered for his bro, but that may take the race too far into the mud and you can’t really do that with a Reagan campaign.
My most effective strategy against a Kennedy Campaign as a Republican is “Sorry, you don’t deserve the Presidency because of your brother”, then needle the heck out of him on his liberalism. Find his most unpopular decisions (probably find him saying something about Bussing for instance), and press him to make stands on issues he’d rather leave mum. I’d suggest digging around more, find all the shit he covered for his bro, but that may take the race too far into the mud and you can’t really do that with a Reagan campaign.
I feel that would be a good strategy. I also think the best way Bobby could could counter is to point out that Reagan, in many ways, feels like someone the Republicans actually shouldn't want as their nominee.

  • He cheated on his first wife with his second.
  • He turned his back on literally everything he used to believe in, going from a New Deal Democrat to a hyper conservative.
  • He's a hypocrite, spewing anti-union rhetoric despite being the former head of a union.
  • He apparently has astrology, which is a pseudoscience, influencing policy decisions.
I feel that would be a good strategy. I also think the best way Bobby could could counter is to point out that Reagan, in many ways, feels like someone the Republicans actually shouldn't want as their nominee.

  • He cheated on his first wife with his second.
  • He turned his back on literally everything he used to believe in, going from a New Deal Democrat to a hyper conservative.
  • He's a hypocrite, spewing anti-union rhetoric despite being the former head of a union.
  • He apparently has astrology, which is a pseudoscience, influencing policy decisions.
Good attack Points but I don't think he would do the first one
I feel that would be a good strategy. I also think the best way Bobby could could counter is to point out that Reagan, in many ways, feels like someone the Republicans actually shouldn't want as their nominee.

  • He cheated on his first wife with his second.
  • He turned his back on literally everything he used to believe in, going from a New Deal Democrat to a hyper conservative.
  • He's a hypocrite, spewing anti-union rhetoric despite being the former head of a union.
  • He apparently has astrology, which is a pseudoscience, influencing policy decisions.
1. No he Didnt, Wynman divorced him 1949 and Ronnie met and married nancy in the 52.
2. Isnt it nice to have converts?
3. Why as a Former Union President, he knows what he's talking about! Also, "Im not against Unions, Im against corruption and the like" is a thing which works well.
4. That was a Nancy thing, which only became big when Ronnie got shot and it only influenced his schedule, not his political stances.

(generally, I really do hate Nancy Reagan discourse, as it always goes "Oh he only became a conservative because he was seduced by a witch" which I find rather uh...problematic.)
1. No he Didnt, Wynman divorced him 1949 and Ronnie met and married nancy in the 52.
2. Isnt it nice to have converts?
3. Why as a Former Union President, he knows what he's talking about! Also, "Im not against Unions, Im against corruption and the like" is a thing which works well.
4. That was a Nancy thing, which only became big when Ronnie got shot and it only influenced his schedule, not his political stances.
1. Okay, I was wrong in saying he cheated on Wynman with Nancy, but both of them were still cheating towards the end of their marriage.
2. Sure, it's nice to have converts, but depending on how you spin it, Reagan's 180 could leave him looking like he has the moral backbone of a chocolate éclair.
3. I think that would be how Reagan would handle attacks from that angle, though in OTL Reagan's handling of an air traffic controller strike shows it wasn't just being against corruption.
4. Okay, I misunderstood that last one, my bad.

(For the record, I'm not claiming that Nancy Reagan "seducing him" made him go conservative.)
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1. Okay, I was wrong in saying he cheated on Wynman with Nancy, but both of them were still cheating towards the end of their marriage.
2. Sure, it's nice to have concerts, but depending on how you spin it, Reagan's 180 could leave him looking like he has the moral backbone of a chocolate éclair.
3. I think that would be how Reagan would handle attacks from that angle, though in OTL Reagan's handling of an air traffic controller strike shows it wasn't just being against corruption.
4. Okay, I misunderstood that last one, my bad.

(For the record, I'm not claiming that Nancy Reagan "seducing him" made him go conservative.)
1. Bobby has no buissness talking about cheating by anyone considering all the covering he did for his Brother.
2. It wasnt a 180, he had a concrete political evolution over the entire 1950s. So yeah, you really cant accuse him of being a flip flopper.
3. One hasnt happened yet and two, the Air Traffic Controllers was about stopping a crtical threat to the nation's economy. Any president would of done the same.
4. Fair enough.

I was more talking generally how the general Nancy Reagan-Ron discourse goes, which always makes me uncomfortable.
Okay so now that we've gotten attack points out of the way who do you all think is gonna be part of RFK's campaign staff
Okay so now that we've gotten attack points out of the way who do you all think is gonna be part of RFK's campaign staff
If Jesse Unruh's not dead yet, he'd likely be involved in the campaign. Speaking of that, can we have something happen where Unruh doesn't die from his cancer?