Massively Multiplayer: Gaming In The New Millennium

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Would anyone else like to see my idea for what happens with Chris Hardwick later in the story? I've shown a couple people already but if anyone else is curious or has some input, I'd be very glad to hear it.

Wanna do a group PM thing?

BTW, gonna send you that ACI thing soon.
BONUS: Thrillseekers: My Epic Summer
On a lighter note, I've been working on another hiatus bonus entry, this one on the more creative side of things. I've fleshed out the description for the campaign of the original Thrillseekers game, briefly detailing the cutscenes before and after each of the game's challenges to show how the progression of the game's events would go and what it might be like to play from the storyline side. The format is that the cutscene is detailed first, prior to the name of challenge itself. Hope you enjoy!


The game begins by showing Stacy, Alex, Vivian, Elissa, Marina, and Kirsten in a van together heading up to the Oregon coast for an extreme sports vacation, briefly giving each of the six girls an establishing moment to show their personalities. Stacy is nervous, but Alex tries to calm her down, segueing into a flashback segment of one of Stacy's first skateboarding sessions back home in Eureka.

Challenge 1: An Extreme Lesson (Skateboarding)

A cutscene shows the girls unpacking and breaking off into two groups for some nighttime fun. Vivian, Alex, and Stacy go to a bumpy dirt path to do some BMX riding, giving the player their first BMX challenge of the game. Vivian tries to teach Stacy some moves, but Stacy messes up and Vivian is a bit impatient with her. Alex, however, is encouraging.

Challenge 2: A Bumpy Ride (BMX)

Stacy is homesick and has trouble sleeping on the first night. In the morning, Alex takes Stacy out for a brief skateboarding run to get her confidence up, and Stacy shows how much she's learned since she befriended Alex.

Challenge 3: You've Come This Far... (Skateboarding)

Later that day, Stacy rides out with Marina to try out surfing. She's actually excited to learn how to surf, but she botches her first surfing lesson and Marina shows her frustration, though she doesn't blow up just yet. During this time, Elissa begins to bond with Stacy a bit, the first real friendly face she's had since Alex.

Challenge 4: Choppy Surf (Surfing)

The girls all do a BMX run together, though once again, Stacy is slow to pick it up. Vivian gets really angry with Stacy, but unlike Marina, it seems that Vivian truly does want to encourage her, even if she's showing some tough love at first. Marina continues to snark and Alex gets more frustrated with her, while seeing just how discouraged Stacy is getting.

Challenge 5: Tough Love (BMX)

After a brief segment where the girls head into town to pick up some fast food, Alex decides to grind on some of the town's structures, and the other girls join her. Stacy is really reluctant, but after Kirsten encourages her, Stacy jumps into it and has some real fun despite all of them getting yelled at by a local. It's Stacy's first bit of real fun on the whole trip.

Challenge 6: Meet The Locals (Skateboarding)

The girls head up to Mt. Hood to enjoy some snowboarding, and we see them all having some more fun as Kirsten's pranks and a snowball fight lighten the mood. However, Marina still seems grumpy and resentful, and the trip ends on a bit of a sour note.

Challenge 7: A Cold Warm-Up (Snowboarding)

Stacy tries out surfing again to show up Marina, and despite pulling off a few surprising tricks, she ends up once again failing to impress Marina, who dresses down Stacy severely and has her biggest fight with Alex yet. We can see it starting to really affect the mood of all the girls, and Stacy sheds a tear for the first time.

Challenge 8: Harshing The Waves (Surfing)

Alex offers Stacy a midnight skateboarding run and Stacy accepts. Alex reveals how she and Marina first met and tries to convince Stacy that Marina really isn't so bad once she gets to know her. Stacy starts to cheer up a bit.

Challenge 9: Night Skating Deserves A Quiet Night (Skateboarding)

We learn Vivian's origin story as she and Stacy meet up alone on a big rocky hill for another lesson. This time, Stacy nails it, and Vivian starts to open up to her more. Vivian and Stacy have a real bonding moment as the challenge ends and the chapter ends on a bit of an emotional high note, with Stacy really starting to form a true bond with everyone except for Marina.

Challenge 10: Vivian's Inspiration (BMX)

End Chapter 1

Chapter 2 starts off with a montage of the girls doing various activities over a week's time. We get to know each of the girls a bit more and Stacy bonds with Elissa and Kirsten and Vivian more, but Marina is getting even more frustrated and she and Alex continue to verbally spar. This leads into a fairly basic snowboarding challenge, with Stacy rescuing Kirsten from a fall and bonding with her even more.

Challenge 11: Fast Friends With Kirsten (Snowboarding)

We learn more about Kirsten here as Alex and Kirsten and Stacy discuss the trip where Alex and her friends first met Kirsten. The three of them skateboard together and Stacy learns a few more nifty moves.

Challenge 12: Picking It Up Quick (Skateboarding)

Before the next challenge, there's a cutscene in which we get to see some of Marina's softer side and the first implications that Elissa has had a rough past. After these character development scenes, we get a surfing challenge, and afterwards, Marina can see that Stacy's improved. We also get a flashback of Alex and Stacy's first meeting. Things seem a bit better, but beneath the surface we can see that Marina still resents Stacy.

Challenge 13: Breaking The Waves (Surfing)

The girls head up to some high cliffs to do some very hazardous BMX riding in one of the toughest challenges yet. Stacy learns to trust the other girls, including Marina, even though Marina is still annoyed with her. However, there's another argument between Alex and Marina, and Stacy blames herself. She runs off and Alex has to find her.

Challenge 14: Trust Me (BMX)

There's another flashback of Alex and Stacy, a few days before they go on the trip. Then, after another skateboarding challenge, Stacy has another failure moment and Alex is unable to comfort her. Elissa finds them and offers to take Stacy somewhere special.

Challenge 15: Keep Your Wheels Spinning (Skateboarding)

This challenge is a pure bonding moment between Elissa and Stacy, in which Stacy uses a wingsuit for the first time. After the challenge we get another brief Elissa flashback that shows a brief snippet of her abusive past.

Challenge 16: Stacy Takes Flight (Wingsuiting)

After another nighttime scene in which the girls discuss boyfriends and some of their interests, generally bonding a bit more, the next challenge involves three different sports, the game's first medley challenge. Stacy is really starting to learn the various sports now, and really wants to master surfing, with Alex putting pressure on Marina to teach her more and Marina finally relenting.

Challenge 17: Triple Threat (Skateboarding, BMX, Snowboarding)

Marina gives Stacy another surfing lesson, but it ends badly. Marina and Alex get into another fight while Stacy ends up crying herself to sleep. At this point, Alex and Marina aren't speaking and there's been a damper put on the whole trip.

Challenge 18: Wipeout (Surfing)

Kirsten tries to cheer Stacy up with some jokes and pranks, but Stacy isn't in a joking mood, and Kirsten ends up feeling depressed as the group heads back from the mountain.

Challenge 19: A Funny Way Of Showing It (Snowboarding)

Stacy continues to lash out, yelling at Vivian as Vivian tries to help her up. We get another Alex and Stacy flashback as the girls all discuss whether or not Stacy should be part of the trip.

Challenge 20: I Don't Need Anyone (BMX)

Stacy goes out surfing on her own and nearly drowns, having to be saved by Marina, who screams at Stacy and says some really harsh things to her. Alex and Marina nearly have a fight, and Stacy wants to go home. Alex is about to take her home but Stacy decides that she's going to stay, and even Marina regrets some of the harsh things she said to her but Alex won't let Marina go near her. Vivian, Kirsten, and Elissa all show support to Stacy and Stacy asks Elissa to go wingsuiting with her again.

Challenge 21: Over The Edge (Surfing)

After a fun day of wingsuiting, Elissa reveals her past to Stacy as a victim of physical abuse from her father. The two bond really close and Stacy thanks Elissa for everything they've done together during the trip. The two spend the rest of the day eating ice cream and making fun of townies until Alex shows up to check on Stacy.

Challenge 22: Soaring Over Your Troubles (Wingsuiting)

Alex and Stacy have another night skating challenge, with Elissa participating too. We see Marina watching them at the end, still trying to think of something to say to her.

Challenge 23: Girls Night Out (Skateboarding)

The next day, the group goes back to Mt. Hood to make up for the trip that Stacy “ruined”. Stacy shows off her best snowboarding moves yet and she and Kirsten bond even more.

Challenge 24: It's Snow Problem (Snowboarding)

After a brief scene between Vivian and Marina, the second medley challenge takes place. A cutscene shows Stacy trying a bold BMX trick to narrowly win a race against Alex and Vivian (it's implied they let her win but they didn't have to slow down much). The day ends with Stacy visiting Marina and asking her for a surfing lesson and one more chance, and Marina gives her one without saying much.

Challenge 25: Riding Dangerously (BMX, Skateboarding)

Stacy finally manages to impress Marina with an incredible surfing performance. Marina apologizes to Stacy, though it's a somewhat weak apology and it's clear some tension still exists between them as both of them are holding things back. The chapter ends with Marina and Alex apologizing to each other, showing the depth of their bond as well.

Challenge 26: Stacy's Last Chance? (Surfing)

End Chapter 2

Chapter 3 begins with a fun little montage showing Stacy and her friends performing their skateboarding moves, with Stacy able to keep up with the other girls now. This segues right into another skateboarding challenge, one of the more difficult challenges yet. Afterwards, the girls head back to their cabin, though Stacy and Marina seem to be avoiding each other somewhat.

Challenge 27: A Test Of Courage (Skateboarding)

This is followed up by another wingsuiting day, and for the first time, we see the girls all wingsuiting together, and showing that Alex is somewhat afraid of heights, leading to a scene in which Stacy shows off her newfound confidence to her friend and prompting a quick bonding moment between the two of them.

Challenge 28: Fear Of Flying (Wingsuiting)

The girls all go out surfing, and get a bit flirty with a couple of boys who have come to watch. Kirsten embarrasses herself trying to impress one of them, but everyone has a nice laugh about it. The boys seem to ignore Stacy though, but she doesn't seem to mind, telling Alex that she's used to being ignored and that she's never spent much time looking for a boyfriend anyway. After their day of surfing, Vivian, Elissa, and Kirsten hang out with Stacy and try on makeup with her while Marina goes off alone and Alex talks to her.

Challenge 29: Beach Beauties (Surfing)

A typical snowboarding challenge gets a bit interesting when Vivian causes a minor avalanche and the girls have to outrun it, adding a speed component to the snowboarding challenge and providing the game's first “danger” challenge, of which there will be a LOT more in the next chapter.

Challenge 30: Avalanche! (Snowboarding)

In the first wingsuiting medley challenge, Elissa challenges her friends to land as close to town as they can so they can head right into a skateboarding competition amongst themselves. Landing too far away causes the player to lose a lot of points, but you can't land in the town itself either.

Challenge 31: Just Dropping In (Wingsuiting, Skateboarding)

Alex and Vivian take Stacy out for a fun backwoods BMX challenge. Alex and Vivian talk to Stacy about their early friendship with Elissa, but when Stacy brings up Elissa's past, the two get fairly quiet, and Stacy quickly changes the subject. It's revealed that it caused a lot of tension between Alex and Vivian: Alex wanted to beat up Elissa's dad, but Vivian was more level headed and wanted the legal system to take its course. The two obviously patched things up but it's something they don't like talking about, and it's a scene that shows the differences between Alex and Vivian.

Challenge 32: The History Of Alex And Vivian (BMX)

Elissa and Stacy go wingsuiting again and the two have a heartfelt talk, showing how much they have in common. After they land, they decide to go off alone into the woods, but they get lost. However, Stacy is able to use her brains to get them back to town, and Elissa remarks on how amazing Stacy really is.

Challenge 33: Above The Wilderness (Wingsuiting)

Alex and Stacy go surfing alone together, and discuss Alex's history with Marina. We see how they gradually became friends and earned each other's respect, and why they care about each other so much. When the challenge is finished, Stacy wants to talk to Marina, but Marina seems to be avoiding her.

Challenge 34: Marina Biology (Surfing)

Stacy keeps trying to catch up to Marina as the girls head back up to Mt. Hood, but Marina continues ducking her, and Stacy ends up getting corraled into another snowboarding session by Kirsten and Elissa.

Challenge 35: Surprise Snowboarding Sesh (Snowboarding)

Stacy finally finds Marina, who shows off some slick skateboarding moves but doesn't say anything to Stacy. Finally, after the challenge, the two catch up and talk. Marina apologizes to Stacy again, but Stacy feels like she needs to say more to Marina. However, a sudden thunderstorm prevents this, and the two have to duck inside a restaurant quickly.

Challenge 36: Surprising Skill (Skateboarding)

We see a montage of the girls taking shelter during the storm: Alex with Kirsten and Vivian with Elissa, while Stacy and Marina eat at the restaurant together. Finally, the storm ends, and Marina challenges Stacy to show her how much she's improved, starting with a skateboarding challenge and then once they reach the beach, a surfing challenge.

Challenge 37: After The Storm (Skateboarding, Surfing)

Marina compliments Stacy but before the two can say much more to each other, the other girls arrive. It's incredibly late, and Stacy's tired. They head back to the cabin to get some sleep, and we see some heartfelt conversations between the girls about Stacy as she sleeps. Alex shares how much Stacy means to her, which Stacy wakes up and hears, making her smile but she pretends to be asleep and soon falls back asleep again. The next day, the girls go wingsuiting again, from a very high altitude. In one of the game's toughest challenges to date, the player must rack up a lot of points to win the challenge.

Challenge 38: High-Flying Day (Wingsuiting)

The girls challenge a group of locals to an impromptu surfing competition. Stacy has to score a certain amount of points to win the challenge for the girls, and she's really nervous about blowing it. She does well enough in the challenge to put her group ahead, but the locals' last surfer has the run of his life and manages to barely top the girls' score. Stacy blames herself for the loss, and is sulking as the girls go back into town, leading to another heartfelt Alex/Stacy exchange and midnight skateboarding session.

Challenge 39: Thrillseekers vs. Townies (Surfing)

Alex does her best to break Stacy out of her funk as the two skate through town together under the moonlight. Alex tells Stacy over and over again that she's just glad Stacy is here with them, but Stacy still thinks she's dragging everyone's fun down.

Challenge 40: Stacy In The Dark (Skateboarding)

Vivian and Elissa surprise Stacy in the morning and take her out on an “adventure”, which means another backwoods BMX challenge. The two are actually keeping Stacy away from a fun surprise party being set up by Alex, Marina, and Kirsten, so we see scenes of Vivian, Elissa, and Stacy interspersed with scenes of the other three girls setting up party stuff together.

Challenge 41: Backwoods Bike Adventure (BMX)

Elissa, Vivian, and Stacy take to the skies for the toughest wingsuiting challenge yet. The winds really pick up though, putting them in danger and prompting the game's second “danger” challenge in which the player must watch for hazards while pulling enough tricks to get a high score.

Challenge 42: Hazardous Skies (Wingsuiting)

Elissa and Vivian bring Stacy back to town, where a surprise party is waiting for her. The girls show Stacy just how much they appreciate her. Stacy and Marina get along, but Stacy can't bring herself to have that heart to heart with her just yet. The next day is a pure extreme sports day: skateboarding in town, BMX in the woods, back to Mt. Hood for some snowboarding, and then a midnight surf session. Stacy ends the day exhausted but happy.

Challenge 43: The Meatgrinder (Skateboarding, BMX, Snowboarding, Surfing)

Stacy wakes up to Marina pulling her out of bed and insisting that they go have fun together. First, they bike through the woods to reach a very secluded surf spot, with Marina demanding that Stacy show her everything she's learned so far on a bike.

Challenge 44: Shifting Into Gear (BMX)

The two reach the surf spot, and after a tough surfing challenge, Stacy and Marina finally have their heart to heart. Stacy reveals just how deeply she was bullied in school, telling Marina something that she'd only told Alex before out of their circle of friends, including a flashback cutscene of when Stacy got her hand broken in her locker by some bullies in middle school. Marina breaks down in tears, and Stacy realizes just how truly guilty Marina feels for all the bullying she had done before. The two have a tearful embrace and finally put all of their past grievances behind them, beginning their true friendship.

Challenge 45: Marina's Truest Test (Surfing)

The next day, Stacy is eager to show Alex everything she's learned about skateboarding, and this begins the toughest skateboarding challenge to date, in which Stacy does some tricks that impress even Alex. After the skateboarding session, the six girls hang out around a campfire together, laughing and enjoying themselves and showing just how far the friendship between the six of them has come in one of the most heartwarming and poignant moments thus far in the game.

Challenge 46: Alex And I (Skateboarding)

End Chapter 3

Chapter 4 begins with the girls eating breakfast in their cabin, only to get a breaking news bulletin about some escaped criminals who pulled a massive bank heist and may be in the area of the national forest where the girls are staying. Then we cut to a scene of the criminals themselves, killing a forest ranger, before we return to the girls heading up to Mt. Hood again for the day to go snowboarding. The girls stay overnight at the mountain and talk briefly about the criminals before going to sleep.

Challenge 47: Under The Shadow Of Danger (Snowboarding)

The girls spend the morning skateboarding and BMX biking on the mountain before one last snowboarding session, then they return to their cabin with no updates on the criminals. The next day, they go exploring, and stumble upon a massive cache of money: the criminals' stolen loot. The girls, after some heated debate, decide to take the money and hide it in order to keep the criminals on the mountain long enough for the police to find and catch them.

Challenge 48: Just Another Adventure (Skateboarding, BMX, Snowboarding)

The girls notify the forest service about the criminals' hideout (they don't tell them about the money but they tell them that they saw the criminals around that area). The rangers notify the police, who set a trap, but the criminals get spooked and relocate: coincidentally, closer to where the girls are staying. While out in the woods, Stacy and Vivian stumble on the criminals and are forced to flee on their bikes, making a narrow escape in the game's third “danger” challenge.

Challenge 49: Caught In The Headlights (BMX)

Vivian and Stacy catch up to Alex, but so do the criminals, and the three are forced to flee yet again, first on bikes and then on skateboards. There's a narrow escape, and the criminals learn that the girls might have their money, prompting a very frantic chase.

Challenge 50: Race For Your Life (BMX, Skateboarding)

The girls regroup at their cabin, and decide to head up to a nearby ski resort. However, they've been followed, and Marina, Kirsten, and Stacy go into one group while Alex, Vivian, and Elissa go into another. After a very narrow snowboarding escape, the three girls hide in a cave as the criminals look for them. They're almost spotted, but thankfully they avoid being caught, and the girls regroup yet again, returning to the campground to look for the money.

Challenge 51: Let's Split Up! (Snowboarding)

The girls find the money and decide to just get rid of it, maybe leaving a trail for the criminals to find to lure them into another trap. However, as the girls are deciding what to do, they learn that the criminals are closing in, and quickly get into their van to escape. They drive up to some steep cliffs, and with the criminals closing in, decide to use their wingsuits to get away. After landing, however, they realize that they've been followed and must quickly get away on BMX bikes, before getting split up yet again. Stacy and Alex are left isolated, and have a harrowing skateboard escape as they try to get back to the other girls. Stacy is knocked down and nearly shot, but Alex uses her skateboard to fend off one of the criminals, and the two manage to escape after a heartfelt moment. Stacy apologizes to Alex for proposing the plan to use the criminals' money to lure them in, but Alex apologizes for agreeing with the plan. The two are laughing when the other girls find them.

Challenge 52: No Time To Think (Wingsuiting, BMX, Skateboarding)

The girls decide to lead the criminals into one more trap, but aren't able to get a hold of the police, and so they resolve to catch the criminals themselves using some wilderness trapping techniques. The plan, of course, goes awry, and once again the girls are forced to flee on skateboards, leading to a rockslide that buries the cave where the money is being kept. However, the criminals themselves are knocked into a nearby river, and wash up on an island quite far away, appearing to be thwarted for good and giving the girls some much needed rest.

Challenge 53: Bust The Bad Guys (Skateboarding)

Stacy wants to decompress after the stress of all that adventure, and Elissa takes her on a relaxing wingsuiting journey over some beautiful wilderness. It's a fairly easy challenge and the player is encouraged to enjoy the sights and enjoy Elissa's company. Stacy thanks Elissa for being the first of the girls (besides Alex of course) to open up and be nice to her, and Elissa expresses her gratitude to Stacy for being such a good friend.

Challenge 54: Elissa And The Wild Blue Yonder (Wingsuiting)

The next day, the girls are out in the woods just having random fun when they suddenly see the criminals in a new (stolen) car approaching them. They have to flee and this begins another escape medley mission that begins with a fairly short skateboarding segment before another cutscene of the girls getting separated and having to flee on bikes. Stacy, Alex, and Kirsten are riding their bikes frantically to get away as the criminals shoot at them. After the BMX segment, we see a cutscene of Vivian and Marina working together to briefly incapacitate two of the criminals, but another one isolates Stacy and Kirsten on top of a nearby mountain and they're forced to snowboard down during another avalanche, dodging gunfire all the way. Meanwhile, Vivian is trying to catch up with Elissa, who is riding very fast on a treacherous downhill path on her bike. Vivian evades some of the criminals while wondering where Marina is. Stacy is cornered by another criminal, but Marina takes him down and pulls Stacy into the water, where they have to surf to get away while Alex and Kirsten flee on skateboards. During the surfing segment, you can see Alex and Kirsten on their skateboards and then Vivian on her bike, but there's no sign of Elissa, and soon, no sign of the criminals. After the surfing segment, Elissa is trying to get away on her bike, but hits a rock and goes flying. She hits the ground and looks up as shadows surround her, then she lets out a scream. Meanwhile, the other five girls regroup, but there's no sign of Elissa. They return to their cabin, Alex and Vivian staying to watch for Elissa while Stacy, Marina, and Kirsten go looking for her in the woods. Alex gets a phone call from the criminals, and a bound and gagged Elissa is shown with them. The criminals threaten to kill Elissa unless Alex brings them their money, and Alex angrily cusses them out before hanging up the phone. Vivian is furious with Alex for antagonizing the criminals, and the two are arguing loudly as the others come back to the room. They manage to get Alex and Vivian to calm down, and the girls begin formulating a plan to save Elissa.

Challenge 55: An Unhappy Return (Skateboarding, BMX, Snowboarding, Surfing)

The girls settle on a divide and conquer strategy to find and save Elissa, where Alex offers to give herself up to the criminals while the other girls search for Elissa or work on luring out the criminals. Stacy and Marina end up catching one of them off guard, and use their surfing skills to lure him out onto the water, where they eventually leave him stranded on an island. Marina stays behind to notify the police while Stacy heads back to shore, where Vivian and Kirsten have lured out another criminal.

Challenge 56: Follow The Waves (Surfing)

Vivian, Kirsten, and Stacy use their biking skills to ride circles around a pair of criminals, eventually causing them to crash and be knocked unconscious, leaving just two criminals left, the ringleader and his unstable brother. Stacy goes to find Alex to give her some backup so she's not alone and walking into a trap.

Challenge 57: Chase On Two Wheels (BMX)

As Alex is trying to keep the two criminals distracted, we see Elissa working herself free of her bonds in a very tense scene. Elissa is having flashbacks to her childhood and is legitimately terrified of what the criminals might do to her, but she's also incredibly brave and determined to get free so she can't be used to put her friends in danger. Elissa's escape is interspersed with Alex's scene with the two criminals and then Stacy distracting them at the last moment, giving the two girls time to flee on skateboards in a harrowing chase. At the end of this segment, Stacy figures out where Elissa is being held, and rents a helicopter to get there faster.

Challenge 58: Alex's Narrow Escape (Skateboarding)

The three criminals who were taken out by the girls before all recover and manage to evade police capture in time to regroup with the leader and his brother and go back to where Elissa is being held. Elissa has gotten free just in time, and leaps out the cabin window. She runs to the edge of a cliff, and, seeing that she's cornered, makes a leap for it, even though she knows it's certain death. She sees Stacy in a helicopter below her, and Stacy leaps from the helicopter in a wingsuit to catch Elissa. She catches her, dodging bullets as the two glide down together. They land and have a tearful reunion with their friends, but know that the criminals are still out there.

Challenge 59: I Believe In You (Wingsuiting)

The girls decide that they're not going to let the criminals keep putting them in danger, and decide to go on the offensive, luring the criminals to the nearby ski lodge after hours. They trick the criminals into breaking in and triggering the security alarms, but don't count on the ski lodge's power going out at the worst possible time, and are forced to flee by snowboarding away in the dark.

Challenge 60: Cold Is The Night (Snowboarding)

The girls race back to the campground, first via skateboarding and then on their bikes. It starts out like it's going to go really bad for the girls again, but the girls manage to get away, and begin formulating their final plan to catch the criminals.

Challenge 61: Grounded Forever? (Skateboarding, BMX)

The challenge begins with Stacy and Marina once again using their surfing skills to lure the criminals out along the beach, and then pretending to fall under the waves, making the criminals think they drowned. However, the girls are instead going to the wingsuiting airstrip, where they get into a plane and wingsuit over the forest with the idea being to get the criminals to see them and pursue them into town, where the police are waiting. However, it goes somewhat awry, but Vivian and Alex land first and get to their bikes, and the two of them, along with Stacy, lure the criminals into the town, and then Alex and Stacy get on skateboards and lure the criminals the rest of the way, with Marina, Vivian, Elissa, and Kirsten all helping out with roadblocks. It ends with the criminals in custody and the girls celebrating, having helped to bring in five of the most dangerous bank robbers in the country. The chapter ends with the girls having ice cream together and celebrating their victory and their friendship.

Challenge 62: America's Most Thrilling (Surfing, Wingsuiting, BMX, Skateboarding)

End Chapter 4

Chapter five begins with a montage of the girls enjoying most of the rest of their summer, not just doing extreme sports, but shopping together, telling ghost stories, doing each other's hair, talking about all kinds of subjects, pretty much giving every girl a funny and an emotional moment and summing up how deep their friendship has become. At the end of the montage, with one last week left of their vacation, Stacy tells the girls that she wants to see just how truly far she's come, and asks the girls to test her skills one last time. Elissa tells Stacy to meet her first thing in the morning, and they head up for one last wingsuiting challenge. The final challenge requires a very high score under very harsh conditions, but in a lot of ways isn't quite as hard as the wingsuiting escape challenge during Chapter 4. Either way, Stacy completes the challenge and she thanks Elissa for helping her conquer her fears, while Elissa thanks her for the same.

Challenge 63: Elissa's Final Challenge (Wingsuiting)

The next day, Vivian meets up with Stacy. She's harsh on her at first, but it's an act, and just a way to get Stacy fired up. Then Stacy takes on the game's hardest BMX challenge down an incredibly rough forest path. Once Stacy finishes the challenge, she and Vivian have a meaningful conversation where Vivian compares Stacy to a sister, and gives her a really tight hug.

Challenge 64: Vivian's Final Challenge (BMX)

The next day, Stacy and Kirsten meet back up on Mt. Hood for one final snowboarding run, the toughest in the game. Once again, Stacy completes the challenge, and the two have a funny little conversation where they both show how dorky they both are, it's very cute and sweet and Marina playfully makes fun of both of them after it's over.

Challenge 65: Kirsten's Final Challenge (Snowboarding)

Stacy heads out to meet Marina at sunset to take on some huge waves. Marina once again apologizes to Stacy for all the harshness she put her through, but Stacy asks Marina to insult her a few more times to get her in the right mindset for the challenge. Marina obliges and Stacy faces a truly fierce surfing challenge, but completes it in a way that truly impresses Marina. Marina can't bring herself to insult Stacy anymore, and simply hugs her after a very sweet compliment, showing that the two have truly bonded since the summer began.

Challenge 66: Marina's Final Challenge (Surfing)

The next day, Alex and Stacy go into town and there's a montage of them just messing around together. They do some calm stuff like Stacy wants to do (shopping, bird watching, eating food) and then some stuff Alex wants to do (pranks, scaring locals), before finally, Alex brings Stacy to a secluded spot for the ultimate skateboarding challenge. The challenge is rich with dialogue between the two girls, and it ends with the two of them doing a spectacular stunt together before calling it a day, leaning on each other as they watch some fireworks being launched.

Challenge 67: Alex's Final Challenge (Skateboarding)

The game's final challenge starts with Stacy wingsuiting onto the summit of Mt. Hood, and then snowboarding all the way down the mountain, before BMX biking through some extreme terrain. After the player completes this segment, a cutscene shows the girls biking for hours, 200 miles, all the way back to the ocean together (this is a rather extreme feat of athleticism but the game takes some liberties here), where Marina challenges Stacy to another extreme surfing challenge. Stacy rides the waves down the coast back to the outskirts of town, where Alex takes Stacy through town and then back to the cabin, where it's past midnight (the girls started almost at dawn). If the player racks up enough points, the challenge is passed, and that's the end of the campaign.

Challenge 68: Stacy's Final Challenge (Wingsuiting, Snowboarding, BMX, Surfing, Skateboarding)

The ending cutscenes show a brief montage of the girls' last day of vacation before showing them making plans for college and promising to stay friends throughout the year, visiting each other often. They also begin planning for next summer's vacation and the last scene features them playfully arguing about where to go next summer, before the credits begin.

End Chapter 5
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So, I'm reading, reading, reading, when:
Then we cut to a scene of the criminals themselves, killing a forest ranger, before we return to the girls heading up to Mt. Hood again for the day to go snowboarding.

Ah, the things you could get away with with a Teen rating in the mid 2000s. I kinda wish Shadow the Hedgehog kept its and had more swearing.
So, I'm reading, reading, reading, when:


Ah, the things you could get away with with a Teen rating in the mid 2000s. I kinda wish Shadow the Hedgehog kept its and had more swearing.

Heh, to be fair, he gets shot offscreen. There's nothing in this game as violent as the typical Uncharted game, for example.

Well this just made me think about the mega charger and the ring. Cuz both just seem to dodge everything o tl's expansion pack seemed to be criticized for nowadays.

Well this just made me think about the mega charger and the ring. Cuz both just seem to dodge everything o tl's expansion pack seemed to be criticized for nowadays.

From this video, it seems that the expansion pack was used to fix a bug on Donkey Kong 64 and not much more. The Mega Charger did a LOT more for the Genesis than the Expansion Pack did for the Nintendo 64 IOTL. The Mega Charger quadrupled the Genesis' processing speed and allowed for games to have more memory. The Mega Charger allowed Sega software developers to make bigger, prettier, and better sounding games. Same with the Ring for the Saturn.
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