Zoroastrian/Manichaean-influenced Indo-Persian Culture -- differences from ATL?

Say, for POD's sake, that Islam gets butterflied away, at least from beyond the Zagros. Sometime before or after the Islamic conquests (if they still happen in this timeline -- whether it does or not is not too relevant in this timeline for reasons that shall soon make itself clear), India sees a chain of invasions from a Persian or Turko-Persian Zoroastrian or Manichaean militarised state from the west (as in the 11th century OTL). Things would, I believe, largely go like OTL: economy and military-wise, not much difference, on the cultural side humanity would still be endowed with premchaamas ('ghazal' in ATL Urdu) and jashngaahs (the exact ATL equivalent of qawwalis), a native ascetic tradition of Zoroastrianism or Manichaean would still likely emerge, and a Zoroastrian/Manichaean Mughal Shahenshah Buzurg I would still create his syncretic Den-i Khudaayi (which will perhaps have more chance to flourish?) The must be, nevertheless, several things which might go on differently from OTL. One thing I can think of is Zoroastrian ruling and priestly classes viewing more in common of themselves with their Brahminic peers (can the same be said for a Manichaean one?) Will a Zoroastrian/Manichaean ruling class enforce different policies with regards to animal slaughter? And what shall come to be of the other faiths? Sikhism? Buddhism? Islam (perhaps the faith finds adherents, like in OTL, in Gujarat and Malayalam?) Saint Thomas Christianity? Will India stay united -- any impetus for separatism on ethnic or religious (Mazdistan? Khalistan?) grounds in the future?