Potential names for a reformed, liberal Holy Roman Empire in the 19th Century

Question about this IOTL HRE. Does this reformed Holy Roman Empire includes the Habsburg outer territories? Like Slovakia, Croatia, Hungary, parts of Poland (assuming the partition still happens)? Do they get absorbed into the empire, or made independent, because if the former, it may influence the renaming of this HRE

Short answer: yes but there's been a lot more Germanization of them.
Short answer: yes but there's been a lot more Germanization of them.
Ahhh yes, there is part of the solution for how to make this empire more liberal/cohesive. Have even more Germans from throughout southern Germany, plus the north, colonizing depopulated lands retaken from the Ottomans.
Short answer: yes but there's been a lot more Germanization of them.
If that’s the case, they could keep the name, “Holy Roman Empire” for diplomatic and international use, while internally, they could either Germania/Germany for Germans, and the term “Mitteleuropa” for any other not yet Germanized people.

Sidenote, how does Elections work in this Liberal HRE? Does it still use the Prince-Electors, or is more democratic, with citizens voting on who is Holy Roman Emperor?
If that’s the case, they could keep the name, “Holy Roman Empire” for diplomatic and international use, while internally, they could either Germania/Germany for Germans, and the term “Mitteleuropa” for any other not yet Germanized people.

I think the non-German speakers would be wise to the double speak. I think I will go with either Germania or Volksreich.

Sidenote, how does Elections work in this Liberal HRE? Does it still use the Prince-Electors, or is more democratic, with citizens voting on who is Holy Roman Emperor?

Hereditary under the line of Joseph II, but each monarch confirmed by the Reichstag.
Das Raumfüllende Reich? (hopefully Google translate did that right or the joke is completely lost 😆 )

On a more serious note - Danuvia? The river runs through all of the countries involved, right?