
  1. WI: Nintendo tries to directly compete with PS4 and Xbox-1?

    What if after the Wii's huge victory over the PS3 and Xbox 360, Nintendo aggressively funneled the profits into building more development studios (say, having five new ones ready in 09) and buying a major third party developer (which Nintendo nearly did several times in OTL), and then decided to...
  2. WI: The N64 Multimedia Device was Released?

    Through old patents someone found an old unreleased peripheral for the N64. Supposedly it had infra-red remote controllers, it could also use an internet service that sounds pretty much like Randnet (allowing you to connect to the internet, and download games that would be stored on an internal...
  3. Tons of Bits and Bytes - A Gaming TL
    Threadmarks: August 1996

    Well, I'm rebooting my gaming TL again. (To see an older version look here: Of Bits and Bytes ) I'm going to be starting out a little differently. I'm writing this differently, and including some new stuff. So, again for the third time, here we go! (Sorry about redoing this TL so many times. :/)...
  4. WI: The SNES-NDD was released?

    The SNES-NDD was a device to be made by Nintendo, Philips, AND Sony. (It came out of an October 1992 plan between the 3) It uses a 32-bit co-CPU RISC @ 21.477 MHz, 8 Mbit of RAM, can display 16.7 Million colors, and is CD-i compatible. What if the device was released in 1994 (like planned) or...
  5. Of Bits and Bytes: A Gaming TL
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    This is a reboot to my original thread: (64 and Beyond) If you want to read it, you can check it out via link. Let's get this restart underway. (again) _______ Prologue - 1995 The future didn't look bright...
  6. 64 and Beyond: A TL about Gaming

    (NOTE: My first TL! Part 1 should come out later today or tomorrow. Anyone want to take a shot on what this scenario is about?) Prologue - 1995 Things weren’t looking bright for the 3DO. The future of its hardware and software looked dim. Companies like AT&T and Samsung announced...
  7. WI: N64DD released on March 1998

    What if the Nintendo 64DD (an add-on to the N64 that used magnetic disks) was released on March 1998 for Japan like originally planned? Would it be more successful? Could it even see an American release? Would planned software titles like Super Mario 64 2, Cabbage, multiple Mario Artists, and...
  8. EternalMadness1997

    The SEGA PlayStation?

    Okay, so first thread. I have tried writing alternate histories before but never got very far admittedly, have looked around this forum for a while too. Anyway, As a Sega kid growing up and doing some research on it, I have stumbled upon the perfect piece of history to use as a timeline. We all...
  9. Massively Multiplayer: Gaming In The New Millennium
    Threadmarks: A New Era Begins

    Welcome to Massively Multiplayer! This is a joint video game/popculture alternate history timeline written by Nivek and myself, with contributions from many different members! What is Massively Multiplayer? Massively Multiplayer is the sequel to the timeline Player Two Start, with the basic...
  10. The Gamer Sunflower

    WI: SEGA winning the Console Wars in the 1990s against nintendo?

    Hello There. I was bored while i was waiting for someone else to make their own timeline that is not taken yet, but i wonder what would happened if SEGA won the console war with Nintendo instead of Nintendo won the console war with SEGA? if so, give me a timeline where SEGA is winning the...
  11. The Gamer Sunflower

    WI:Microsoft entered the Video game business earlier in the 90s?

    Er, hey there. I was wondering what would happened if SEGA exited the console market business after Sony entered in the console market but instead Microsoft joined in the video game business earlier in the 90s along with Nintendo and Sony. I wonder what microsoft would made an console earlier...