
If Napoleon was never born how early would bourbon restoration happen ? How long would they stay on the throne?


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Well... hmmm... if Napoleon were never born though, would there even need to be a Bourbon restoration in Spain?
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If Napoleon was never born how early would bourbon restoration happen ? How long would they stay on the throne?
Impossible to say, really. Without Napoleon, the fallout from the French Revolution could range from 'falls apart in a few years' to 'totally remakes the map of Western Europe on Republican lines'.
Without Napoleon, French royalists may have managed to take power in Paris the 5 october 1795.
As for how long the Bourbons may have stayed on the throne after that... Mmh... Forever ?
Without Napoleon, French royalists may have managed to take power in Paris the 5 october 1795.
As for how long the Bourbons may have stayed on the throne after that... Mmh... Forever ?
There are a couple of Spainwankers on here who would agree ;)
Impossible to say, really. Without Napoleon, the fallout from the French Revolution could range from 'falls apart in a few years' to 'totally remakes the map of Western Europe on Republican lines'.
Yeah, absolutely impossible to say... ,Napoleon was so instrumental in creating the world as we know it today, that as far as anything that would happen in a no-Napoleon world? Might as well roll the dice....
Is it better to delete threads without responses?
Nah, just leave 'em up, someone will find it and reply eventually...

If a thread goes for a while with no responses, you might try to develop it further, add some more details....


As for how long the Bourbons may have stayed on the throne after that... Mmh... Forever ?
Really didn't bourbons lose their legitimacy in the revolution. I expected inevitable mass dissemination of revolutionary ideas would start 1830,48 revolutions