Map Thread XX

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Dagoth Ur

Oh man and the Country of Good having almost no blacks 😆 this is like that Google AI that 4chan spammed with Nazi propaganda so it learned to be fully racist. I like the Steel Shed stuff though, very creative.


Gone Fishin'
northwest republic.png

(Derived from RvBOMally's scenario The Day of the Rope. Mods, if this falls under current politics, feel free to direct me to a more appropriate thread.)

The Northwest Republic is a country located on the western coast of North America. It borders Canada to the north, the Pacific States to the east and south and the Pacific Ocean to the west. It consists of three states and a capital district. The national capital is Spokane, whilst the largest city is Seattle.

American First Nations People inhabited the territory of the Republic for millennia, and the first European settlers arrived in the 18th century. The territory would be incorporated into the United States of America in 1846, and after that white settlement would begin in earnest.

During the 1970s, the Northwest Territorial Imperative idea emerged amongst neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups in the area, proposing that the area be broken off of the United States as a white nation-state and all non-whites expelled. The idea would remain a fringe idea until Donald Trump was elected president of the United States in 2016 - he supported the Imperative as allies against non-white opposition to his presidency, greatly boosting their strength and support in the area.

The Third World War and the onset of the Second American Civil War would provide the opportunity for the Imperative to realise their goals - following the destruction of most of the US military in China following the nuclear phase of the war, the Imperative, believing that Trump was too soft on the "racial question", launched a revolt against federal authorities and seized control of the Pacific Northwest - the US was unable to stop them as it was busy dealing with other revolts in the South, the Rockies and New England.

The Northwest Republic was proclaimed in August 2023 as the world's first "white nation-state", and soon after the Republic launched Operation Snowglobe, expelling all of its non-white inhabitants and any objectors to the new regime.

Currently, the Northwest Republic is a federal republic with three branches of government, much like the United States it seceded from. The key difference between the two is that whilst the United States was a full democracy that guaranteed equality for all citizens, the Northwest Republic is a evangelical Christian, white supremacist state that is officially off-limits to all non-whites (it models its racial laws off of those in Germany under the Old Nazis).

As a result, almost all of the progressive racial laws undertaken under the old United States have been repealed - nonwhites are either forced into slavery or expelled outright, homosexuality is banned and classified as a mental illness, and women are expected to be subservient to men. Gun ownership is rather high in the country.

The Northwest Republic's white supremacist attitude and treason to the former United States has made it somewhat of a pariah state on the global stage. This, combined with the fact many of the rich cities on the west coast were devastated during the Second American Civil War, meaning it is a fairly impoverished country. It is also not a member of many international organisations - the New German Reich is its only ally on the global stage.
I don't have a map.

Well, no, that's not true - I do have a map. But it's nothing spectacular.

Basically, I didn't think it would be worth starting an entirely new thread. But I thought I'd share. I just stumbled across a website, purely by accident. I didn't know if anyone else came across it. It has blank maps of all kinds. Simple ones. Complex ones that show all the subdivisions. It has Westeros and Tamriel.

It's a web tool and you just pick a map, click on what you want to color and what color you want it to be. And you add labels. It caught my attention because it mentions that it's "great for alternate history scenarios". Although, it doesn't seem like you can alter boundaries - so, you can create your own little nation but you'd have to do it by coloring in pre-existing political entities. Like, you could get a map of the states with all the counties showing and color in the counties the way you want them to create what you want, but I think the state lines would still be visible. So, there is that limitation. But then you can download your map for free. The site asks for donations, but you don't have to make an account or anything. I don't know if it's exactly up to the high standards folks have around here, but as a quick tool to play around with for someone like me who isn't especially into mapmaking, it works pretty good.

Long story short (Too late!) I just colored in some of a world map and downloaded it. Here's the simple map I did (I had to shrink the size considerably, the file was apparently much too large) and a link to the site:



Gone Fishin'
I don't have a map.

Well, no, that's not true - I do have a map. But it's nothing spectacular.

Basically, I didn't think it would be worth starting an entirely new thread. But I thought I'd share. I just stumbled across a website, purely by accident. I didn't know if anyone else came across it. It has blank maps of all kinds. Simple ones. Complex ones that show all the subdivisions. It has Westeros and Tamriel.

It's a web tool and you just pick a map, click on what you want to color and what color you want it to be. And you add labels. It caught my attention because it mentions that it's "great for alternate history scenarios". Although, it doesn't seem like you can alter boundaries - so, you can create your own little nation but you'd have to do it by coloring in pre-existing political entities. Like, you could get a map of the states with all the counties showing and color in the counties the way you want them to create what you want, but I think the state lines would still be visible. So, there is that limitation. But then you can download your map for free. The site asks for donations, but you don't have to make an account or anything. I don't know if it's exactly up to the high standards folks have around here, but as a quick tool to play around with for someone like me who isn't especially into mapmaking, it works pretty good.

Long story short (Too late!) I just colored in some of a world map and downloaded it. Here's the simple map I did (I had to shrink the size considerably, the file was apparently much too large) and a link to the site:

View attachment 673804
We already know about
View attachment 673785
The Northwest Republic's white supremacist attitude and treason to the former United States has made it somewhat of a pariah state on the global stage. This, combined with the fact many of the rich cities on the west coast were devastated during the Second American Civil War, meaning it is a fairly impoverished country. It is also not a member of many international organisations - the New German Reich is its only ally on the global stage.
How in the hell did Germany go Nazi again?!
I don't know If there's another place for stuff like this, but I'll post it here. I ran a little experiment some weeks ago. Basically I tried to create a map based on a description partially written by AI (specifically a Russian-speaking text completing bot analogous to Talk to Transformer, called Porfirevich). I say "partially" because I added new prompts after each 1 or 3 generated pieces to keep it from losing focus, so it's not really a fully AI-generated text, but more of a mosaic of alterating human and AI's writing. But the result is interesting nontheless.

And very cursed.

View attachment 673698

Here's the text, translated to the best of my abilities. My prompts are written in normal font, the AI's writing - in bold.

The year is 2030. After yet another controversial elections, the US president was deposed, and the country plunged into a civil war. The Democrats fought against the Republicans, but there were many marginal groups as well - communists, anarchists, White and Black nationalists, Indians, and others. After 4 years of combat, the peace treaty was signed, and the USA officially ceased to exist, splitting into several independent countries. The largest of them is the so-called Rebulic of Texas, which includes such cities as Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. The capital of this state is the city of Austin. This country lost more than half of its population during the war. The republic is ruled by radical Catholics that pursue policies of Indian genocide and support of urban gangs. The most famous political leader of the Republic of Texas is Ricardo Blanco. East of the Republic of Texas lies another fragment of the former US - Louisiana. It differs from Texas considerably in its population structure, but on the surface is the same kind of country. This territory is controlled by the French government, and politically is under considerable French influence. There are two large Black communities in this territory, whose lands are in constant conflict. All the while the French administration and local tribal elite practically don't intervene and allow these lands to resolve their issues on their own. Further to the west, in the lands of Deep South, there is a state known as Land of the Black Dogs. The territory of this country is controlled by Blacks, who pursue radical and very aggressive policies towards Whites, maintly - the southerners. The political regime here is characterized by extreme clericalization and violence. Currently the most prominent political forces are several Black gangs that control several cities. There is an active White militia in the country, but it's getting weaker. North of the Land of the Black Dogs starts the territory known as the Country of Good. It occupies a vast area, reaching the state of Utah in the west, Ohio and Tennessee river in the east, and has its capital in the city of Denver. This country has almost no Blacks, but strong nationalist and religious militias still exist in its eastern parts. As evident by its name, the Country of Good is ruled by sectarians who strive for revival of man's primal forms of mystic perception of the world, as well as eradication of civilization's superficial achievements and Christianity, which they see as orthodox. North of it lie the so-called North Steppes - a territory populated mostly by Indians. White people are almost non-existent in the Steppes, and the national economy was reduced to hunting and bartering. This was done in order to give northern barbarians the opportunity to keep their old shamanism and art of combat, that White people have lost, in their pure form. The North Steppes cover the area around the state of Wisconsin and the northern part of the Great Plains, and, obviously, don't have a capital. West of the Country of Good there is the state of Utah, now called the Middle State. This name is no coincidence - this state, ruled by a small group of White aristocrats who favor the Middle Ages, is a buffer between the Country of Good and a no smaller state occupying the former USA's west coast, that quickly mastered the method of direct biological hybridization with the use of genetic modification, and eradicated almost all human population, and turned into an aggressive rival. This state is called the Steel Shed for some reason. Instead of people, it is populated by various incomprehensible mechanisms - like those that populate Dante's Hell. They don't act by themselves, but are subordinate to several creatures called the Big Brothers, who constitute something like a pantheon of gods and take turns to govern deeds and words, spirit and flesh. The first of them is named Dress Uniform of Justice, the second - Sphere of Abundance, the third - Seven Supreme Teachers, and the fourth - Helm's Manifested Image. All listed deities periodically change, and so does the Steel Shed: one leader replaces another. This complicated system is called "ABSURD". The
origins of the Big Brothers are not completely clear. It is thought that they were intellectual mutants who studied from genius creators and changed themselves in order to gain knowledge and power. On the peak of the civil war they went public and created the Great Architectural Order, the goal of which was to build the Shed and "ABSURD" in their modern forms. The anomalous mechanisms that destroyed all people on the conquered lands, were apparently projections of so-called "philosophical cores" - relatively small radio transparent bubbles that Evenkian shamen built their dymanic illusions from. (A similar technology, by the way, is used by the Nothern Steppes Indians for defence against invaders - with the help of rituals they create an analogous hallucination, transfer an item from the imaginary into the real, and this "item", moving along the paths of the higher forces, becomes a real battering ram for the enemies). In order to stop the Steel Shed, Canada, Mexico, Texas, and the Country of Good jointly developed a technological scheme that allows to project material objects and matter from one type to another with the help of "philosophical cores" and gamma-and neutron accelerators. It is intended to create stationary projections of the mechanism (basically propped from within by the new fundamental illusions) and use them as theoretical models to create new hallucinatory chains... (next is a text that lists several fundamental principles of manipulating material objects, incomprehensible to the common human). Simply put, it is a gun that can send a missile through physical matter. Anyways, in New England there is a country named Massachusetts, that has won its independence, but now coexists with Canadian army and Canada. West of the Tennessee river there is a state named Trans-America, where battles are still going on. Alaska is almost a sovereign state, but currently there is a company from Okinawa and Osaka stationed there, and Hawaii is a part of Japan according to the treaty...
Ah, the Americans decided to adopt the Chinese manner of naming places. Interesting indeed.
How in the hell did Germany go Nazi again?!

The rest of Europe went authoritarian and they decided to go with the flow?
(Seriously, with developments in France, Italy, Poland, Hungary, and the UK I'm rather worried about Europe. With US democracy as shaky as it is currently, it's not reassuring to see the other major center of first-world democracy going increasingly wonky.)
The Shogunate.png

The Shogunate

It became apparent after a while that I'll never finish this map, so here it is. It is based on an old EU4 run as the Uesugi. Had a lot of fun times :D
Here's a riff on my own timeline to create a more multipolar Cold War.

Chairman Trotsky dies in the summer of 1943 as the Axis Powers are launching Operation Barbarossa. Popular Georgian anti-war leader Deputy Josef Zugashvili narrowly takes executive control of the People's Federation. His government in Petrograd, panicked over the Burning of Baku, expectedly enters diplomatic negotiations with the Axis Powers to surrender. The Romanians and Turks are early signatories of a peace treaty at current borders, followed swiftly by the Italian Empire and finally the Greater German Reich after further negotiations. It is said that the new Chairman was ready to sign over anything and everything that Hitler wanted just to assure his own home country, under assault by the Wehrmacht, would escape from a devastating occupation.

Zugashvili signs a peace treaty on Christmas Day 1943 with Chancellor Adolf Hitler of the German Third Reich agreeing to borders at the existing front lines in addition to generous trade allowances. American President Norman Thomas rolls back plans to declare war against the Axis Powers. By late 1944 the Churchill government collapses, with his successor declaring an end to hostilities. The Free French sign an agreement with the United Kingdom granting their colonial territory over to their government. The New Cold War becomes a balancing act between the Commonwealth of Nations, the Federation of People's Republics, the Axis Powers and the Triple Alliance of America, India and Japan. The Indian Federation attempts to play all sides as it attempts to rapidly develop its economy and develop a nuclear arsenal.

The Axis Powers land on the Moon first in 1960, followed by the People's Federation in 1961, the Triple Alliance in 1967 and the New Commonwealth in 1969.

The Greater German Reich collapses following mass protests in the late 1980s. Most Axis territories win their independence, others are absorbed by the Federation and the Commonwealth. The Tripolar Cold War continues, however, when the New Commonwealth breaks its pact with the Triple Alliance.

The Axis military base on Mars, Rotesonne, refuses to concede control to any new regime and declares independence as Das Deutche Marsreich in 1989.

Following up with this previous map, I decided to explore the consequences of the Greater German Reich disintegrating in the late 1980s. The new Republic of Germany is smaller, but still incredibly privileged in its power and population, if not prestige. The Federal Protectorate of Italy remains mostly liberal and supportive of peace and trade. The United Nations has expanded its reach to manage the territories of the former Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, former Deutsch-Westafrika, the subcontinent of Greenland, which it bought from Denmark at a good price, as well as parts of Yemen which it seized following an attempted invasion by the Saudi Kingdom of Arabia.

All in all, the Tripolar Cold War continues in the year 1993, as the New Commonwealth becomes prodigiously more aggressive following its inability to unite the African continent. This gives the Portuguese Federation the motivation to become the fourth member of the new Quadrilateral Alliance. Also, note that multiple countries in Latin America have joined the United States of the Americas after it approved its subtle name change.

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Monthly Donor
The rest of Europe went authoritarian and they decided to go with the flow?
(Seriously, with developments in France, Italy, Poland, Hungary, and the UK I'm rather worried about Europe. With US democracy as shaky as it is currently, it's not reassuring to see the other major center of first-world democracy going increasingly wonky.)
Probably edging o current politics here.
@Vonga-vonga, I recognize you from DA. I must say I am a fan of your works and that style of sober realism at best that your works seem to have, both on your original stuff and the covers from Russian Sci-Fi/other media.
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