The Eagle Down Under (1983: Doomsday TL 2016-2030)

Who do you think will win nomination of ANZC Labour Party in the 2019 Federal Election?

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Today the Parliament of New Zealand have taken a vote on continuing to be a de facto member of the New Commonwealth of Nations and still have the New British monarch as de facto head of state of New Zealand.

The Labour Party and Green Party and surprisingly the NZ First Party has voted in favor and support of ending ties with former Britain, while the National Party has mostly voted against it arguing that although New Zealand has changed a lot since Doomsday, getting rid of the British ties is basically like getting rid of something that makes you who you are.

As a result the majority in the Parliament of New Zealand have voted “yes” in favor of ending ties with New Britain, New Commonwealth of Nations, and ties to the former British monarchy. But it officially states that it will remember the British playing a huge important role in New Zealand’s history while acknowledging “New Zealanders are not British anymore, we are New Zealanders”.

-The Otago Daily Times, July 22nd, 2021


Government of New Zealand has announced a national flag referendum to change New Zealand’s flag in response to ending ties with the former British Empire. As a result the referendum will last two weeks. First week will be where people across New Zealand will be able to submit their creation of new flag of New Zealand on the government netpage. After that there will be 4 flags chosen as the “Final Four” from the most voted/liked flags, from there once the second week begins then the government of New Zealand will begin it’s national voting referendum where New Zealanders nationwide will be able to vote on what flag the like and think should be the new flag of the nation.

Whatever flag with the highest votes in total will end up becoming the new flag of New Zealand as a result.

-The Newcastle Herald, July 22nd, 2021

ANZC federal government has made a statement in regards to the viral joke online, stating that Pine Gap is simply a radar base that is off limits to public and that there are no “Gundams” underneath the base whatsoever.

-The Northern Territory News, July 23rd, 2021

“Ladies and gentlemen tonight’s special guest we on Q&A is none other than our incredible prime minister!”

“Prime Minister Julia Gillard!”

The audience cheers and claps as the red headed prime minister walks onto stage waving and smiling to the audience and camera before taking a seat next to the host of Q&A, Tony Jones.

Once sitting down the round of applause stops.

“Prime Minister it is of great honor to have you as our special guest tonight.” Tony says to her kindly to she let out a warm smile.

“Oh trust me Tony, it’s not often I get to do this as much as I want to.” She replied.

“After all being the Prime Minister of Australia, I am constantly busy all the time.”

“I can tell it is a tough job to do, I remember when I was little I wanted to be the next prime minister of Australia. But of course when I got older I looked into it and realized how extremely stressful it is to be leader of entire nation.” Tony then said in response.

“Indeed it is very stressful at times, but then again it takes a lot for someone to handle such a major job like that.” The prime minister then agreed in response.

“The office of prime minister is not for everyone, that’s for sure.” She then laughed a little as the camera picked up a few grey streaks of hair on her, which goes to show that Gillard herself being prime minister since 2010 has put a lot of stress on her and already millions of Australians watching Q&A right now can tell that she’s changed a lot since she was elected into office.

“You’ve been prime minister since 2010, doesn’t that amaze you a little?” He then asked her to which she laughed again in response before answering.

“It amazes me yes, but mostly because it makes me feel a little old that I’ve been leader of our country for a whole decade and two years counting in this new one.” She said.

Unlike most late night talk shows, Q&A didn’t have only questions asked by the host himself, but also having questions asked by the studio audience all of whom were from many places across Australia and rest of the ANZC itself. Usually when a member of the audience wants to ask a question to the guest they would raise their hand to which the guest would pick on him or her.

As a result the first person in audience was a Asian man who wore a green buttoned shirt with white hibiscuses on it, along with white bell-bottomed pants which has become popular again in ANZC and parts of Latin America during the late 2010’s. He rose his hand to which the Australian prime minister saw and picked him to see what he wanted to ask her.

“What is your name young man?” She asked him as he stood up from his seat so he could be seen on camera.

“My name is Oliver Duong, 27 years old and native to Innisfail.” He said introducing himself kindly to the prime minister, the host, and the rest of the audience. Viewers who were watching this from the other side of the screen could tell that Oliver felt very excited to be able to ask the Prime Minister of Australia a question in person, which is something most people wouldn’t be able to even do which goes to show that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity for Duong. And surely it will be a good story to tell his family and friends years to come when he is old.

“Prime Minister Gillard, have you ever felt like wanting to rip someone’s head off in parliament?” He asked to which everyone looked at him oddly to which he then further explained.

“By this I mean have you had times where you had annoying disagreements or arguments with other politicians that made you want to flip your lid?” He then asked clarifying what he meant so it wouldn’t sound so strange to ask.

To which the red headed prime minister at first responded with a kind laughter, the kind of laughter that would make others laugh along with her. After which she then replied.

“Why of course Oliver. There are times I imagined some of my colleagues being stung by box jellyfish over some silly argument or disagreement.” She said to him.

“But of course I never would want that to happen to any of my colleagues no matter what different political views we have. As being a politician it is important to be respectful to others and to be at least civil when it comes to an argument or disagreement, after all it is very unprofessional to start name calling a politician for stating a different viewpoint or statement.” She explained to him and everyone else in the audience.

“Thank you for asking me that Oliver, it not often that a person asks me something like that.” She thanked him smiling to which he nodded his welcome and sat back down in his seat.

Next another person rose their hand which was a woman who had long dark hair, brown eyes, dark skin, along with wearing a white turtleneck shirt, along with blue bell-bottom jeans. The young woman was certainly African in origin and appeared to be in her late twenties.

“Why you look quite fine tonight ma’am. What is your name and where your from?” Gillard said complimenting how nicely dressed and beautiful the dark skinned woman looked, while then asking her who her name was and where she from.

“My name is Aleeza Gbujama, I am 28 years old. I was born in coastal town named York in Sierra Leone. Me and my family moved to Australia when I was 5 years old to which we moved to Newcastle and I’ve lived there since.” She explained to her and everyone in the audience.

“Sierra Leone from what I been told recently is getting itself back together with help by the League of Nations. It is very happy to see that your country of birth didn’t fall into further chaos.” Gillard replied to which we could tell that she was indeed grateful that the African country of Sierra Leone didn’t dwell further into chaos from the ethnic tensions between the Mende people and the Temne people, this was all thanks to help from many of the European nations especially the Celtic Alliance being able to intervene and prevent the nation from going into total chaos.

“Prime Minister Gillard, did you always imagined yourself being the Prime Minister of Australia one day? Like was it something you had dreamed of since you were little or no?” She asked her.

“Well… That’s a great question Aleeza.” Gillard replied as she had some struggle trying to find a good answer to the question.

“To be fair before I was prime minister, I was Minister of Education during Beazley’s time when he was prime minister of Australia from 1999 to 2010.”

“But of course I only became the Minister of Education back in 2007, so in other words I was never deputy prime minister before that.” She said to everyone.

To which the host Tony Jones proceeded to add more to the topic asking some questions to her.

“How difficult was it to getting eventually elected as the Head of Labor Party?” He asked her.

“Oh it was very difficult, but I was lucky since at the time the then Head of the Labor Party, Jenny Macklin got herself in a bad scandal resulting in me and other Labors voting her out result. She pretty much was the first deputy prime minister in our nation’s history to resign from office over a scandal.” She explained to everyone.

“Hadn’t she not of done so she would’ve ended up getting impeached by the Labor Party. So after she resigned I was able to get elected as the new head of the party and eventually become the new Deputy Prime Minister to Beazley in 2009, even though it was very short time being in the office of Deputy Prime Minister.”

“But coming back to your question Aleeza, I never honestly imagined myself ever ending up becoming the first woman prime minister of our country. Plus I never even imagined it when I was little either.” She said to her as she came back to topic.

“I guess you could say I went with the flow of Australian politics which led to me becoming elected as prime minister. And even today I still am shocked that I managed to become the Prime Minister of Australia, but I can at least say I been doing a great job at it so far.” She then finished her answer with a bright smile.

Just as the woman sat back down in the audience another hand was raised to which Gillard quickly picked to which a Caucasian man with brown hair, glasses, blue leather jacket, and black shorts stood up from his seat.

“Hello Prime Minister, I’m Zack Hutchers and I am 28 years old and from Darwin.” He said introducing himself to the audience and the prime minister.

“One of the two things I like to ask you is how do you plan on dealing with Osama bin Laden and also what is your plan for Saudi Arabia after the Hamas Caliphate is defeated?” He asked being curious.

“Well for Osama bin Laden, we are to capture him alive and bring him on trial in the League of Nations. He is now a international criminal and he is to be dealt with and punished by international law by the League of Nations itself, so in other words only thing I intend to do as prime minister is to have our troops and allies capture him and bring on trial.” She replied stating that Australia has no legal jurisdiction to capture and execute Osama bin Laden since he is to be only executed by the League of Nations itself.

“As for what I plan on doing with Saudi Arabia after the Hamas Caliphate falls is that me and the ANZC and SAC have agreed to enforce a Marshall Plan for the nation so it can be rebuilt and become modernized again after the war. We want to leave a good lasting legacy in the Middle East by being able to help them get back together once more.” She then said.

“Final question?” She then asked the audience to which a hand rose and a young 16 year old girl with long blonde hair along with a black t-shirt and ripped jeans stood up.

“I’m Ellie O’Phillips and I am 16 years old and I am from Gold Coast.” She said introducing herself.

“My question for you Prime Minister is how do you see yourself once your out of office and no longer Prime Minister of Australia?” She asked her to which Gillard sat in her seat a moment in silence giving it some thought as she never really thought about what she planned on doing once she was out of office.

“Well I hopefully will marry my partner Tim and basically retire from politics since as much as I enjoy being your prime minister, it is slowly eating away my mental and physical health due to the heavy amount of stress I endure daily.” She replied before continuing further.

“I have good hope that my colleague, Deputy Prime Minister Penny Wong will be able to do a good job at being the next prime minister once I am out of office.” She said praising her coworker and friend Penny Wong who is currently Deputy Prime Minister of Australia.

“I will say I have been prime minister of this nation for a long time. I have seen so much during my time and I still have yet to see more while I am still in office.” She then said.

“I witnessed the rise and fall of the Australian Brotherhood, meeting Grey Fox and working alongside him, saw the creation and rising threat of religious fundamentalism and terrorism worldwide. I’ve seen a lot so far and I am glad to say that I am glad to be the one to witness our nation become a world power and acknowledged as so by the rest of the world.”

“Although I never imagined myself ever ending up prime minister one day, I can say that I am glad I was able to serve as Prime Minister of Australia and to serve for her people and for our ANZC allies. I hope that when I am long gone that I will be remembered in Australian history as one of Australia’s greatest women and one of Australia’s greatest prime ministers.”

-Q&A (hosted by political journalist Tony Jones), ABC, July 24th, 2021
Battle of Badr Hunayn.png

City of Badr Hunayn has been declared now “Hamas free” after a two day battle against Hamas troops that be scattered throughout the city.

-ABC World News 24/7, July 24th, 2021

The city of Badr Hunayn was one of the Hamas Caliphate’s secretly controlled cities located outside their territory as they secretly had a “underground” (as in very secret) network consisting of a total of 3,000 soldiers all who followed one of bin Laden’s merciless generals, Abu Abdul Rahman.

Although International Coalition (IC) troops were stationed in the city for months, it wasn’t until early July of 2021 that ANZC and SAC military officials uncovered the secret network that allegedly been controlling the city some time. As a result it was discovered that Badr Hunayn was not only a secretly controlled city, but also was a stopping point for the Hamas Caliphate to secretly send their members to other cities across Northern Africa, the Levant, Anatolia, and even into Europe, seeing this was done by having their members keep a low profile and have such only new members (those who recently joined and were yet to be well known to authorities) to be allowed to travel to far away places in order to enact further terrorist attacks outside of Saudi Arabia.

Once this was known to the IC, there was no time to waste as already Brazilian, Australian, New Zealander, Greek, UAR, Colombian, and Israeli troops were ordered by the top leading officials to give the troops already stationed there (being 4,500) further backup to which upon the orders of top military officials such as Edson Leal Pujol, Angus Campbell, John Boswell, Santiago Julio Ferraya, and Orna Barbivai; were to engage into combat against every member of the Hamas Caliphate in that city no matter how many there were and how long it took.

As such reinforcements from the cities of Tabuk and Jerusalem were sent out marching to Badr Hunayn to which after a short period of a day and half of travel resulted in the first battle during Operation Ishtar. The battle between IC troops and Hamas soldiers occurred for two days from July 23rd to July 24th, as many brave young men and women fought mercilessly against the Hamas. During the two day battle the IC troops also protected much of the children and disabled population of Badr Hunayn from harm’s way as UAR General Santiago Julio Ferraya gave orders for all soldiers to help defend the weak and vulnerable from the Hamas Caliphate during the two day battle, which soldiers who were ordered to do so saw little military combat unless they had to defend the buildings they were defending from the Hamas Caliphate. As such passing the time many Brazilian, Australian, New Zealand, Colombian, UAR, Greek, and Israeli troops were able to keep the children and disabled entertained by reading them stories, playing board games that some of them brought along with them, and drawing.

Outside however was where the real serious combat occurred as IC troops without hesitation fought against any Hamas member or sympathizer they came across or anyone who was armed and charging towards them. Blood was shed in many places and by end of the two day battle there were 1,120 brave men and women who died in battle, but in the end it resulted in Hamas Caliphate receiving a total of 1,755 men killed along with 1,255 who surrendered and were then captured and taken into custody. As for Abu Abdul Rahman he was unfortunately found dead by Brazilian and Australian troops from what appeared to be a gunshot to left side of his head which marked it as suicide seeing he refused to surrender to the IC because it would according to the “Code of the Hamas” (as ANZC and SAC would call it by) surrendering to the enemy was disgraceful to the Great One and Allah and that doing so was seen as treason. Plus another reason many believe that Abu Abdul Rahman committed suicide was also to avoid being forced to tell where Osama bin Laden’s whereabouts are.

-Every Battle in the World War on Terror, Battle of Badr Hunayn, written by historian James Cooperfield, November 25th, 2054
Sure go ahead, it needs to be updated honestly.

Alright, noted with thanks! I'll add the tropes Allohistorical Allusion, In Spite of a Nail, Nuclear Weapons Taboo, A World Half Full, Retroworld, and other tropes.

Plus, I will also add a Heartwarming, Tearjerker, and Nightmare Fuel page.
Protests erupt in the city of Chennai in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, as citizens wave the former flag of the Republic of Tamil Nadu and demand the right to become an independent sovereign nation separate from India.

-NBBC World News 24/7, July 26th, 2021

“We Tamils have had a long history stretching back to ancient times. One our proud past achievements was the former Chola Empire which allowed Tamil influence to spread into Southeast Asia and Indonesia.”

“Just like India it is a nation of many different ethnic identities like the Assamese, Naga, Telugu, and so many others. India was a nation built diversity, however we Tamils wish to be separate from India as our own rightful sovereign nation in order to preserve our identity and culture.”

-Anonymous “Free Tamil Nadu” activist, July 26th, 2021


A bomb blast has occurred at one of Roseville’s rose nurseries in Roseville, California Republic. Currently witnesses have told authorities that many of the unique beautiful roses have been either destroyed or partially destroyed in the bomb blast.

Reason that authorities know that this is a bomb blast is due to the fact that the explosion that occurred was not the kind of typical explosion you see happen in gas leaks or other accidents that cause explosions, as witnesses informed authorities that the way the blast happened was surely no accident.

Currently authorities are searching the rose nursery for survivors and anyone dead.

Stay tuned for further updates.

-California Today 24/7 News, July 27th, 2021

Californian authorities have found a total of 12 dead in the blast, along with 32 people injured some sustaining serious injuries and are currently under critical condition.

-NBBC World News 24/7, July 27th, 2021

“The one thing I am just confused with is why in the world would a terrorist want to blow up a rose nursery? What reason would someone do that?”

“It makes no sense…”

-Californian poster on TypeIt, July 27th, 2021

Video camera footage have found the identity of the culprit to be a white male with dark blonde hair appearing to be in his early or late thirties. Authorities theorize the man could be a member of the New Manifest Destiny or John Birch Society and probably came to California Republic to conduct a terrorist attack.

Currently a manhunt has been authorized across the California Republic.

-ABC World News 24/7, July 27th, 2021

“I have a odd idea for a video game.”

“Plants vs Terrorists.”

-New Zealander poster on TypeIt, July 27th, 2021
4 people killed in a shooting at a Hungry Jack’s restaurant in Soda Springs, Idaho, after a a man in his late fifties holding a small Pre-Doomsday US flag along with a Uzi in his left ran into the restaurant shouting “I’m doing this for the Nameless Patriot!” before firing upon innocent civilians before fleeing.

However before authorities were able to arrive to seen bystanders decided to chase after the guy in their vehicles and did not hesitate to run the gunman over breaking his left leg as he apparently came to the location by foot.

Currently the man is under police custody and is to be question by authorities for what his motive was for shooting up the restaurant and who exactly this “Nameless Patriot” is.

-NCBS News 24/7, July 28th, 2021

Culprit behind the attack in Roseville, has been spotted driving a white colored Jeep Scrambler CJ-7 that authorities were able to guess was made in 1981, two years before Doomsday. Obviously it is unknown if the culprit owns the vehicle, stole it while escaping Roseville, or came across it in the middle of nowhere on a vacant roadway (since there are few notable roadways that been abandoned in California since Doomsday).

Currently it is he is heading towards the border and into the nation of Sierra Nevada.

-ABC World News 24/7, July 28th, 2021

Sierra Nevadan authorities have begun to watch all border posts to every road that connects from California Republic to the nation of Sierra Nevada.

-ABC World News 24/7, July 28th, 2021


-ABC World News 24/7, July 28th, 2021

Culprit who was behind the bombing in Roseville has been declared killed by Sierra Nevadan authorities after the culprit was forced to stop at a border checkpoint and refusing to surrender he instead of turning around and driving off he instead apparently decided to fight back by shooting back at the border patrolmen.

The culprit managed to kill a single border patrolmen and also injured two others before getting killed by authorities.

Currently this man who was behind the tragic and horrific attack in Roseville is now being identified by Californian and Sierra Nevadan authorities to see more info on who exactly this man was.

-NCBS News 24/7, July 28th, 2021

Man who was arrested after shooting up a Hungry Jack in Soda Springs, Idaho has been identified to be Joseph “Joe” Launceston (54) who has been known by local authorities in Soda Springs due to being arrested a couple of times for domestic violence against his former ex-wife (REDACTED for woman’s protection) and for driving under the influence of alcohol twice.

When asked about his motive behind shooting up the restaurant he replied “Because it is my patriotic duty to save my country from the liberal Satanic Zionist Marxists who’ve been responsible for destroying our status as a world power” which is of course utter nonsense.

So when authorities of Soda Springs asked the man who “Nameless Patriot” is he responded “He is a patriot of course, a hidden one hiding from this corrupt evil Satanic government, waiting to help us overthrow the government from those evil Zionists”.

Which brings the big question is who exactly is “Nameless Patriot” and what his sinister purpose is exactly.

Currently authorities across the Provisional US have been ordered to look into any possible important information that contains anything relating to “Nameless Patriot” seeing that this unknown man or woman is without a doubt a threat to American people and society by what appears to be the spreading of massive dangerous conspiracies that promote acts of terrorism.

-The American Daily Newspaper, July 29th, 2021

Man behind the bombing in Roseville, California Republic, has been identified to be John Batcher (35) who is a native to the US state of Dakota, interestingly enough Batcher had never been in trouble with authorities once in his life except for of course two speeding tickets he received back when he was a teenager many years ago. Other than that he has no criminal record whatsoever.

But although having no criminal records, authorities know for fact Batcher was radicalized as it has been discovered in his Net history that he frequently visited suspicious sites that promoted white nationalist and right-wing conspiracy theories (all of now been by law deleted) which shows his possible motive to commit the attack in Roseville in the first place.

-NCBS News 24/7, July 29th, 2021

“Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burned, tortured, fined and imprisoned. What has been the effect of this coercion? To make one half the world fools and the other half hypocrites; to support roguery and error all over the earth.”

-Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, 1786 (this very statement would end up being widely used by many Americans during the World War on Terror when it came to their view on religious fundamentalism, especially that of relating to Christianity)