WI/AHC: Massive arab inmigration in South America

I understand that the great inmigration period in South America was from 1880 to 1950. A big part of this inmigration was composed by Spanish and Italians, among other groups, settling a big base of the main population.

But... what if many of the inmigrants in this period, were arab?

With a POD between 1900 and 1950, trigger massive arab inmigrations to South America, resulting with at least, one southamerican country with most of its population arab.

Good luck gentlemen!
Except for the 50 percent proviso, this is OTL. There are large Lebanese communities all over Latin America, along with Syrians and Palestinians, and they've been there for a century. In Argentina, close to ten percent of the population has Arab ancestry. These are the communities that gave us Shakira, Carlos Menem, Ecuadorian presidents Bucaram and Mahuad, and a good share of the listings in the Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo phone books.

If you want more than that, worse times in the Ottoman Empire between 1878 and 1914 would probably do it.
Yeah but in Argentina most of the population (more than 55%) have spanish or italian ancestors.

The idea of this AHC is, in this case for example, replace the spanish/italian with arab majority. Could be a good approach some bad times in Ottoman Empire