The Road To Willa Cather Landing: GPUR General Election 2012

This is almost as impressive as Land of Flatwater Chip. And if this is open to some assistance, count me in as a contributor. I have a unique person from Cape Garardeau, mo who might have something to say about the upcoming election.

Also, I have another couple of historical questions to ask.

1) Walter Chrysler, one of America's richest men at the POD and a native Kansan. Does Chrysler bring a portion of production home to the new GPUR? I know I/H was noted as the major manufacturer of vehicles but with one of the Big three setting up shop, I can see that as a major competitor.

2) Sports development: only 2 major league teams for baseball are there in the Browns and Cardinals, but cities like Minneapolis, St Paul, Kansas City, Wichita, the Quad Cities, and Omaha all were top level Minor League towns. then there is the Seperate issue of possibly the best team in the GPUR, the Kansas City Monarchs...

Football, basketball, Pro Wrestling, hockey, and the Big 10 conference all seem like a huge topic for later.

Awesome work once again man.
Manifesto Day....Enter Sebelius

6:40pm Central Summer Time Monday September 3, 2012

This FBC News Coverage of Plains Choice 2012: The Manifesto Announcements...Reporting from our studios in Minneapolis..Kevin Ogle, Trina Creighton and FBC political editor Ed Marsh..

"We are now joined by Dave Catanese in Lawrence, Kansas...Dave?"

"The crowd has been waiting for a few hours, some rousing speeches...the smell of BBQ, its more like a tailgate than a political gathering, but that is the mood the PFL was looking for, they wanted to engage their base and engage young voters, so they came to a college campus...and now...the CRESCENDO RISING!!!"

CHET CULVER: "I am proud to team up with a true leader for our country. A daughter of this Sunflower State...I present to you the NEXT PRESIDENT OF THE GREAT PLAINS UNITED REPUBLIC....KATHLEEN SEBELIUS!!!!!"

KATHLEEN SEBELIUS: I love the Great Plains from International Falls to the Red River but I will always be a Jay, Jay, Jay, Jayhawk, down in Lawrence on the Caw!"

"For the last 12 years, the PPC has told you that government should be in the business of job creation, and yes, they create jobs...for Texas, California, Mexico and England and Japan...but jobs seems to trickle out of the Great Plains!

Now President Watts tells us that the benefits will continue to trickle down if we continue the corporate tax cuts, and the upper income tax cuts and capital gains tax cuts. That theres a benefit to selling out farmers down the Red River to Texas. And to court California aerospace and tech firms and the expense of firms like Sayers and Beechcraft who are born and raised right here and employ people who live in Wichita, and Lawrence and Topeka, and Salina, and Goodland...and all across Kansas."

Our platform begins by putting our people first. The trade deals Presidents Keating and Watts have made with Texas and too many of us went along with. My administration will renegotiate those and make them more equal and fair for working people here in the GPUR.

I will not play fast and loose with our industry, our agriculture or our people for interests in Austin, San Francisco, London, Stockholm, Tokyo...or Atlanta, and some on the far right have pondered.

I wonder at time of J.C. Watts is in the PPC or the PAP, or if they are one in the same? Frank Keating won in 2001 selling people corporatist pie in the sky. We can cut taxes across the board, although more went to their friends in big business and big agriculture and what did they do. They deficit spent, they cut deal that enriched themselves, their benefactors here...and in Texas...but wher was our common dividend?

PFL governments from Hubert Humphrey to Walter Mondale to our good friend Bob Kerrey have always left our country better than they found it and stronger than they found it. The PPC will try to the tell you that we won't hold the line for our physical or economic security. Our history has shown whether its for a fair playing field on the world market for our corn, soybeans, computers and airplanes or on our borders in Iowa and Oklahoma, the PFL had always held the line for the GPUR. We've always held the line for you, and the PFL administration we will elect together this November will continue to uphold that tradition.

President Watts says he and the PPC plan on more of the same and they'll tell you later tonight that if we keep putting the few and wealthy ahead of the rest of the country the eventually it'll work it out for all of us..Well after twelve years of hearing that, I think its high time for the working men and women of the GPUR to end the insult of the intelligence of the Prairie Retrogressive Conservatives.

They want to lower taxes for big agribusiness, I say its time for them to kick in the windfall, and have trade policies that work for farmers here, not farmers in Texas, Brazil and Argentina.

They want to increase weapons procurement programs but decrease family services and veteran's services for our best and bravest. We say the best weapons of our military are the people of our military we can't skimp on them...and by the way President Watts, why give Boeing and Messerschmidt a massive contract, when Beechcraft made a better product, and they employ Plainsmen and Plainswomen...and they make planes in Wichita, not Wichita Falls!

They say to fix PlainsCare, we have to give it to the speculators and the financiers of the health conglomerates, and true to form of the Keating-Watts regime some of those aren't based here...and they all are the fuel of the engine of Retrogressive Conservatives.

We say, the best way to fix PlainsCare is with a strong public option for our people. They always talk about "competition" and "choice", but we say what we mean, mean what we say and enact what we propose and promise in the PFL.

And they say we have to talk tough and act tough to whip up the fury and beat the drums of conflict with our neighbors to our east...All the while lining the pockets of interests with link to the people in charge.

We say, strong, firm diplomacy first. Its easy to talk tough and be brave with another man or woman's body. We will not cowel before IRNA authortarism or the militarism of the Confederate Apartheid Regime, but we will not fan flames for the sake of interests here seeking profit through conflict."

7:18pm Central Summer Time -- Monday September 3, 2012
1) Walter Chrysler, one of America's richest men at the POD and a native Kansan. Does Chrysler bring a portion of production home to the new GPUR? I know I/H was noted as the major manufacturer of vehicles but with one of the Big three setting up shop, I can see that as a major competitor.

Chrysler, similar to IH moved their entire corporation to the Great Plains when the IRNA tried to force the GPUR to reconnect and submit. Like most stiffbacked midwesterners, Walter Chrysler was offended.

It was Chrysler Bradley Tanks that were able to hold off IRNA armor effectively despite being outmanned.

The company today is still known as Chrysler, but they are more known for their Chrysler Plains Defense division, than their cars, although Chrysler still makes cars, but they are more in the luxury realm. The Dodge division builds high quality farm pickups and still builds some serious high horsepower cars that have long been the terrors of Great Plains Racing Circuit. Through a marketing and production agreement with California-based Kenworth Chrysler builds Kenworth designs under the CHI nameplate (Chrysler Heavy Industries) here, and Chrysler build and imports Mitsubishi economy cars from Japan.

Another competitive brand, Minnesota-based Viking Motors, which is a subsidiary of Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing. They build a full line of cars and trucks and import the popular Swedish Volvo brand to the GPUR.

2) Sports development: only 2 major league teams for baseball are there in the Browns and Cardinals, but cities like Minneapolis, St Paul, Kansas City, Wichita, the Quad Cities, and Omaha all were top level Minor League towns. then there is the Seperate issue of possibly the best team in the GPUR, the Kansas City Monarchs...

Great Plains Baseball was created in 1951, as a combination of the remaining Major league, Negro league and the American Association franchises. Integration immediately came to the leagues...and influx of escaping blacks from the CSA made the league formidable in annual World Series competition (The World Series ITL is actually a "World Series". It is a competition similar to the FIFA World Club Championship)

From there...Spinks, its your ballgame. The only canon here is that the commissioner of the league George Brett who came to Kansas City from California in 1971 to be a Kansas City Monarch and he never left. :)

Now Football is a different deal.

College Football is ran under the Greats Plains Collegiate Athletic Association/There is still a Big 8 Conference, but after that...we'll let commissioner Sphinks figure that out. the only limitations:

There is a big schools division (IOTL major universities and NCAA Division II) and a small schools division (IOTL smaller universities) AND any schools that once had football in the IOTL still have football (ex: Creighton)

and the GPUR does have service academies for Army (which includes river and naval defense) and Air Force.

Professional Football is administered under the Plains Football Association, and similar to most of the Football in North America it is actually a mix of the NFL and European Soccer. The leagues are divided into a First Division and a second and in some cases third division.

In North American the first division professional leagues are Commonwealth Football League (United Commonwealth of New England), the National Football League (IRNA), Southeastern Conference Professional Championship (CSA), Texas Football Association Sammy Baugh Flight (LSR TEXAS), Plains Football Association (PFA), Rockies Republican League (RMR), Western Athletic Professional Football (Southwestern Commonwealth/Utah/Nevada a cooperative multinational league), Pacific Continental Football League (RGC)

The leagues are limited to no more than 12 teams in the first division, and limited to no more than 12 games. Each league brings their top 2 teams except for the Southeastern Conference Professional Championship (BANNED in protest of apartheid policies and their policy against playing mixed-race teams), plus 2 wild cards determined in two playoff games during the lag week between the end of the individual leagues, and are divided into 2 equally seeded blocs for the partial round robin North American Football Champions League. The top 2 teams in the divisional bloc play in the Super Bowl.

This season is special for North American pro football. It is 40th anniversary of the North American Champions League, and the battle for what is now known as the Lamar Hunt Trophy, the symbol of the Super Bowl Champion.

Only limit to a contribution: Adrian Peterson is an Oklahoma City Driller. Peyton Manning is a Minnesota Viking...and Len Dawson is the most popular news anchor for the countries 24-hours Newschannel...Heartland News Network.

I have a unique person from Cape Garardeau, mo who might have something to say about the upcoming election.

He has a lot to say. Rush Limbaugh was heavily influenced by growing up near the borders of the IRNA and the CSA. During the 1958-1960 border conflicts with CSA, Cape Girardeau was shelled by the 5th Tennessee Howitzers. During the trade wars, CSA bombers hit the area he grew up.
Limbaugh is an ardent GPUR nationalist. After high school, he enlisted in the GPUR Army..and found himself in on the Missouri-Illnois front, fighting IRNA troops.

After serving in the 1971 border conflict (where Limbaugh was wounded in combat and was cited for bravery as a corporal in the 17th Missouri Mechanized), Limbaugh enrolled and attended Southwest Missouri State, earning degrees in communication and political sciences in 1976.

His first job was as a news reporter for a radio station in Springfield, Missouri, and eventually was a DJ and talk show host. Limbaugh was best known for his conservative, nationalist views, and the concept that the GPUR must defend itself from aggression at any cost.

Rush eventually moved from Springfield to KFAB in Omaha, Nebraska in 1982, where he was along side giants in radio in the country such as Walk Kavanaugh and Lyle Bremser..Through the 1980s and into 1990, Limbaugh built a nation following and was a critic of a foreign policy of Presidents Dole, Mondale and Kerrey...Calling each "Appeasers and lackeys to the Eastern Yankees and the Southern Crackers."

By 1997 the Rush Limbaugh Show went national and he gained fans outside the GPUR as far west as Calfornia. He was getting a multi-million salary for his daily four-hour radio show was railed at all side of the political debate, and he was doing the show from his Excellence In Broadcasting Inc. studios in Cape Girardeau.
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The Dallas Hotel Bombing -- September 1, 2012
Manifesto Day -- The President Speaks Amid Chaos to the south.


7:45pm Central Summer Time -- September 3, 2012
" Welcome back to GPBC News continuing with the breaking news, a hotel in downtown Dallas, Texas was heavily damaged by an explosion a little more than 30 minutes ago. We are receiving picture courtesy of WFAA Television in Dallas showing heavy damage to the hotel structure. The bomb occured approximately 7:07pm according to Dallas Police sources. Our Dallas bureau reporter Lyndsay Resultan is there with more.."

"Aida, Police, Texas Rangers and the Texas Department of Investigation officials are on the scene. Preliminary indications are that the explosion was actually a cluster of small explosions beginning in the parking garage of the luxury hotel. And ripped several floors of the 33-floor Hammon Crown Hotel. Now, we have learned in the last few minutes that the police are suspecting a possible terrorist action, in part because of what was happening at the hotel. A meeting of Texas banking and government official and it has been confirmed that two GPUR government officials, under secretary of commerce R.D.Lashar and under secretary of agriculture Garth Jaramillo were attending the meetings, it is unknown if they were injured in the bombing. The confirmed death toll is at 7.


"Terra, what is the latest you've heard.?"

"TDI officials say that now 10 have died, another 37 have been injured...We have just learned that among the injured is DallasBank CEO William Clinton. Clinton has also been linked to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Arkansas, and anti-Confederate human right organization. Also confirmed among the hotel guests is former professional football star Archie Manning, who has been active in the anti-Apartheid movement here in Texas. Clinton was taken to a local hospital..."

Owen Field/University of Oklahoma -- Norman, Oklahoma 7:55pm Central Summer Time

"What do we know so far," President Watts asked his secretary of defense, his chief of staff and his campaign communications director.

"Mr. President, at 7:07 5 separate explosion took place at the Hammons Crown Downtown Dallas. Undersectaries Lashar from Commerce and Jaramillo from agriculture were there..The agricultural meetings with the Texas, Mexico and Honduras.." the SecDef/GPUR said.

"Any word on their condition?"

"Both injured and are in the hospital. Ambassdor Tillman just texted a few minutes ago..He said he'll call when he finds out more."

"Send a text back to him," J.C. Watts said tersely. "Tell him stay on it."

The President of the GPUR then turned to his campaign communications director. She was a young aggressive, attractive blonde with curly hair. A former OU cheerleader 10 years ago, who quickly worked her way up the ranks first as a news reporter and then as an operative in the PPC. A woman of 32 who has a bright future in the game.

"Ashley, is the new speech ready?"

"Just about, sir..Should have it ready for 8.."

"Good, very good."

Ashley then scurried to a side office underneath the stadium where the speechwriters were scrambling to change the manifesto speech.

Waiting was his chief of staff Forrest Velora, friends since they were back at OU 30 years ago.

"Forrest, get on the phone and call Sherwood and Eric. I want to know who did this and why."

"The news is saying there could be Conferderates involved. There were some people Atlanta would like to see dead at that hotel."

President Watts raised an eyebrow. "Last damn thing I need is President Rice having to kick ass on Gingrich. None of us need a war right now. If the CSA and Texas get into a shooting war, it could get ugly, and it may draw us in. And now that the CSA is in good with the crazy SOB in Russia.."

"Can't do much about it now Mister President," Forrest said as he's talking into his earpiece. "Keeper is ready...Have Thune introduce him.


President Watts walked out of the tunnel and along the green grass of Owen Field. The band played "Boomer Sooner" with all the verve of a Saturday Afternoon. The filled stadium went wild. Even with all the economic issues, foreign issues, trade issues, worries in an uncertain world and the uncertainty about the election..for this moment J.C. Watts wasn't President...He was in crimson and cream and ready to run the wishbone with precision and flair. He was cool and confident...and ready to kickoff a campaign.

PRESIDENT WATTS: "I'd like to open with a moment of silence..In case you haven't heard there was an explosion at a hotel in downtown Dallas. Two officials of our nation's government, commerce under secretary R.D. Lashar and agriculture under secretary Garth Jaramillo were injured in the blast. Ten people lost their lives. We pray for secretary Lashar, secretary Jaramillo and pray in condolence to the families of those lost...

"We have received reports that terrorism is a possibility in tonight tragic incident in Dallas. Again, it reaffirms a key policy of the Prairie Progressive Conservative Party. We keep the Plains safe against all adversaries. Since the founding of our country there have been those who sought to break us apart. For 76 years we've had to stay alert, vigilant and strong..and together we have done so.

Yet, throughout today we heard from the candidates from the all the parties who speak the tired rhetoric of doubt, derision. and distortion. All in the cynical effort to try and tell you that our nation is crumbling, when the fact is -- we are strong.

Yes, we are affected by the economic turmoil of the last two years. Yes, we seen belt tightening across all sectors. We've had to sacrifice.

But at the same time, we've reformed health care. We've created jobs. We've avoided the current issues plaging the Rockies, the Southwest and California. At a time when others are trying to scale back in international trade, we've managed to sell more of our farm commodities and industrial goods to the world. We have trade deals with Texas that open up not just the Texas market, but has given the GPUR exposure and market penetration througout Central and South America.

We've cut taxes, streamlined government and made our arm forces better.
We've reformed PlainsCare, added competition and without socialism or reckless spending. We've used smart economics and common sense to help more Plainsians get the benefits of our top notch health care system.

And we will do the same to turn around an unemployment number that even at 6% is too high. Granted it is on par with any administration in the last 30 years from any party, its too high for a country that produces well.
Our trade initiatives are already working and we still have to ratify the greatest parts of them.

Our manifesto seeks to get the growth moving. To continue the imprssive industrial performance that began under President Keating and been enhanced by a PPC team between this administration and 130 Plains-centered members of the Unicameral who believe in the creativity, ingenuity and grit of the people. All I ask of the people of the GPUR is give me more. Add to that 130...Give me a Unicameral that can do more, pass more, expand the prosperity that we know we've built.

We've made this government smaller, more responsive and better. Small business starts are picking up. We've reenergized the the private sector and opened to the door for more people to start their own business, make their own way, gain that higher education, gain that better job and for so many who have come through schools like my dear alma mater --- an opportunity to reach for the future.

Now contrast that with the others. Kathleen Sebelius accuses us of selling the nation down the Red River. We've done just the opposite. We've strengthened our trade relationships from both sides. More GPUR products are on the store shelves in Texas and California and in Rockies, and Utah and Ontario and in the European Common Market. We haven't sold out Miss Sebelius, the rest of the world is buying into this great country, we have products from agriculture, the heavy industry, the consumer goods that the world looks for.

Paul Wellstone calls us retrogressive. Yet, here is the man stuck in the Henry Wallace 1950s and the McGovern 70s. We've shown that freedom and liberty, not socialism is the road for business, education, and the general welfare --- and Mr. Wellstone we're showing that competition and free marketss will provide more health care for our citizens than Wellstone-Wallace-McGovern Socialism ever will.

Steve Largent is a man who I consider a good friend...but he, like the PAP as a party , is blinded by fear and solutions that fly in the face of what we know works.
Steve Largent's version of conservatism isn't conservative. It's wasteful. A return to the gold standard? We did that Governor Largent...We did that for 50 years, and it broke Oklahoma and Nebraska and Kansas and broke the midwest as a whole..It hurt business development and and put too much in the hands of too few. It depressed innovation and wages. Steve Largent's plan would do with tight money policies what the IRNA and CSA couldn't do with armaments and troops.

What we done? We've bet on our country. We bet on you. We bet on incentives to create and invent. That is why as Governor Largent wants to retreat behind protectionism and nativism and some extreme cases in his party Confederativism. We've stayed true to Plains Common sense. We've stayed true to the concepts of faith, family, hard work...and most important freedom and trust in our people.

The PAP, and Great Spirit Community Party, holding on the separtist doctrine, still sees the GPUR as small, backward and provincial. We see the GPUR as a World Class nation destined for greatness.

That is our calling, friends. Destiny is calling us. To all these young people. You are the next wave in that great destiny. You are the Plainsmen and Plainswomen of tomorrow. You are the future of this great country. You are the driving force of what I do every day in Omaha.

I have a large stake in the future of the country, even as a old grown-up pushing fifty. There is one title I cherish a great deal more than President of what I think is the greatest nation on earth... and that is the title of.... Dad.

I have five children, Keisha, Jerrelle, Jennifer, Trey, and Julie. My oldest are headin off into the world. My youngest will be college students soon. They reason why I decided to be in politics wasn't for power or glory. It was to secure their future. And just as I seek to secure their future, I want to do the same for every child in the Great Plains United Republic.

That's means I have a special mission to expand opportunity from Minnesota to the Red River. A special mission to make our schools and colleges better. A special mission to get the farm family a fair price for their goods and more markets worldwide. A special mission to expand job opportunities at good wages for today's workers and tomorrow's. A special mission to keep more of the money you earn in your pocket. You know how to spend it better I do.

A special mission to make sure the GPUR remains strong, by making sure that our armed forces have the best equipment, best leadership, best training and the best support system...because they are the best and protect the best nation in the world. I owe you that, and our nation owes you that.

My fellow Plainsians of all colors. Men and women. Young and old. From Minnesota, to Iowa, to Missouri, from North Dakota to South Nebraska and Kansas and all the way to a little block in a little rural town called Eufala, Oklahoma...Where a poor black family raised six children and all rose above humble beginnings. Rose above early prejudice along with a nation. Rose above fear at Oklahoma's borders. With the fifth child in that group of six rising to take advantage of the opportunities of a free nation..And now that child stands before you tonight, humbled by your faith in me. Humbly asking you for the opportunity to continue the work that needs doing.

Work I am happy and excited to continue to do as your President.

Let us begin our new journey of hope. Let's march together, win together and grow this great nation together.


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9:00am Central Summer Time...Tuesday September 4, 2012

"HNN Headlines at this hour...

-- The race is officially on. Today candidates crisscross the nation as the GPUR's general election campaign began with yesterday's traditional Labor Day manifesto launches....However, there is a cloud this start to the election season.

-- 19 people were killed and 44 injured as a bomb blast ripped through a hotel in downtown Dallas. Among the injured, GPUR commerce undersecretary R.D. Lashar and GPUR agriculture undersecretary Garth Jaramillo.

Authorities in the GPUR are alarmed this morning after new information has come out saying the blast was the work of a terrorist group.

With more on that, we have HNN's Terra Haskins reporting live from Dallas.

"Seth, the Texas Department of Investigation received a message from the group claiming responsibility for the blast. The group is called the "Texas Confederate Army". The terrorist sent a recorded statement to the TDI, we will play a portion of it now.





"But questions also turn to how will these events affect the campaign? The first poll number have come out..A GPBC/Statistical Dynamics Poll of 1,600 likely voters last night give the President an early lead out of the gate.."

GPBC/Statistical Dynamics Presidential Poll

Watts 26%
Sebelius 22%
Wellstone 17%
Largent 15%
Mankiller 10%
Undecided 10%

Margin of error +/- 4%

"With more on what the numbers mean we turn to a man you will see quite a bit of during this election season. Joining us from Omaha, Nebraska Dr. E.D. Rochelle, GPBC Election Analyst is back with us, and you see him on Election Night running the GPBC Swingometer and crunching the number. Dr. Rochelle is a professor of Political Science and North American History at Omaha University. Doc, nice to have you back."

"It's always a pleasure, Tamara..."

"We have the first numbers post-Manifesto day and as the Manifesto speeches are being delivered we have the situation in Dallas. How do you think that will effect the early campaign."

"Tamara this is really nothing new for the country if you look at history. In 1940, the prime issue was the possibility of conflict. From 1948-1964 every election was contested on the backdrop of armed military action. 1980 has firefights going on just miles from border polling places.

We haven't seen this in a while in country though, and I think it may affect younger voters, but people in our generation for example. We've grown up with more of it."

"Looking at the early numbers and the state-to-state numbers what do you see early?"

"That things are holding to tradition at least for now. Watts has 4 point lead coming out of Manifesto Day. A normal lead for a sitting President. Sebelius is competitive in the battleground states according to the state-to-state numbers."

"But here's were both should a little nervous out of the gate. You have a tenth undecided and you have a second tier that is within shooting distance of you. Steve Largent and the PAP are running strong in the more conservative south, and if you to know how the current regional situation could affect the vote, Largent's numbers are something to consider. And Paul Wellstone is the strongest polling we've seen from a Lobby Presidential candidate since George McGovern, and Wellstone is courting the fastest growing segment of voters...The youth vote and the youth vote will be looking at this race with interest giving that the issues at the front will affect them long-term. I see it on my campus here at Omaha U. The young people are getting engaged..And Wellstone will be a force in this campaign..and I think Wilma Mankiller will be as well. Up front Watts and Selebius are playing to this vote. Notice where the launches are in 2012, and increasingly were they've been in recent elections. College campuses. They are courting that 18-24 vote."

"Could this be a weakness for the PPC and the PFL?"

"Not necessarily. The PFL has regain vote share from younger voters, granted they are behind the Lobby when it comes to the left in this country within this demographic. And an agressive effort among the GSCP to get the youth vote and not just the youth indigenous vote. I'm starting to see that more on campuses, the diversity that is taking a look at the GSCP.

On the right, this could be where you see the strength of J.C. Watts. Watts is a very different bred. He wasn't our youngest President, but it just seems that way. It's hard to believe that he is 55. He was elected at age 51, Doesn't look his age. Telegenic and intelligent, but at the same time still resonates. Go to any dorm room where a group of kids are playing Plains College Football 2013 on their GaleStations and you find one or two playing J.C. Watts on 'Legends Mode'. You rarely get that from the right.

Tamara, this campaign is different from just any other because we have a very different cast of characters on the field. This is a cast of candidates across the spectrum who are more unorthodox, and we're seeing that at the Unicameral level. We have more candidates for the Unicameral who are younger than age 30 than we've ever had in the history of the nation.

I've always told my students that campaigns take on a personality and a tempo. This campaign has a different rhythm. It seems more urgent, bouncy, and future-minded. That is what will make this race interesting to watch."
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Sports Break on your AM 810 WHB

Broadcasting from the country’s largest sports radio station, it’s Between the Lines with Kevin Keetsman here on the Power of Sports, 810 WHB Kansas City

KK: It’s Between the Lines here on 810 WHB. I’m your host Kevin Keetsman and before we get into our run down of the week’s action in the Big 9 and the Missouri Valley this opening weekend of the football season, I’m joined here in studio by the Commissioner himself, George Brett. Commissioner, we are entering the final weeks of the baseball season, what can you tell us about this epic season.

GB: Kevin, it has been a great season with both divisions having a strong pennant race as well as the chase.

KK: Everyone is talking about Ryan Howard of the Omaha Capitols and his chase to break Roger Maris’ single season home run record of 61. Howard has 54 coming into these last couple weeks of the season before the championship series and with Omaha on the outside looking in, he is really what keeps his team playing.

GB: Ryan is really the type of player that we’ve seen develop here in our league. He’s a power hitter who has managed to stay healthy this season, and is experienced enough to take advantage of younger, less experienced, pitchers.

KK: Much like you did later in your career, as you still stand second on the all time hits chart behind the great Stan Musial on the league’s all time hit chart. But to the pennant chase, three teams in the Cherokee division with Wichita, the Browns, and the Tulsa Oilers all within 2 and a half games. In the Sioux division, The Cardinals, perennial power house that they are, face a challenge from the Iowa Oaks with the Oaks closing up the gap to only 4 games. I know to the east, they are talking about a Gateway series, but Terry Francona has really turned the Oaks around in only his first season.

GB: Terry is another man, good ballplayer who I lined up against for many years during my time with the Monarchs, but his understanding of the game is what really helped him manage, first in the minors in the Midwestern League, and now here in the big leagues.

KK: Commissioner, as always, thank you for your time with us today on Between the Lines.

GB: My pleasure as always Kevin.

KK: After the break, we talk Big 9 and Missouri Valley football with Metro Sports lead college analyst Turner Gill after these messages here on WHB.
Condi Rice's Press Conference on the Dallas Bombing
President Rice-Hill press conference at University of Texas

CONDI PRESSER 9042012.png

This is a special report from Lone Star Television News -- President Condoleeza Rice-Hill is holding a special news conference at the Dell Cybernetics Institute at the University of Texas where she was lecturing. This is her first meeting with the press since yesterday's bombing in Downtown Dallas...We now take you to the press conference live..

Last night, the Texas Department of Investigation received a communication from a group called the "Texas Confederate Army", claiming responsibility for the tragic bombing in Dallas. I want to assure all the citizens of Texas that every organ of our nation's internal security services are working to see that those responsible are brought to justice.

19 lives were brutally taken in this naked, criminal act and we will not rest until the guilty are found.

At this time we are continuing a massive federal investigation into how this was done, how it was planned, and how it was funded. If this is more agitation coming from the uncivilized apartheid state to our east, Texas will not hesistate to act. However, at this time we cannot confirm anything except this was a criminal act done by a domestic group operating within Texas. At this point we consider this an internal Texas matter, until proven otherwise. I have time for a few questions...starting down front.

Madame President, there are reports that Texas Army garrisons have been placed on alert along the Louisiana-Mississippi frontier..What is this status of this alert?

"That status is that there is no status because that report is false. Jim, I'll say it again, this is an internal Texas matter. This is not a foreign affair. This is a crime committed within the boundaries of Texas. That means the TDI, Texas Rangers, Texas Federal Police and the Dallas Police Department. I haven't placed any Texas Forces on any kind of alert. I'd suggest reading fewer spy novels..."

Does the TDI believe that there was a target. Was this a hit?

"According to the communique we received from this group they implicitly mentioned William Clinton and Archie Manning by name. We can assume a lot here, but our job isn't to assume now. The internet security services of the Republic of Texas have the job of finding the fact and making the case, and I'm not going to play tuesday morning question."

"Ma'am. Two of the injured were government representative of the GPUR, have you been in contact with their government today? What is this condition of these officials?

"Both of those official are okay. There were treated at a Dallas hospital and released this morning. I have been in constant communication with the GPUR's Ambassdor to Texas, Spencer Tillman. He has relayed information back to President Watts. Obviously, President Watts had a rather busy day up in Oklahoma. The GPUR's election period began yesterday. But the GPUR government has been informed, and their personnel are okay.

Also to add to that. William Clinton is a good condition as of the last hour. He was injured in the blast, but he is resting comfortably. Archie Manning was also treated and released. He got dinged up a little worse in the blast we found out. Separated shoulder helping other escape the rubble. He was treated and released. His older boy Peyton opens his season in Oklahoma City tomorrow so I'm sure he wasn't going to miss that

" Speaking of football, Texas FA play starts this week, what is the security plan, especially for the Cowboys opener.

It will be the same as any other Sunday. Its already a tight ship no matter what, Mr. Jones sees to that. But I will tell you that we may highten this up a little more to better protect Mr. Manning. He has been a target of Confederate assassins in the past. He has been threatened before, and given what has happened we take this even more seriously. And I say this not just as your President, but just like Archie and Olivia Manning, I have a son out there on that field to, who could be a target. I'm also speaking as a mom.

we have time for one more.

If this turns out to be planned in Atlanta, what are the plans for a response?

"It would be reckless and foolish of me to even consider a 'response' at this point. Like I said we are treating this as an internal matter of the Republic of Texas. At this time I'd like to ask all Texans to pray for the families of those who have been injured or killed in this brutal, criminal act. Thank you all..."

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Let The Ads Begin

(The following is a party ad from the Prairie Progressive Conservatives)

(footage: J.C. Watts running the wishbone)

BARRY SWITZER: "Thirty years ago, he was my quarterback...Even then I knew he was a special leader."

(footage: Barry Switzer walking on Owen Field OU-Norman)
"Well some thing never change. I'm Barry Switzer and I know from experience that champions know how to lead, and our country has a champion... President J.C. Watts. He's kept growth up. Kept taxes down, and most importantly, he keeps his word...and that leadership you can count on."

"Keep J.C. Watts in our starting lineup and vote for your local PPC candidates. A Championship country, deserves champion leadership..

J.C. Watts: Thanks, coach. I'm J.C. Watts and I approved this message.

(following is a party ad from the Lease Lobby.)

(Paul Wellstone walking very fast..)

"Hi, I'm Paul Wellstone and I'm running for President...Unlike J.C. Watts, I'm not backed by Texas billionaires so I'll have to talk fast.

(Paul walks by a hospital)
"Civilized countries have universal health care, and so will the GPUR."

(Paul walks by a farm)
"My brother is a farmer and I've fought for market fairness in the Unicameral"

(Paul walks through a college campus)
"I will reverse the Watts administration cuts to student grants and loans"

(Paul walks through a playground)
"I'll continue block grant funding for education innovation"

(Paul walks through an aircraft factory)
"Willa Cather Landing will work for OUR workers when I move in there."

(Paul walks past a GPUR flag and a Texas flag. He picks up the GPUR flag.)

(Paul scrambles onto his campaign bus still holding the flag.)
"If you want real change, come on over to the Lobby"

NARRATOR: Paul Wellstone is running hard for the people. Vote Paul Wellstone for President..

(Paul scrambles off the bus)
"And vote for your local Lobby candidates, too.. I'm Paul Wellstone and I approved this message!"

(The following is a party ad from the Great Spirit Community Party)

(We see a beautiful sunrise above a mesa in Lakota country. Soft tones of pan flutes in the background..A hawk soars in the morning sky...a young lakota woman looks into the morning sky beyond the mesa...the camera pulls out to show a young white woman an older black man, an asian man...a hispanic woman.)

WILMA MANKILLER (off camera) Among many of our native peoples there is the common call to common cause.

(..and more diverse people of all races and creeds join on the mesa. There a few in wheelchairs. A couple in GPUR Forces Camouflage. )

WILMA MANKILLER (off camera) Our common cause of returning our nation to its roots of people working together...

(the camera pans to An older man, wearing medals earned in the Border Conflicts, we see a few carrying flags of the soaring eagle clutching a rainbow in its talons, the symbol of the GLBT rights movement in the GPUR)

(WILMA MANKILLER walks into the frame on the mesa)

WILMA MANKILLER: People working together to enrich the land..not enrich the few and the priviledged. This country doesn't belong to the big parties and big business, it belongs to you. It belongs to all of us together. That is what our campaign is all about.

NARRATOR: Wilma Mankiller...Real Change For The Great Plains

WILMA MANKILLER: I'm Wilma Mankiller and I approved this message.

(Following is a party ad by the Plains Action Party)

(A farmer in Nebraska...)
"What kind of trade deal is this???"

(A teacher in Minneapolis)
"Do I really need to hear from three curriculum specialists?"

(A black pastor in Kansas City)
"Wellstone wants two men to marry!"

(A mother in Topeka, Kansas)
"Kathleen Sebelius want to use my taxes to pay for abortions!"

(that Nebraska farmer)
"Does Watts work for us..OR TEXAS?"

(A family on the street in Oklahoma City)
"Wilma Mankiller is a nation-killer...She wants autonomy not unity"

(all together)

(Steve Largent standing up)
"I will and my party will. As Governor of Oklahoma I've balanced 6 straight budgets. I've kept taxes low. I've made government smaller..and I say no to abortion, no to the tribes who want it both ways, and yes to defending traditional marriage."

"You have choice between separatism, socialism, convenient conservatism...or the Plains Action Party...I'm Steve Largent and I approved this message because Action means so much to us, we put it in our name."

(The following is a party ad by the Progessive-Farmer-Labor Party)

(Photos of a young Kathleen Sebelius with her father as a little girl emigrating to Kansas from the IRNA under a music bed of soft determined, driven music)
KATHLEEN SEBELIUS (Off camera):"I learned early in life what power can do if left unchecked."

(Photos of her father in the Kansas legislature)
KATHLEEN SEBELIUS (Off camera): "I also learned the good it can do when used wisely."

(Young Kathleen in her GPUR Forces uniform -- Oklahoma, 1971 )
KATHLEEN SEBELIUS (Off camera): "I learned shared sacrifice as a young woman serving her country."

(Kathleen as chief administrator -- Lawrence Public Medical Center)
KATHLEEN SEBELIUS (Off camera): "And shared responsibility running a community medical center"

(Kathleen inaugurated as Mayor of Lawrence, 1992...dissolve to her in the National Unicameral 2001....dissolve to her debating on the floor as legislative leader...)

KATHLEEN SEBELIUS (Off camera): "All these experiences are the benchmark of effective public service."

(Kathleen on camera)

"Shared vision, shared sacrifice and shared rewards are the philosophy of the Progressive-Farmer-Labor party from Hubert Humphrey and Harry Truman to Walter Mondale and Robert Kerrey. The concept that the Grand Plains Republic works best when its truly United..."

"That's a tradition we've lost in Omaha the last few years. It's a tradition I'm determined to bring back..
I'm Kathleen Sebelius and I approved this message because its time for Willa Cather Landing to belong to all of us again."

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More Ads

The PPC, they're conservative.... sometimes.. But often they support selling our industry and our agriculture to Europe, California and Texas and leave you in the cold..

The PPC, they're conservative...sometimes....until J.C. Watts raises taxes, again..

The PPC they're conservative...sometimes...until they seek to expand special rights to homosexuals, negotiate with indigenous separatists, and make race a determining factor in jobs and education.

Are they the PPC? Or the PFL...Or worse...Are they Lobbying?

I'm Steve Largent and we're the Plains Action Party, the real Conservative Party with a real plan for the GPUR's future. Based on freedom over fear and work over handouts.

Steve Largent and the PAP, we're conservative...EVERYTIME.

I'm Steve Largent and I approve this message.



Kathleen Sebelius says the PFL is the party of change. Paul Wellstone says the Lobby seeks a better nation. Wilma Mankiller wants to bring us together. Steve Largent says he can enhance freedom.


But for the last 12 years through over 2.5 million new jobs, the strongest farm economy in a generation, the best industrial indexes in 35 years, and the heightened level of respect the GPUR has gained...We can say it...WE'VE DONE IT.

But that's been our trademark since the GPUR was born. From George Norris, Alf Landon and Harold Stassen to Robert Dole, Frank Keating, all the way today's dynamic duo of J.C Watts and John Thune...OTHERS TALKED IT...BUT THE PPC DOES IT!

The best team for the job is already on the job...Re-elect the Watts-Thune team and give them more teammates in the National Unicameral.

I'm J.C. Watts...and I'm John Thune, and we APPROVE THIS MESSAGE!


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How about some details on the political and electoral system. Presumably it's proportional rather than 1st past the post. Or is it mixed?

As a scholar, a soldier, a health care administrator and as a Member of our National's never been about her.

Through a career of serving people in her native Kansas and her country...It's never been about her.

As she fought for greater opportunities for women...It wasn't about her.

When she marched on Omaha along with city and town mayors when the PPC wanted to cut back impact aid, it wasn't about her.

When Frank Keating and J.C. Watts were looking to cut college aid and military family benefits. She fought them and won....But she didn't seek nor take credit.

To Kathleen Sebelius, it'snever about her. It's all about US.

The GPUR need this kind Of leadership. Kathleen Sebelius for President. She's all about US.

"I'm Kathleen Sebelius and I approve this message because the GPUR works best, when it works for all of us."

Kathleen 2012 Ad 2.png

Kathleen 2012 Ad 2.png
And now, your evening highlights from PSPN

PSPN Sports Night College Football 2012 Rundown
Conference Affiliations (Projected champions in bold)
Big 9 Conference
Oklahoma A&M, Oklahoma, Kansas, Kansas State, Nebraska, Missouri, Iowa, Iowa State, Minnesota
- Obviously, Coach Solich has the Big Red up and rolling like never before, but with road games against the Sooners, Aggies, and the Wildcats, a birth in the Cotton Bowl against the Southwest Conference Champions is in question. Iowa will also have something to say as Mike Stoops returns to his alma mater, and possibly steeping from his big brother’s shadow to lead the black and gold to the upper half of the conference. KU, Iowa State, and the Gophers from Minnesota look to be rebuilding.

Missouri Valley Conference
Missouri State, Northern Iowa, North Dakota, NDSU, South Dakota, SDSU, Wichita University, SE Missouri State, Tulsa, Pittsburg State, Northwest Missouri State, St. Louis University, Creighton, Drake

- Pittsburgh State, defending Valley champions, looks like the real Gorillas of the league. Only Northwest Missouri and Northern Iowa seem to have an outside chance at the title. But watch out for Wichita State. The Shockers were 3-4 plays away from an above .500 record last season and a last season’s youth is replaced with an experienced, if still undersized core.

Mid-Continent Conference
Central Missouri St, Central Oklahoma, Emporia State, Western Kansas, Missouri Southern, Nebraska Omaha, Nebraska- Kearney, Missouri- Kansas City, Missouri Tech, Truman State, Missouri Western, Oral Roberts
- A barroom brawl is the only thing that can be expected here in the Mid-Con. Missouri Western lost their top tailback from last season to eligibility issues and the Tigers out in Hays have seen their pipeline to the Rockies dry up like the Arkansas west of Hutchinson. Missouri Tech looks like they will be competitive as well, but it will be a wide open race.

Northern Collegiate Athletic Association
Minnesota-Duluth, Moorhead State, St. Cloud State, Minnesota-Mankato, Bemidji State, Wayne State College, Minot State University, Bismarck State, South Dakota School of the Mines, Northern State University,
- St. Cloud State is the class of the NCAA, with the boys from Rapid City looking like contenders. Wayne State is coming off a down year, but will have to play the weather game like all the others this season. Look for Bemidji State to also try and rebound this year, but road games in Duluth and Rapid City in weeks 6 and 7 make the home clash with St. Cloud on Thanksgiving a must win.

Heart of the Plains Athletic Conference:
Grinnell, Baker, Benedictine, Peru State, Ottawa University, Southwestern College, Washburn, Kansas Wesleyan University, York College, William Jewell College
- Small colleges, but a lot of fire power. Again, it looks like a clash between Baker and Grinnell for the HPAC title, but the “Bod Squad” from Washburn thinks that the Ichabods can challenge. Southwestern looks to be a mid-table team as well as Peru and Ottawa. Jewell and York are rebuilding while the Ravens from Benedictine will have nothing to caw about this year.

Question of the Night: With the possible addition of the Prairie Provinces to the north next season, should the PFA accept the Regina Roughriders and the Winnipeg Blue Bombers into to the First Division or make them earn promotion?
"How about some details on the political and electoral system. Presumably it's proportional rather than 1st past the post. Or is it mixed?

The system is mixed.

The Executive branch is directly elected by popular vote.

The legislature is a 405-member unicameral (championed by George Norris ITTL just as he did as a U.S. Senator from Nebraska IOTL.)

From 1936-1984, the Unicameral was first past the post...But the Lease Lobby had long pushed for porportional finally got done in 1986 through a coalition in the Unicameral led by Lobby MU Ernest R. Chambers, a Lobby representative from the national capitol..Omaha, Nebraska.

Starting with the 1988 General Election the country was redrawn into 203 Electoral Legislative Districts. These are the contest seats in the National Unicameral.

The other 202 seats are the At-Large Legislative Seats. And they are decided by individual party lists drawn up by the state and national party units. The formula of election still applies. 1 representative per approximately 60,325 citizens. The allocations of the At-Large seats are based on the total combined number of vote for the party in the individual state elections for your MUs. Note ONLY VOTES FOR INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS OF THE UNICAMERAL ARE COUNTED TOWARDS PR.

After all votes are tabulated, the each state electoral board counts up the total number for every party. If a party can poll at least 3.5% of the statewide total number of votes in the National Unicameral election they are by law ENTITLED to a seat in the National Unicameral. Once all those numbers are determined, the votes re-calculated removing the votes of all parties that did not reach 3.5%, and then allocating the number of at-large seats based on the new numbers. From there, the seats are assigned based on a party list made by all the parties and turn into the state electoral boards by October 31st prior to the election.

The new Unicameral officially takes office on January 21st the following year. Like the tradition set by the former United States, the President takes office on January 20th.

"Does the President have to get a cabinet from the MUs?"

No they, don't...But they can and for certain cabinet position that get them closer to the people such as Health/Human Services and Education they do.

For other office such as Foreign Secretary, Commerce Secretary and Defense, the tradition leans toward bringing outside experts.

Now the advantage to building a cabinet for the MUs? Members of the Unicameral who enter the cabinet avoid confirmation process by law.

Those nominated have to undergo Unicameral confirmation.
Wellstone-Stringer 2012

(Cue reflective hopeful piano sonata)

PAUL WELLSTONE: I'm a teacher at heart. I moved to Minnesota to teach. I wanted to infuse young minds with a love of learning and curiousity. To question and consider their democracy, and to participate in it.

C. VIVIAN STRINGER: Teaching and coaching are my life. I'd be happy just to live my life in Iowa and teach young people about their world and coach basketball. I didn't see myself in politics or in the Unicameral.

PAUL WELLSTONE: I ran because I saw things weren't going right. We have kids tuning out the process because the process was tuning them out. The same old song coming from Omaha. More for the mighty less and less for the people. That had to change, and that change had to start somewhere, so why not me.

C. VIVIAN STRINGER: My husband told me "If you that darn upset about it, do something about it.."

PAUL WELLSTONE: I'm running because the old ways aren't going to work in the new century. We have to look at sustainability, education, moving many people forward not just a chosen few. We have to move behind balkanization and segregation. We have too many problems to solve to not pull together. That's what the Lease Lobby has always been about. That is what I and Coach Stringer are about.

C. VIVIAN STRINGER: I'm doing this for my kids. For every kid I've ever coached. For every kid I've ever taught. Our children's future cannot afford any more excuses or double talk. They can't afford to wait until the fat cats get seconds while the rest of us wait in line.

PAUL WELLSTONE: I left the IRNA because they believe in the power of the few over the power of us all. The GPUR, as a nation, believes in neighbor helping neighbor but now we have people believe in "me first"! Our country is better than that.

C. VIVIAN STRINGER: This land has come so far, but it has farther to go and too much promise to waste. That why I'm running with Paul, the grab that promise.

NARRATOR: Wellstone-Stringer 2012. A Team For All The People

I'm Paul Wellstone...and I'm Dr. C. Vivian Stringer...and we approve this message.

Wellstone-Stringer 2012 1.png

Wellstone-Stringer 2012 1.png
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