
  1. How to keep a continent hidden for centuries?

    First of all, this is literally my first post here on alternatehistory, so sorry in advance for any wrong vocabulary. I did a read trough the terminology page on the wiki, but i might still get stuff wrong. The title isn't a rethorical question. In the ATL, I want to keep an alternate...
  2. TheWitheredStriker

    AHC/WI: French Brazil, Portuguese Canada

    IOTL, Portugal briefly flirted with colonizing eastern Canada (Newfoundland & Labrador, Nova Scotia), while France attempted to take Brazil in the 1550's. I'm planning out a TL where I basically swap France and Portugal around: France gets Brazil, successfully throwing out the Portuguese, and as...
  3. The Gybson Boy

    Maria II of Portugal dies in 1901

    Maria II at the age of 10, 1829 Maria II was queen of Portugal from 1826 to 1853, she ended up dying at the tender age of 34 while giving birth to a stillborn son named Eugenio, the dangerous routine of successive pregnancies, combined with obesity (which eventually caused her heart problems)...
  4. The Gybson Boy

    Pedro I of Brazil dies in September 1825

    Emperor Pedro I of Brazil and his wife Empress Maria Leopoldina As the title says, let's say that in September 1825, the young emperor of brazil falls from a horse and dies at the age of 26, less than 3 years after proclaiming the independence of the country he loves so much, at this moment his...
  5. Taunay

    WI: Dutch victory in Macau?

    In June 1622, as Portugal was in the Iberian Union, the Dutch attacked and tried to conquer Macau. But with a completely unexpected result the Portuguese managed to win and Macau remained in its hands. But what if the Dutch succeeded? What would be the immediate consequences in the region? Would...
  6. kasumigenx

    Farnese Portugal
    Threadmarks: Expulsion of Limahong

    In 1575, the ruler of Kaboloan defeated and expelled Limahong from Kaboloan which would cause Kaboloan to remain independent for a long time, Limahong would leave Kaboloan alone, it was rumored that the Kapampangans would have helped Kaboloan against the Chinese pirate, Kapampangans would be...
  7. kasumigenx

    Portuguese Philippines

    I think if the Portuguese colonized the Philippines, the colonization will be much slower and the Portuguese would have rights to Luzon and Sulu due to discovery and alliance, the last Majapahit ruler was allied with Manuel I and Joao III. I think the Igorots might have allied with the...
  8. WI: Iberia was united before reaching the Americas

    Scenario: The Iberian peninsula is united under a single flag sometime before 1492. Main question: How does this affect the colonization of the New World? Without Portugal and Spain separated, there's no direct competition for those lands, Iberia would be the only empire in the world that can...
  9. kasumigenx

    What if the Portuguese/Iberians make concessions with Bruneian Empire instead of colonizing the Philippines

    From what I read in old Portuguese records shown by a historian I know, the Portuguese were friendly with the Bruneians and even explored Luzon during the reign of John III, however that was stopped due to the regency and influence of Catherine of Austria, what if the Portuguese and later...
  10. Discussion: What would be easier to hold for Portugal?

    Just as the title and the poll say, which would be easier to hold, Portuguese Galicia/Andalusia or Portuguese Morocco? What would be the effects?
  11. Taunay

    AHC: More Portuguese colonies

    With a POD of 1480, besides Brazil and its African and Asian territories, could Portugal have other colonies? Before anyone talks about how they couldn't do that because of demographics, you're wrong, @Viriato has consistently shown that Portugal had an enormous amount of settlers and extremely...
  12. ronaldo

    If Brazil maintained its union with Portugal, how soon would slavery be abolished?

    Let's say the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves survived and Brazil continued to be the capital of the Portuguese Empire. With the passage of time the colonial empire would be more and more Brazilian than Portuguese. So how long would slavery in Brazil survive and how would it...
  13. GameBawesome

    WI: Carlists and Miguelists victories

    During the early 19th Century in the 1830s, both Spain and Portugal were going through civil wars. To oversimplify, this were between liberals, and the conservatives over the succession of their respective monarchs. In Spain, it was the Carlists, where the supporters of Infante Carlos (Charles...
  14. AltoRegnant

    What Does A Strong Spain Mean At The Congress Vienna?

    So, in my Failed Constitutional Convention TL, Godoy is forewarned about napoleon's intent to double cross Spain given the chance and believes it (i figured that with ~11 countries all having embassies in pairs, intrigue makes such secrets much harder.) as such, spain and Portugal do not fall...
  15. Herohunter

    What If Spain invades Portugal early

    I am planning a Time line and would love to see some discussion on the scenario below. The premise is that the Spanish under the direction of prime Minister Manuel Godoy is able to start a war with Portugal a decade earlier then OTL. In 1797, a year after the Second Treaty of San Ildefonso with...
  16. Portuguese colonies if the Iberian Union lasts longer

    In this TL the Iberian Union survives for a lot longer, a few centuries at least. My question is what happens to some Portuguese colonies, specially Brazil. Without the competition between Spain and Portugal, would Brazil still expand westwards? Or does the crown make them respect the Line of...
  17. AHC Spain and Portugal colonize more of Oceania and South East Asia

    Why didn't Spain and Portugal colonize more of Oceania and South East Asia during their peak power? And what would have to change for them to do it? Also, most of New Guinea was on the Spanish side of the world, so wouldn't it make more sense to colonize there instead of the Philippines?
  18. kasumigenx

    My idea for a Portugal Wank

    >Brunei keeps control of the Philippines/San Lazaro but the Portuguese would have ports in the Philippines as long as the Portuguese Empire is intact with the Lesser Sunda. >Brazil remains to have only control of the lands in the East of the Tordesillas/Zaragosa line although later expansion...
  19. Taunay

    How likely was Brazilian expansion?

    Brazil is a big country, it is in fact larger than the Contiguous United States. It is frankly amazing that Brazil is so enormous, given that it was colonized by such a small country. However, with a POD of the Treaty of Tordesillas, is it fair to argue that it was a given that Brazil/Portuguese...
  20. kasumigenx

    Five more countries
    Threadmarks: Discussion about Japan and its treatment of Koreans and the People of Takasago

    In a political website, men are discussing the Koreans and the people of Takasago being under the rule of People’s Republic of Japan. Boy A: Did you saw the news that the Communist Japanese are sterilising and torturing Koreans and Taiwanese. Boy B: I doubt if the Japanese are torturing and...