Map Thread XXI

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This reminds me of those old jokes about "wide screen" finally letting you see stuff you wouldn't have seen on a 4:3
Before widescreen, we didn't know Wurttemburg was there!
It didn’t even last two decades, I believe. First found out about it on a BobHope map (I do hope he returns to that series one day, though the amount of studying needed for all the details and descriptions had been pretty monstrous) and one really does wonder why the Emperor didn’t just keep it. Presumably it was more cost efficient to find someone else to take care of it, once there was no chance of it falling into enemy hands.


Looks good! If this is a WIP, great start! One nit-pick I have about communist USA scenarios is that you would expect there to be a lot more autonomous regions for indigenous peoples (and maybe also for black people) similar to what you see on the map over there in Russia and China. You figure that would include at least the eastern half of Oklahoma and the current borders of the Navajo Nation.
Looks good! If this is a WIP, great start! One nit-pick I have about communist USA scenarios is that you would expect there to be a lot more autonomous regions for indigenous peoples (and maybe also for black people) similar to what you see on the map over there in Russia and China. You figure that would include at least the eastern half of Oklahoma and the current borders of the Navajo Nation.
Depends. If independent nations were formed during revolution that were subsequently invaded, crushed, and assimilated, then possibly yes. Otherwise, no autonomy would be likely to be established, even nominally.

Translation: Seigneurial Councils of the United Kingdoms of England, Ireland and Scotland in 1546.

POD: the Angevins retained their French holdings for a few more centuries, resulting in England becoming even more Gallicized than IOTL.
Most people south of Gloucester speak Engleis, which derives mostly from Anglo-Norman French; everyone from Manchester up to Edinburgh speaks Inglis, which is somewhere between OTL Scots and Geordie, with less French influence the further north one goes.

Parliament never developed ITTL, so England is still an absolute monarchy, albeit one with a moderate level of local autonomy - hence the seigneurial councils.

Ibernie Hibernia, Latin name for Ireland.
Scoce → an Anglo-Norman name for Scotland.

Essetre → Exeter.
Londres → French form of London.
Everic → Anglo-Norman form of Jorvik, or York.
Dendie → Dundee.
Querefergas → Carrickfergus.
Gallives → Galway.
Corquy → Cork.
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No WWI Atlantropa.png

The proposed division of land after the completion of Project Worldbuilder. In the aftermath of the brutal Oriental War of 1937 and the Korean Revolution of 1940, the Concert of Nation sought to begin an international project in order to unite the disparate nations of the world into more peaceful pursuits. As we know, this effort would eventually lead to the Treaty on Extraterrestrial Affairs and the CoN's beloved Common Space Authority, but the Concert initially accepted proposals from all over the world. Pictured above is one such proposal, that of Dr. Alfred Stormweald, an American civil engineer. The project construction of several terraforming projects across the world, incuding the damming of the Mediterranean Sea and the construction of giant inland seas in Africa and Australia. The proposal was unanimously rejected Nations' Assembly ad the Council of Great Powers, the only to have been so rejected, as all parties involved saw the proposal for the major ecological and humanitarian disaster it was. Dr Stormweald himself would go on to study oceanography, later abandoning and disowning his proposal, and would become a renowned oceanographer, being responsible for several major discoveries in that field.
Depends. If independent nations were formed during revolution that were subsequently invaded, crushed, and assimilated, then possibly yes. Otherwise, no autonomy would be likely to be established, even nominally.
The autonomies would largely predate the revolution if it happened in the 20th century because a lot of the reservations already existed with some measure of self-governance, but tend not to be shown on most maps on this site. The only reason they would be gone would be if the Revolutionaries saw Termination or Allotment Era policy towards tribal governments as somehow being integral to the revolution.
The only reason they would be gone would be if the Revolutionaries saw Termination or Allotment Era policy towards tribal governments as somehow being integral to the revolution.
But why wouldn't they? In any Hegelian's view, the tribal governments are archaic representations of the premodern past that have no place in the brave new world brought forth by the revolution. Unless they were somehow major players in the revolutionary movement, they're about as likely to be kept around as the Khanate of Khiva was to be kept around by the Soviets.
POD: the Angevins retained their French holdings for a few more centuries, resulting in England becoming even more Gallicized than IOTL.
Appreciate the conlanging
The proposal was unanimously rejected Nations' Assembly ad the Council of Great Powers
Dr Stormweald himself would go on to study oceanography, later abandoning and disowning his proposal, and would become a renowned oceanographer, being responsible for several major discoveries in that field.
Surprisingly good ending
The autonomies would largely predate the revolution if it happened in the 20th century because a lot of the reservations already existed with some measure of self-governance, but tend not to be shown on most maps on this site. The only reason they would be gone would be if the Revolutionaries saw Termination or Allotment Era policy towards tribal governments as somehow being integral to the revolution.
Almost all the SSRs established themselves as independent states during the revolution with Trotsky's blessing that their independence would be respected and a goal of the revolution. Once the Bolsheviks won, they immediately reneged on that promise, invaded, and forcibly integrated the newly independent republics, creating the SSRs to maintain the image of liberation. This was the fate of the more successful independence movements while the Maris, Tatars, Bashkirs, etc. generally were saddled with the unfortunate fate of ASSR within the RSFSR.

Like I said, if this revolution is Bolshevik, or really totalitarian at all, the degree to which indigenous people have even nominal autonomy is the degree to which they successfully set up an independent state during the revolution.
View attachment 827762
A map of the Roman Commonwealth (Latin: Respublica Romana) in the year 2000 AD. Formed in 1926 by the rapproachment of the Habsburg Monarchy and the Kingdom of Frnace in the aftermath of the Central Powers' victory in the Great War and the Austro-German Split of 1924 over the fate of Poland, the Commonwealth is the manifestation of the pan-Christian ambitions of Emperor Karl I, Emperor Alexei I, and King Alfonso XIII & I. Originally an economic union between the founding states, it has been moving toward poitical integration in recent years with the establishment of a common currency, a common travel area, and a common senate. The Commonwealth is headquartered in Rome and leans heavily into the Roman and Chrisitian heritage of Europe, as well as being committed to the defense of Christendom elsewhere in the world. Not shown above are the Commonwealth's non-European teFeel free to ask for more lore.
What is Ukraine like? Is it the Hetmanate or the National Republic?
What is Ukraine like? Is it the Hetmanate or the National Republic?
Semi-authoritarian monarchy like the other states of the Commonwealth, ruled by a cadet branch of the Habsburgs. The German monarchy was imposed by the Germans after Pavlo and Danylo Skoropadskyi were assasinated by Communist insurgents in the final days of the Great War. They chose a Habsburg as a nominal concession to Austria over the Polish Question (though not one that placated the Austrians much as Ukraine very much remained a German puppet). Despite this, the Habsburgs have become very popular in Ukraine as the King (and the Emperor in Vienna) have challenged Berlin's authority in defence of Ukrainian independence multiple times, which they ultimately gained after the 1951 May Reformation that toppled Germany's de facto military dictatorship.
Question for a map on my To Do list: what would be a good alternate name for a united kingdom of England and France (Hundred years war era POD)? The (French-speaking) ruling class of the Empire want a name for the state as a whole, not liking the division implicit in any title like "The United Kingdom of France" or "England/France and Great Britain."
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