The Eagle Down Under (1983: Doomsday TL 2016-2030)

Who do you think will win nomination of ANZC Labour Party in the 2019 Federal Election?

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Bomb blast kills 120 people in Mukalla, Yemen.

-NBBC World News 24/7, November 19th, 2021

In response to the recent attack in Mukalla, President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi has ordered a nationwide purge on every member, sympathizer, or anyone connected with the Hamas Caliphate.

-NBBC World News 24/7, November 19th, 2021

Senator Darren Chester (ANZC Conservative) announces his candidacy for the 2021 ANZC Conservative Primaries.

-The Newcastle Herald, November 21st, 2021

Senator Kevin Hogan (ANZC Conservative) has announced his candidacy for the ANZC Conservative Party.

-The Brisbane Times, November 21st, 2021

Massive bushfire has broken out near Cooroibah, Queensland. Local fire departments are urging people within the area of the fires to evacuate at once due to the rapid spread of the fire.

-Sky News Australia 24/7, November 22nd, 2021

Fire has spread to the town of Kin Kin, the town’s population is now evacuating as we speak!

-ABC News 24/7, November 22nd, 2021

Reports of smoke coming from Cooroy Mountain.

-ABC News 24/7, November 23rd, 2021
Secretary-General Vieira de Mello has announced that the Third Sicily War is now a international war.

-Rede Globo News 24/7, November 24th, 2021

Over 2000 homes have been destroyed in the raging bushfires in Southern Queensland.

-ABC World News 24/7, November 24th, 2021

Genoa, Monaco, Alpine Confederation, and Tuscany have begun invading pass the former Armistice Line into the Sicilian Republic.

-The Newcastle Herald, November 24th, 2021

“So what is in it for us?”

“We’ll provide you weapons and artillery and possible air-force backup.”

“But why help us though?”

“Well Alimadhi you want to bring back Albania to its golden days correct?”

“Yes, but why do you want to help my nation?”

“You and I believe that fascism is the true system of power, supreme power and authority is the way of the future for the many generations to come. It is a system in which the strong have power and the weak become non-existant.”

“President Bertolucci, I do agree on Social Darwinism. I do agree that authoritarianism is the true government system.”

“But your going to have to convince me further in order for me to believe you.”

“Tell you what…”

“I have a few dirty bombs I can lend you, my navy possesses such devices and I be glad to give it to you in your cause to recreate a new Greater Albania.”

“Dirty bombs you say?”


“How much are you willing to give my nation?”

“How does three sound?”

“Sounds perfect.”

“And of course we’ll be able to create more dirty bombs of our own by learning from your nation.”

“Of course Alimadhi. Of course!”

“You want to bring about a Greater Albania. And I want to bring about a Greater Sicily.”

“So what do you know of Albanian irredentism?”

“Me personally? Not much, I do know that parts of Greece, all of Kosovo, and most of Macedonia are Albanian land taken from your people in the past.”

“But I also believe that the true form of Greater Albania is claiming all the territory of former Yugoslavia.”

“Sounds nice and all, but that’s impossible.”

“But it’s the truth. You and your people are descendants of the ancient Illyrians and they owned much of what was once Yugoslavia.”

“That said this makes you Albanians the true inheritors of Illyria. A Greater Albania is Illyria reborn.”

“Bertolucci, right now just aid us in our planned war against Macedonia and once things are looking good for us then we can talk about rebuilding Illyria.”

“Very well.”

-Private telephone conversation between Giacomo Bertolucci of the Sicilian Republic and Adriatik Alimadhi of Albania, November 24th, 2021

Albanian military have occupied small Macedon town of Drenok.

-NBBC World News, November 24th, 2021

President of Macedonia demands that the Albanian government and military cease further action and to give back the town of Drenok, or it will be an act of war.

-NBBC World News, November 24th, 2021

Car bomb kills 12 civilians in the Macedon capital of Skopje.

-ABC World News 24/7, November 25th, 2021

Macedon authorities announce that three government officials were killed in the bomb blast.

-ABC World News 24/7, November 25th, 2021

The city of Plav in Montenegro has been occupied by Albanian forces and has been renamed to Plavë.

The government of Montenegro has responded to the surprise invasion from Albania, by announcing that the “form of action that Albania has committed has resulted in the only logical conclusion, of that being war”.

-SBS World News 24/7, November 26th, 2021

Sicilian Air Force has been reported to have bombed the Montenegrin coastal city of Kotor early this morning. This is the first attack made by Sicily onto the nation of Montenegro.

-NBBC World News 24/7, November 27th, 2021

Albania has launched an invasion into Montenegro and Macedonia!

-NBBC World News 24/7, November 27th, 2021
We have received update that the city of Struga was just captured by the Albanian military.

-ABC World News 24/7, November 27th, 2021

Albanian Air Force has conducted a air raid over the city of Gostivar.

-ABC World News 24/7, November 27th, 2021

Kosovo declares war on Albania!

-SBS World News 24/7, November 27th, 2021

“The nation of Kosovo has done something very unforgiving to us. They have decided to declare war on our very nation of Albania. But the people of Kosovo are mostly Albanian and therefore are just like us.”

“But due to them turning to the path of liberal democracy they have become brainwashed and have formed a anti-nationalist identity by stating that Kosovo is Kosovo rather than believing Kosovo is Albanian. And as a result they declared war on our proud nation.”

“This act of betrayal will not be forgiven, the people of Kosovo will be punished for betraying our Albanian brothers and sisters.”

-President Adriatik Alimadhi of Albania, November 27th, 2021

Brazil declares war on Albania.

-The Newcastle Herald, November 28th, 2021

The Greek Federation declares war on Albania.

-NBBC World News 24/7, November 28th, 2021

Talks about creating a national museum for the 6/23 Attacks in Gold Coast have raised awareness to the state government of Queensland, as the premier has announced the support and will help fund some of the planned construction of the proposed “National June 23 Memorial Museum”.

Currently the Gold Coast Development Corporation (founded in 2007) has shown the public a month ago that it plans to have the foundation of the Q1 Tower be converted into a large fountain along with a large plaque of all the names of the victims who died in the attack. Along with the idea of the creation of a museum that is entirely subterranean where visitors would enter and look at the many artifacts that have been recovered from the site during that fateful day. Interestingly enough the company has publicly stated it will even accept donations of items that are related to the attack such as notes, shoes, clothing, pictures, drawings, paintings, and many more in which will eventually be put on display in a section of the museum called the “World’s Reaction Area”.

-The Brisbane Times, November 28th, 2021
I made a disturbing photo of the 6/23 Attacks for the TL, specifically the moment the first plane hit Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro on June 23rd, 2018. It took me two hours to basically get this right to make it look realistic as much as possible and to make it look as if it was also taken from a news clip. Basically put you can tell that below in text is something completely unrelated to what is happening going to show that the news anchors and practically everyone in Brazil watching Rede Global News at the time were completely unaware for just a couple seconds that a plane was heading toward Christ the Redeemer statue above Rio. Of course moments later everyone will notice it and that is basically when everything changes and the whole world practically changes as well.

As you could basically put it, it was a second that changed the entire world in the TL forever. And after that nothing was ever going to be the same after that.

And to make it more unsettling for myself I was listening to this unsettling vaporwave album the entire time making this.

So anyways enjoy (or personally I rather you not enjoy this thing I made).

Victory has been achieved in the recent campaigns in Saudi Arabia.

-ABC World News 24/7, November 29th, 2021

Sicilian Air Force has bombed parts of the city of Ulcinj in Montenegro.

-NBBC World News 24/7, November 29th, 2021

“For three days I was constantly fighting with my gas mask on. The cunts literally bombed the town of Heelan that all it was simply bodies of corpses and toxic mustard gas…”

-ABC interview with a young male Australian soldier, November 29th, 2021

The Battle of Heelan was the most horrifying battle I ever been in the middle of. For three whole days there was nothing but gas in front of you which was toxic that if you took off your gas mask or had it been cracked or cut you would choke to death. And to make matters worst you couldn’t see 4 feet in front of you in any direction almost as if the gas created a solid opaque wall.

I remember many soldiers in the IC found a better solution to this problem by waving large red flashing air traffic lights the ones similar to how people wave them around on a runway. While others such as myself would use the flashlights that came attached with our rifles and hoped for the best that the battery wouldn’t die or get busted. And it really helped a lot at night otherwise you were on your own for the most part in what I would describe as a ocean of deadly gas.

And every second you heard screams and gunfire from all directions that you couldn’t tell whether you were getting shot at or not, to which many if not most soldiers like myself took cover behind large ruins or inside abandoned houses that had dead occupants in it. Some of the occupants who were already dead were long dead before any of us arrived seeing the Hamas Caliphate literally plastered the entire town of Heelan mustard for the past two days from above air due to the organization having access to a couple of planes they managed to steal from the Saudi Air Force at the start of the Saudi Civil War.

As for me the entire time I just kept myself inside an abandoned mosque along with ten other soldiers half of whom were Peruvian and New Zealander. I remember some buildings like the mosque we occupied was not filled with mustard gas, but since all the windows were shattered long before we came it meant that no one was going to be able to have a breath of fresh air anytime soon unless they wanted to have access to the underground sewer which I remember we could access in the bathroom of the mosque. But the problem with that is the sewer smelled horrible since it was filled with shit and piss all the way up to your knees.

The smell I recalled was revolting but it was sadly the only access we had to oxygen so I had to along with the soldiers that were with me had to breathe in the revolting smell that some of them even held their noses and just breathed through their mouths.

The nights were more scary as I remember there was no way most of us could sleep as the battle was still raging on even when it was pitch black. Only two soldiers with me both of whom were New Zealanders managed to fall asleep since their bodies was filled with such exhaustion and stress, and even then they only managed to get two hours of sleep.

The second day I remember we could tell it was morning due to the sun gleaming through the shattered windows straight through the wall of toxic gas. And in late morning more backup came in the form of tanks and further artillery. I heard the engines of at least six tanks drive past the mosque we occupied along with the loud bangs of the tank guns firing constantly only guided by the sound and pure luck. However we had 200 tanks that day equipped with x-ray vision cameras allowing the tank gunners inside to see through buildings and see the enemies inside by heat vision. But every single shot fired made a ringing in my ears due to how extremely loud they were, and I’m fucking surprised how I didn’t become permanently deaf from it.

Even at the end of it all it was a pyrrhic victory seeing all the remaining town inhabitants were already dead long before we arrived. In other words the way I would describe it is that we won a battle on top of dead men.

-My War Memories (Minhas Memórias de Guerra), a book written by former Primeiro-Sargento (Sergeant first class) Gabriel Francisco during his time serving in the World War on Terror, archived by the LoN Archives of Literature, January 5th, 2080

IC forces won control over the city of Rasheedesh.

-Rede Globo News 24/7, November 31st, 2021

“It literally took us three days to capture the city from the Hamas. It’s a miracle that mustard gas or any kind of harmful gases weren’t used like what happened days prior in Heelan.”

-Basque/Euskadian General Antxón Extarte interviewed by HBC News 24/7, November 31st, 2021
Battle of Rasheedah.png

The Battle of Rasheedesh was an important significant battle during Operation Ishtar/Cyrus as it was a significant victory for the International Coalition (IC). The city itself was already occupied by the Hamas Caliphate since late August of 2019, and by the time the IC had arrived much of the city was vacant with very little signs of civilians as most of which were taken by the Hamas and sent to labor camps deep in the desert to make weapons and train new soldiers.

The town’s defense that the Hamas had was mainly artillery mounted on Toyota and Datsun (long since defunct as it now known by the name Nissan) trucks ranging from the late 1970’s to early 1980’s. Such common truck used to mount artillery on was the Datsun 720 Pickup seeing how they were built to carry heavy artillery used to shoot down IC aircraft overhead.

The Hamas in Rasheedesh also had plenty of driven artillery too mainly that was stolen from the Saudi Army during the start of the Saudi Civil War. Such commonly used vehicles used for rocket artillery was the Brazilian made Astros II MLRS which Saudi Arabia had purchased from Brazil back in the late 1980’s. This of course allowed Brazilians in the battle able to know how exactly they were being used thus giving better reaction times and informing military officials the weaknesses and flaws the Astros II MLRS had.

And surprisingly this was also the first notable battle in which the Hamas Caliphate used tanks on the battlefield, although they were being already used beforehand in the war but only in smaller lesser known battles. But the battle itself saw heavy usage of the M60 Patton tanks (purchased by Saudi Arabia before Doomsday, when the Saudi Civil War began the Hamas Caliphate eventually stole many of them) and along with various Saudi armored vehicles such as the AMX-10P (having been purchased from France in 1974) and a few military jeeps.

As for the IC in this battle was comprised of Australian, Brazilian, New Zealander, Texan, Basque, Israeli, Floridan, Paraguayan, East Timorese, and Solomon Islander soldiers. Although Australians, Brazilians, New Zealanders, Solomon Islanders, Paraguayans, and East Timorese troops were wearing the PLAO insignia on their uniforms, they also had worn newly manufactured light blue IC helmets that matched a very huge resemblence to the famous former UN blue helmets. Not to mention the Battle of Rasheedesh was one of the first battles in which the nation of Euskadi (or commonly known internationally as the “Basque Republic”) had managed to show its presence to the outside world beyond the Iberian peninsula as General Antxon Extarte was the first Basque general to be involved in the Saudi Campaign as it was now being commonly called.

During the three day battle the Euskadian Air Force provided heavy assistance to the Australians, Brazilians, Paraguayans, Israelis, and New Zealanders in order to provide them more attacks to the Hamas troops scattered throughout the vacant city as many places were bombed from above. Meanwhile Floridans and Texans provided significant counter-guerilla tactics against the Hamas in the city being able to ambush them without noticing for the most part. This allowed the causalities to rise for the Hamas Caliphate during the three day battle, to which eventually the Australians and Brazilians quickly picked up on the tactics. As for heavy vehicle assistance being of mainly tanks and armored vehicles was provided mostly by the Brazilian Army, Paraguayan Army, Israeli Army, and surprising the East Timorese Army having recently manufactured their first war tanks dubbed the Amarals having been named after the first president of East Timor being Francisco Xavier do Amaral. Although East Timor in this battle only was able to provide a total amount of eight of their newly made tanks (having been recently shipped from Dili across the Indian Ocean to Yemen and then to Saudi Arabia), it was enough to have the nation reveal its might being the proud member it is of the ANZC. And lastly artillery was entirely provided by the Texan, New Zealanders, Brazilians, and Australians during the battle as they were able to take out many enemy hideouts and outposts across the city in the three day battle.

Oddly enough for the Hamas Caliphate in the battle took a heavy loss having lost a total of 64,510 troops to combat, and 11,000 captured by the IC, and 2,100 Hamas soldiers having either escaped the city or retreated. During the bloody three day battle one of the most feared Hamas commander, Mohammed Sajid whom was from India was killed in action by a long-ranged Basque sniper to which instantly the Hamas commander had a metal bullet pierced through his forehead through his brain and out the back of his skull instantly killing him within a split second. As for the oddly named General Batman bin Suparman, whom was born in Singapore and having changed his name to “Batman son of Superman” in 2009 and eventually become radicalized by Islamic fundamentalism along with addiction to cocaine; would end up becoming MIA only to be discovered to have escaped with the 2,100 escapees. Batman bin Suparman himself would continue fighting against the IC until 2024, in which he would meet his end towards the end of a revolver from a Brazilian soldier named Gabriel Francisco.

-Every Battle in the World War on Terror, Battle of Rasheedesh, written by historian James Cooperfield, November 25th, 2054

Eighteen European nations being Croatia, Alpine Confederation, Prussia, Duchy of Orleans, Euskadi, Greek Federation, Rhodope, Transylvania, Celtic Alliance, Kingdom of Cleveland, Kingdom of Northumbria, Finland, Norway, North Germany, East Poland, Slovenia, Portugal, and Venetian Republic have agreed to form a intergovernmental military corps titled “Eurocorps” in order to combat against the Republic of Sicily and Albania.

-The Courier-Mail, December 1st, 2021

“We knew that only way we were ever going to stop the Sicilians and Albanians from causing further chaos was we had to work together. We sure as hell didn’t want fascism to rise again especially learning what it did to Europe in the Second World War.”

-Interview with former Eurocorps Commander Jürgen Weigt, from the documentary Europe’s Big Little War, February 9th, 2034
Macedon city of Kičevo is under siege by Albanian forces!

-ABC World News 24/7, December 2nd, 2021

Kosovar city of Prizren has been taken over by the Albanian military!

-HBC World News 24/7, December 2nd, 2021

“So how much time do we have left until they reach Pristina?”

“Two days if our military manages to hold them off for that long.”

“But by the looks of it they are plowing through our defenses and have already taken half of the district of Prizren. Already the cities of Prizren, Dragaš, and Mamusha have been taken over by them.”

“And by the following day they will have taken over more cities.”

“What is the report on civilian causalities?”

“From what we managed to gather our military estimates that a total of 7,300 civilians are already dead since they began invading four days ago.”

“And is this just simply from the crossfire or it is from the actual Albanian military?”


“Both basically. Both from crossfire and from the acts of cruelty.”

“What the actual hell happened to our Albanian brothers during the past 15 years?”

“Nevermind that…”

“We need to get as much help as possible from as many neighboring nations as possible.”

“Well we are in luck.”


“Yes sir. Recently plenty of nations in the continent of Europe have created a intergovernmental military group called Eurocorps.”

“That is good news.”

-Private conversation between President Gjergj Dedaj of Kosovo and his staff, December 2nd, 2021

“This is Confederal President Van der Bellen speaking…”

“How can I help you?”

“Ah… President Van der Bellen how are you this evening?”

“I’m doing well, you?”

“Eh…. Not well actually seeing you probably are already aware of what is going on in Kosovo.”

“Yes I have saw on the news today on television that Albania has already taken over plenty of your nation’s towns.”

“Well Van der Bellen I ask you and perhaps all the Eurocorps as much assistance as possible. I do not want my nation to be overrun by fascist hogs.”

“I understand that President Dedaj and I assure you that already help is on it’s way. You will be seeing foreign forces by early morning.”

“Good. Thank you.”

“I cannot tell you how much the people of Kosovo are going to be happy now knowing that they are not ignored by Europe.”

-Recorded telephone conversation between Confederal President Alexander Van der Bellen and President Gjergj Dedaj, December 2nd, 2021


Alpine, Transylvanian, and Rhodope troops under the Eurocorps banner have arrived in Kosovo.

-NBBC World News, December 3rd, 2021
This is not going to end well...

They're going to be massacred by the Christian crazies the minute this happens. And if it does happen, much are you willing to bet nations around the world are going to say, "Fuck it!" and isolate (keyword "quarentine") that region from the rest of the US?
They're going to be massacred by the Christian crazies the minute this happens. And if it does happen, well, that part of the US is going to be both physically and socially isolated for a very long time. At this point there's no hope in reintegrating that region in the future.
I mean as in that not only are they going to provoke the fundies and make the current situation worse, they're isolating their Christian neighbors and possible allies aswell.

It's kinda like how regular Muslims are grouped into with Islamic extremists. How is this any better?

Also, burning books in bonfires? Where have we've heard of that before?
ABC airs the first documentary that entirely covers the events of the 6/23 attacks on national Australian television. The documentary itself shows the entire timeline of June 23rd from many video footage taken from news and pedestrians, as well showing an interview with many government officials such as Director Howery-Morrell in which it discusses the situation of the world then and now.

-The Newcastle Herald, December 4th, 2021


Rodrigo Santoro: “I tell you filming that scene was hard. But I somehow managed to pull it off after a couple tries.”

Luciana Gimenez: “I apologize to stop you right there suddenly Rodrigo, but I just gotten word that a plane crashed into Christ the Redeemer.”

Rodrigo Santoro: “Wait…? A plane crashed into it?”

Luciana Gimenez: “Yeah, I have no idea what is going on right now. Right now I’m going to keep our viewers up-to-date on what is going on in Rio.”

Rodrigo Santoro: “Alright, thanks for having me on this evening.”

-Recorded footage of Brazilian late night talk show, Luciana by Night (translated into English with captions below), June 23rd at 9:41 PM (BRST) (one minute after the plane struck Christ the Redeemer being 9:40 PM), 6/23: The Day the World Stood Still, aired on December 4th, 2021

Marcelo Cosme: “Right now we are showing latest footage of what happened in Rio just minutes ago. From what we gathered is that a plane crashed into Christ the Redeemer.”

Marcelo Cosme: “Currently police and fire department is on the scene and more are expected to arrive.”

Marcelo Cosme: “Right now one of our reporters live in Rio, Reginaldo Padilha is currently updating us at what’s going on there.”

*Camera shows reporter Reginaldo Padilha being a white-skinned man with brown hair and green eyes and wearing a blue suit and red tie.*

Marcelo Cosme: “Reginaldo can you tell us what is going on?”

Reginaldo Padilha: “Right now Marcelo the fire department and police have closed off access to the site. I cannot get a closer look at what is going on.”

Reginaldo Padilha: “However from what I have just gathered is that some parts of the plane landed in some of the favelas in Rio and destroyed some houses. Authorities have already reported at least 7 already dead from it and that also authorities managed to find what appears to be a landing wheel from the plane.”

Marcelo Cosme: “You have any idea what kind of plane was it?”

Reginaldo Padilha: “Many people are saying that it was a passenger plane, while some are saying it was a cargo plane. Right now it hard to say what kind of plane it was.”

Reginaldo Padilha: “Already much of Rio has been woken up by this plane crash.”

*Padilha gives the microphone to a civilian witness who is a African man with an Afro hair-style and is wearing a buttoned white shirt and bleach jean shorts.*

Reginaldo Padilha: “What’s your name sir?”

João Lieten: “My name is João Lieten and I am a local mechanic who works on cars.”

Reginaldo Padilha: “Well Lieten tell us what did you see?”

João Lieten: “Well I was walking home from my eight hour shift and I heard a loud roar in the sky and I looked up and I saw a plane that must’ve been a passenger plane that was flying way too low.”

João Lieten: “Next thing I saw was the plane hitting Christ the Redeemer within moments and was followed by a loud crash and bang. It was so loud my ears were ringing.”

Reginaldo Padilha: “I see, do you have any guess to what happened that may of caused the plane to crash?”

João Lieten: “Honestly hard to say Reginaldo, I mean for one that plane was flying way too suspiciously low so it seems like something went wrong like maybe a engine malfunctioned or perhaps something more sinister.”

*Just then a loud explosion was heard and caused a tremble like a minor earthquake, which the camera looks at the site of where Christ the Redeemer once stood to which was now showing a large series of four explosions.*

Marcelo Cosme: “Reg what happened?! Are you alright?!”

Reginaldo Padilha: “Right now everyone is running and screaming and there is mass confusion right now as we speak!”

-Recorded footage of GloboNews (translated into English with captions below), June 23rd at 9:46-9:51 PM (BRST) (12 minutes after the plane struck Christ the Redeemer being 9:40 PM), 6/23: The Day the World Stood Still, aired on December 4th, 2021

*Amatuer footage taken by two Brazilian teenagers whom decided to only use their first names for their right to privacy, they’re names are Murilo and Lorena. There voices are only heard and they are entirely not even shown on camera.*

Murilo: “So just now a plane just crashed into Christ.”

Murilo: “And I’m not joking, a plane literally has just crashed right into Christ the Redeemer.”

Lorena: “I can see smoke and bright flames in the distance.”

Lorena: “I’m totally confused right now honestly Murilo. I mean how the hell does a plane flies that low near the city?”

Lorena: “I mean doing so would cause serious harm to people below.”

Murilo: “Well I am certainly not a plane expert, but you're definitely right about that.”

Murilo: “That plane was flying way too low…”

Lorena: “You think maybe it was a freak accident? Like maybe the engines stopped working or a bunch of birds got caught in the engines causing the thing to dive like that?”

Murilo: “Maybe… I don’t know…”

Murilo: “But I do know that there were certainly people at the site when the crash occurred. I mean tourists from around the world come to Rio to see the statue of Christ up-close. It’s like our version of the Statue of Liberty basically and everyday many people visit there.”

Murilo: “So I can definitely say that plenty of people there are already dead or almost dead from that plane crashing.”

Lorena: “Yeah I can se-.”

*Suddenly a loud explosion was heard and the trees around them started to shake a lot along with the leaves rustling violently.*

Murilo: “What the fuck was that!?”

*Lorena looks over at the site of the crash that was pretty much in the distance where they were standing.*

*To which she picked up on video four explosions occurring at the crash site, along with more debris being thrown about.*

Lorena: “OH MY GOD!!!!!!”


Lorena: “Oh my god….”

-Amateur video footage taken by two teenagers at 9:47-9:51 PM, June 23rd, 2018, 6/23: The Day the World Stood Still, aired on December 4th, 2021

*Footage shows another Brazilian news reporter who was wearing a grey suit and white bowtie to which he was located pretty close to the crash site being about 4 kilometers away where he was in front of a bunch of homes inhabited by working class Brazilians.*

Alan Severiano: “I’m Alan Severiano and this is RedeGlobo News. Right now this is as close I can get to the crash site. Just a couple of minutes ago a plane violently crashed into Christ the Redeemer and currently police and fire department are currently there and more are heading to the site to rescue many people and figure out what is going on.”

Alan Severiano: “Currently many people have no clue what caused this plane said to be a passenger plane to crash. Some have said it could be due to a malfunction, while some suggest it could be a suicidal pilot.”

Alan Severiano: “Right now I am here i-”

*Just then explosions went off at the crash site and began spreading debris nearby ranging from remaining plane parts, stone parts of the statue, and dirt and stone.*

*Camera then shows many Brazilians now running for their lives in large numbers to which reporter Alan Severiano begins to flee as well along with his camera man.*

Anonymous Male Pedestrian: “FUCKING SHIT! RUN! EVERYONE RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!!!!!”

*The cameraman then shows a total of 5 people (A Pardo teenager probably estimated to be 16-18, and four young adults (1 African, 1 Caucasian, and 2 Pardos) stopping as a person inside the back seat of a light red 2015 Volkswagen-Porsche Gol; opens the door for the 5 people to which they all manage to get inside the back seat despite having little room. To which two more teenagers from the sidewalk decide to hop onto the back of the car and ride it to escape the explosion.*

*Just then another car being a blue colored 1982 Toyota Corolla pulls up and stops to which the driver being an Afro-Brazilian man in his early thirties shouts to Alan and his cameraman.*

Driver: “Get in!”

*To which Alan and the cameraman get inside the car where Alan sits in the front seat while the cameraman shows 5 people sitting in the back who just got into the car. To which the driver then begins to drive off.*

*One of the passengers in the back is a elder lady of mixed-race who begins praying out loud due to the fact she and everyone right now is scared.*

-RedeGlobo video footage taken by Alan Severiano’s cameraman, 9:48 PM-9:54 PM, June 23rd, 2018, 6/23: The Day the World Stood Still, aired on December 4th, 2021

Marcelo Cosme: “We have just gotten word that a series of large explosions have just happened at the crash site and currently the entire city of Rio is in a panic and many city authorities have began evacuating people!”

Marcelo Cosme: “We also gotten word that all TV channels across Brazil right now have just stopped airing commercials and shows and all channels are playing the news informing us what is currently going on in Rio de Janeiro.”

Marcelo Cosme: “Never before has our nation ever done anything like this! This goes to show how serious this situation is right now!”

-Recorded footage of GloboNews (translated into English with captions below), June 23rd at 9:56 PM (BRST), 6/23: The Day the World Stood Still, aired on December 4th, 2021
I'm still alive, I haven't updated the TL in a while since I have been having issues with a writers block.

If you want to talk to me send me a PM on this site and I'll be glad to tell my Discord account so we can discuss ideas for my TL on Discord.