Hello everyone I've already made a scenario on this topic but it's not 2000 words and I don't plan to artificially make it 2000 words.
I enjoyed writing it based off my knowledge of Carlin's politics and beliefs and tried to use his words where possible.

Below is a script for my youtube video discussing this topic and having recorded and uploaded it I'm satisfied with where I left it. I feel like people may still feel it's interesting however and so here it is.

George Carlin In Our Timeline was a stand-up comedian, social critic and actor. He had routines discussing and regularly used his platform to criticise American politics and society Expressing sentiments of atheism, environmentalism and left wing ideas.

In this video I will describe a timeline where a Carlin became a politician in 1991 and went on to use his unique personality, persuasive skills and chutzpah. to bring about political and cultural change in the United States in the 1990s and early 2000’s.

In this timeline the Point of Divergence is that the romantic drama movie Prince of Tides which Carlin acted in was filmed in 1989 in Louisiana rather than the books location of South Carolina.

Carlin in this timeline while filming the movie was seduced by the swamps and bayous of the natural landscape and decided to spend some time in the region working as a comedy act at local gigs and working on his autobiography. He was swiftly caught up in the cultural and political Milieu of the region and time which was very tumultuous.

He as a firm anti-racist quickly began mocking and making fun of the KKK in his evening routines in particular David Duke the KKK’s grand wizard and the incumbent the notoriously corrupt racketeer democrat Edwin Edwards.

Quick historical sidenote here Duke who ran for the senate in Louisiana in 1990 as a republican although denounced by almost every republican political figure and for governor of Louisiana in 1991 gaining 38.8% of the vote In our timeline losing out to Edwin Edwards

In our timeline this led to slogans like “Vote for the lizard not the wizard.” And “Vote for the Crook, It’s important”.

His comedic bits lead to heckling and fan-mail about how corrupt Edwards was and would he please consider running.

Carlin initially rejected these requests and found them laughable enough that he began including them in his comedy routines spreading the concept much further than was initially the case.

Later that year while performing in the extreme heat of the day and the anger he felt at the time triggered a heart attack which he was prone to at the time.

Upon recovery he had what could be metaphorically described as a “come to Jesus” moment where he took stock of his life and the history and direction of America and decided to in his words “do something about it other than whinging and moaning”.

He later claimed that his stance on god has softened and that he knew there was someone looking out for him.

Carlin although he was very publicly atheist was not beyond a more abstract concept of god saying in a 2000 interview that he thought that there was an organising intelligence to the world which was incomprehensible to human beings.

Christianity has historically been almost a necessary prerequisite in being elected with David Duke during his 1991 campaign claiming that he was a born again Christian and had renounced racism. I’d like to interject here that this claim was complete bullshit invented to moderate his image so that he could win political office, everyone at the time knew it and to no degree did Duke meaningfully or lastingly change his stances on white supremacy.

Carlin’s campaign in this timeline was very unusual influenced strongly by his career history with a lot of grassroots support from the many pubs and bars he did gigs at, celebrity endorsements and events from Musicians, comedians and actors who for moral reasons found it advisable to campaign for him. These included Dolly Parton, Johnny Cash and Oprah Winfrey.

Parton and Cash hosted concerts to raise money for Carlin’s campaign and went along to

His few large rallies to increase the number of bodies he could speak to.

Oprah Winfrey additionally interviewed him on her show gaining him a

national platform which he used to simultaneously sell himself as a candidate and to criticise certain people living on the eastern and western seaboard for viewing themselves as cultural elites and looking down on middle Americans by calling them flyover states or full of rednecks. Saying that some of the nicest people he ever met lived here and that people on the coast should look outside more before telling other people that their system Isn’t working.

With deep concerns growing in the Democratic Party that Carlin would split the vote senior leadership approached Edwards and with a combination of honey with another good seat being offered and guaranteed campaign funding and threats strongarmed him into both retiring to “spend more time with his family” and endorsing Carlin for governor.

Both the fear of Duke’s controversial and asinine politics which lead to substantial negative voter turnout among black voters and the hope of a fresh non-corrupt political outsider who would improve Louisiana lead to Carlin becoming the governor of Louisiana with a comfortable lead.

In his victory speech he was uncharacteristically sincere and emotional saying how grateful he was to the people of Louisiana and to his family for supporting him saying that he in return would be there for them

Governor of Louisiana

Carlin served as Governor of Louisiana for two terms with a governing style comparable to that of medieval kings who stayed over at their lords houses as he travelling from one town to the next every 2nd week setting up shop in local offices and attending a different town meeting and listening to different people’s concerns every Saturday. In his time there he made sure he and his staff shopped locally, passively campaigned by appearing relatable, organised volunteering campaigns and committed funding to populist concerns of the town in question such as potholes, memorials and bridges.

His policies included: expanding the preservation of the natural environment as national parks and the rewilding of farms and abandoned properties with Carlin stating that “Only a state of half-wits would want to turn the pristine beauty around us into a shopping mall”. Saying that he got that people still needed to make money and have jobs in office he helped build the field of eco-tourism to substantial levels.

Fighting against the casinos his predecessor had supported on a social basis not a legal one throughout his term saying that he was all for freedom in all its forms but you’d have to question the intelligence of people travelled hundreds of miles to give your money to a large corporation when there’s a perfectly fine garbage can outside.

He also expanded educational and social welfare programs and tried to actively reduce the size of the state’s prison population by promoting more community service sentences for misdemeanours and crimes and to curb the aggressiveness of the police having experienced arrests various times for his edgy jokes and humour.

These political stances won him strong enemies who derided him as George of the Jungle, an out of touch Yankee, and Commie Carlin who was soft on crime and didn’t care about people unless they were clapping for him.

After his terms as governor he sought and won election in the seat of Louisiana In the house of representatives where his frank speeches and course prose and language on those issues of war, corruption, oligarchism, censorship and environmentalist causes the conversations he pulled the country and the democratic party substantially to the left and became the stuff of legend online.

In 2000 Gore won by a slim margin of 20-30 votes in Florida which were attributed to Carlin strongly as the

I suspect 9/11 would still occur in this timeline as would the invasion of Afghanistan. I don’t think the invasion of Iraq would have occurred so the disastrous invasion never occurs and the genocidal dictator stays in power in this timeline.

Carlin would have strong objections to the war saying words to the effect of “fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity”

Carlin given his first-hand experience with the KKK would have toured the country in the summer of 2002 making the case for a federal anti-lynching bill and whipping up support so that it became untenable to publicly oppose it leading to it being adopted nationally.

He would go on to help Gore’s green energy initiatives by downplaying the importance of climate change to the conversation instead selling it to people as something which would be important for national security and a means of securing independence/self- reliance from the national grid for families, communities and states.

Relaying stories of how shitty OPEC’ 73 oil blockade was Carlin made the case that if Americans didn’t want to be on Iran and Saudi Arabia’s chain or that of big companies which viewed them as vassals then America needed to get on board with renewable energy.

Gore was in this timeline able to substantially increase subsidies for solar panels, wind turbines and geothermal projects.

Government buildings would be required to install renewable energy infrastructure, adopt energy efficient practices and utilities and increase their purchasing of power from renewable sources over a 10 year period.

For these efforts He was given the informal title of Gore’s Greaser and retired after two terms in the house of representatives.

After his political career he would likely retire occasionally being active on specific issues which drew his eye and making quotable statements people would see as nailing a certain topic.

I was thinking Carlin would run as an independent. Could Carlin endorse Perot in 1992 and 1996 and join the Reform party? This TL reminds me of Jesse Ventura winning as governor of Minnesota in 1998.
I don't think he'd last very long in the political arena.

Ever notice that most of the women who are against abortion you wouldn't wanna fuck anyway?

Even pro-choice feminists would turn against him over stuff like that(*). And there's no way Bible Belt Democrats are gonna want someone with Carlin's anti-religious animosity fronting a gubernatorial race, even if the alternative is Edwards(who actually had no trouble beating Duke anyway).

(*) Carlin himself felt obligated to bowdlerize that joke, substituting "people" for "women" in later renditions. That's the version that I saw recycled in tributes after he died, by people who would not have dared to quote the original.
I have a hard time not just seeing Carlin elected, but Carlin himself stomaching the nonsense and BS long enough to actually be elected.

Jes Lo

I was thinking Carlin would run as an independent. Could Carlin endorse Perot in 1992 and 1996 and join the Reform party? This TL reminds me of Jesse Ventura winning as governor of Minnesota in 1998.
He'd be way too left-wing to be willing to join a party run by a mixed-bag centrist Southerner. The only option is Democrat, maybe gaining some further endorsements by lesser, local leftist parties depending on the state he'd run in.
I also think that out of all the states he could run in, Louisiana is not the one that would get him elected. He'd have better prospects on the East/West Coast much further north that are open to his really left-wing stances. Even in those states, however, a governorship might be far-fetched.
He'd be way too left-wing to be willing to join a party run by a mixed-bag centrist Southerner. The only option is Democrat, maybe gaining some further endorsements by lesser, local leftist parties depending on the state he'd run in.
I also think that out of all the states he could run in, Louisiana is not the one that would get him elected. He'd have better prospects on the East/West Coast much further north that are open to his really left-wing stances. Even in those states, however, a governorship might be far-fetched.
He wasn't a fan of Democrats either. Besides, the Reform party was created for disillusioned Democrats and Republicans to put away hot topic issues and focus on issues such as the economy.

Jes Lo

He wasn't a fan of Democrats either. Besides, the Reform party was created for disillusioned Democrats and Republicans to put away hot topic issues and focus on issues such as the economy.
I don't think George Carlin would be the one to increase the popularity of Reform or be motivated to support them, nor that he'd be personally fond of Ross Perot due to differing political views and the fact that Perot's a millionaire. If you want him to run for Reform then Reform has to become a more viable third party open to left-wing ideas due to various circumstances. Otherwise he's gonna run as a left-wing Democrat, by virtue of the Democrats being the only ones receptive to his message from the get-go without any extra work being needed before he'd run. Or you'd have another already-established left-wing party and in that case he'd probably vote for those guys, at least.
I don't think George Carlin would be the one to increase the popularity of Reform or be motivated to support them, nor that he'd be personally fond of Ross Perot due to differing political views and the fact that Perot's a millionaire. If you want him to run for Reform then Reform has to become a more viable third party open to left-wing ideas due to various circumstances. Otherwise he's gonna run as a left-wing Democrat, by virtue of the Democrats being the only ones receptive to his message from the get-go without any extra work being needed before he'd run. Or you'd have another already-established left-wing party and in that case he'd probably vote for those guys, at least.
Maybe the Green party?

Jes Lo

Maybe the Green party?
I just said the Democrats because that's the only scenario where you don't have to spend a lot of time setting up a scenario where a left-wing third party gains national relevance, which kinda makes it less about Carlin becoming a politician and more just about this political shift. I could see Carlin voting for the Greens in a scenario like Green Revolution on the Golden Gate and endorse them in some way. If you want him to run for the Green Party and win on that ticket, you'd need a strong Green Party fast, since he died in 2008.
He'd have better prospects on the East/West Coast much further north that are open to his really left-wing stances. Even in those states, however, a governorship might be far-fetched.

The most plausible scenario, relatively speaking, would be for him to run for mayor of a city like San Francisco(well, okay, just San Francisco, since it's pretty much the only city like that), or maybe run for city-council in an average big city, representing a district heavy with college students and an arts district.

Jes Lo

The most plausible scenario, relatively speaking, would be for him to run for mayor of a city like San Francisco(well, okay, just San Francisco, since it's pretty much the only city like that), or maybe run for city-council in an average big city, representing a district heavy with college students and an arts district.
The thing is too that if that's his best chance at office, then why even bother running since that's such a powerless position for him to be in? I think he'd just be a spokesman/supporter since he'd be doing what he's been doing his entire career as a comedian. I wouldn't mind seeing more well-written third party timelines on this site, tbh, and maybe George Carlin would be a spokesman for one of them.