
Desperate scenes of mass exodus from Britannia and Holland, 1954

The result of the detonation of the Massive Area Denial Device made the Congo Dam look like a child's toy. The humanitarian crisis that followed occurred in some of the most densely-populated areas on earth, from the beautiful cities of Britannia to the heart of Germania. Winter winds carried the spores north, across the sea, and were impacting the shores of Holland within a month. The collective rescue effort by the major powers to get out as many innocent victims as possible was the last hurrah of international cooperation before what some historians call the Second Dark Age began. The 1950s would be an era of endless conflict, sickness, struggle to survive, and mass population resettlement. And at the helm of this era stood the enlightened despot himself: Vadim Maximovich.

It had been Vadim all along who had used his agents within the Anglo Wormist cult and the Britannic government to utilize Maddie for his own ends. To make no mistake, Maddie was, very much, an original idea of the fascist Britannic government, but it was too stupid and too easily exploited to let it go to waste unused. In fact, there were orders dispatched to the Illuminist Navy and Army to prepare for large-scale action just months before the detonation. In the early months of 1954, and as Skelton and his young ward Arthur finally found a way to the Mainland, public order and rule of law in Northern Europe was breaking down rapidly. Germania, including the Berlin Free State, were in an uproar. Thousands of refugees were looting and burning, desperate for food, and the local population began to view those they had worked so hard to rescue as ungrateful scum.

Caesar had mobilized the entirety of the Imperial Armed Forces to maintain public order, setting up vast concentration camps and holding facilities for the refugees. Following his general staff expressing distaste for his kindness to old enemies, he remarked:

"What kind of men would we be to let women and children be consumed by the monstrously stupid and stunted suicide of their own government? What kind of men would let women and children trample themselves at the docks to get aboard American and Illuminist vessels, shipping themselves off to maddened cults? We would be no men at all, but monsters. I will not go to my Maker and try to explain why the mercy He showed us on the Cross was not extended to our neighbors when they prayed for salvation. Mother Mary protect us all."



The Royal Palace in Amsterdam sits abandoned and flooded, late 1953

Holland's government collapsed in March. Refusing to leave the capital and refusing to beg their cousins in Paris for help, King Bram I and the Royal Family hunkered down in Amsterdam and awaited their fate. The Royal Army, under Field Marshal Willem Baas, announced a coup and that a new government-in-exile would be established first in Norway before relocating to South Africa in the summer. The Norwegian Army, for their part, sacrificed many of their men and ships to try to get their Dutch friends across the sea, but the taint of anthrax was high, resulting in huge losses. Several Norwegian and Dutch vessels scuttled themselves following contamination--rather than die a slow and painful death.

Like in Britannia, the Dutch Royal Army mostly disintegrated. Men either wished to see and die with their families, flee with them, or turned to marauding and despoiling to survive. By the end of that March, law and order was non-existent. Holland, like Britannia once again, was now an apocalyptic wasteland. Beautiful monuments stood over empty, burning plazas. Historic castles, buildings, bridges, dikes and dams, stood unmanned and neglected. Spring failed to arrive that year, and late snows occurred, further carrying the spores of disease with them. Late April would see the snow turn to rain, the dikes gave way in some areas due to the surging tides and neglect. Apocalyptic flooding occurred. By early May, much of Amsterdam, Lelystad, and other beautiful, ancient cities were under a foot of water. Conditions for those few citizens who remained were essentially unlivable. It was by this time that Baas's emergency government recognized that they would likely never return to their homeland. Holland, much like the Congo, had become a vast, bleak swamp, a mire of muck and despair.


Field Marshal and Emergency Chancellor Willem Baas


The Dutch Parliament Building, 1954

In order to prevent the Dutch arsenal from falling into the hands of terrorists and warlords, several units of the Dutch Army known as the "Happy Warriors" bravely stayed behind--or even went in after the event--to rig Royal Arsenals to blow up, as well as breaching certain levies and sending landships and other armored vehicles underwater. Even elements of the Norwegian, Swedish, and Europan armed forces performed similar brave acts to limit the amount of Dutch weaponry falling into the hands of terrorists and brigands. There were already enough random pieces of Britannic manufacture floating around the refugee camps, and any amount that could be prevented from getting into the wrong hands was worth the trouble.

While many of the missiles and rockets of the Dutch Army were taken away safely in the opening hours of the crisis, some were inevitably left behind. Those that could not be submerged in floodwaters and rusted to beyond use were targeted with bombers. Swedish-made "Jarlhammer 49" bombers flew sorties to destroy rocket and explosive storehouses. One base, near Utrecht, was so large and so packed that it was said the black smoke plume could be seen for fifty miles.

Summer would arrive with a less-flattering story about Baas's New Dutch Army and his exile government. Whispers began to go around the international community that, in the opening hours of the Fall of Amsterdam, the Royal Family had not desired to "go down with the ship of state," so to speak, but had prepared to travel to South Africa to establish a new capital there. According to this summary of events, Baas and his staff had received Norwegian backing to "rid Holland of the last vestiges of Bonapartist blood and monarchy" to garner favor with the Americans and other fascist states. Just before Baas was to depart Norway for South Africa, the government in South Africa declared independence as the South African Republic and declared Baas to be an enemy of the state. When word reached the vast Dutch holdings in Indochina, they, too, erupted into revolution. White landowners and plantation bosses called in to their Australian friends for support, resulting in an Australian invasion that went about as well as a bull in a china shop. Islamic regions and other revolutionary elements saw the deployment of Aussie troops as a step too far and intensified their calls to action against this new foreign incursion. The age of the Dutch Empire was truly over. The war would continue raging in Indochina well into the 1970s.

Meanwhile, late 1953 would see the collapse of the new South African government. The blacks simply outnumbered the whites, including those who had fled across the border from terrible conditions in New Cackalack. The native black Africans viewed South Africa as their one chance to form an independent black ethno-state and were not about to let one white government be followed by another. The South African Civil War would intensify well into 1956, when the disgraced nephew of Chancellor Gamble, Bushrod Gamble, established himself as a "hillbilly warlord" and vowed to "make South Africa white as snow, by golly by damn." Without any "official" state backing, at least at first, Bushrod, his right-hand and cousin, Gomer Gamble, and their "Banjo Boys" raised hell and prevented a full-on collapse of the white government, now led by General Jan Blomkamp. This would all lead to the Greater South African Conflict, known by the blacks as the Liberation War, that would stretch on until 1965 and see local wars and skirmishes all across Sub-Saharan Africa. This conflict will be covered in detail at a later time.

Despite NUSA President Charles Oswald's personal loathing of the Carolinas, Gambles, and their ilk, he allowed American mercenaries and special forces to assist in the conflict because his advisors warned him that large elements of the Black Liberation Movement was sponsored, trained, and funded by Moscow. Much of the matter was relegated to Fleet Admiral Nathan Woodhouse, who utilized his position as head of NUSA Africa Command, based out of Lincolnia, to blockade the coasts of South Africa. Interestingly, Woodhouse was, himself, quite black. Gomer Gamble was a long-time resident of Jacksonland and long been a work camp overseer, and he would also attain something along the lines of Oswald's "begrudging and disgusting respect," according to Presidential Mansion insiders.

"If I had to pick a single hillbilly Cokie to go with me into a hostile jungle, it would certainly be that banjo-picking bastard Gomer. What he lacks in teeth, that, er, ah, trailer park Napoleon--he makes up for in his ability to wage war relentlessly and without ceasing."
- President Charles Oswald

"We're low on ammo? Shitfire, y'all! I can fight every blackie in Africa if you give me some dang goober peas, a beer, and a machete."
- Gomer Gamble during the 1956 siege of Johannesburg


Bushrod Gamble, the "Hillbilly Warlord"


Gomer Gamble, the "Trailer Park Napoleon"

South Africa.png

Flag of the South African Republic white ethno-state


Flag and insignia of Bushrod Gamble's "Banjo Boys" mercenary army



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The war would continue raging in Indochina well into the 1970s.
"WELCOME TO THE RICE FIELDS MUTHERFUCKERS!"-Vietnam in any timeline basically

Also I like how more or less all members of the Fascist sphere are getting their own Vietnam: CoCaro has South Africa*, Australia has Indonesia and the NUSA has South America.

Also I immagine Mittleafrika is truly fucked at this point, and even the French Colonial Empire isn't feeling very well right now.

Also with Germania and Berlin apparently collapsing, I wonder if the Illuminati or the Supercatholics will try to expand their territory.

Also NGL, I like the idea of South Africa as a black ethnostate as a dark mirror of its OTL self.

*Granted, it seems to have more in comon with OTL Portugal's colonial wars.

"What kind of men would we be to let women and children be consumed by the monstrously stupid and stunted suicide of their own government? What kind of men would let women and children trample themselves at the docks to get aboard American and Illuminist vessels, shipping themselves off to maddened cults? We would be no men at all, but monsters. I will not go to my Maker and try to explain why the mercy He showed us on the Cross was not extended to our neighbors when they prayed for salvation. Mother Mary protect us all."


Come all ye sons of bitches, and join our Cokie band
We are going to fight the Rebels, and drive them from this land
Vict'ry is our motto, and Bushrod is our guide
So jump into the wagon, and we'll all take a ride

Wait for the wagon
The Banjo Boys' wagon
Vict'ry is the wagon, and we'll all take a ride

Onward is our watchword, to fight we all demand
To help our Dutchman brothers, we pledge our hearts and hands
Bushrod is our leader, with Gomer by his side
Brave Blomkamp, the Dutchie, will join us in the ride

Wait for the wagon
The Banjo Boys' wagon
Vict'ry is the wagon, and we'll all take a ride

Chief Izagala and his warriors, with the Loomies by their side
Dared attack our brothers, and made us take this ride
The Rebels did folly, for to cross the Orange they tried
But the Banjo Boys opened fire, and they all fuckin' died

Wait for the wagon
The Banjo Boys' wagon
Vict'ry is the wagon, and we'll all take a ride

The Yond'land boys are in the field, eager for the fray
They can whip the Rebel boys three to one, they say
But Jacksonland says count 'em in, and the Corridor joins the ride
The Banjo Boys will cook the Rebs, call 'em country fried
Also NGL, I like the idea of South Africa as a black ethnostate as a dark mirror of its OTL self.

*Granted, it seems to have more in comon with OTL Portugal's colonial wars.
Portugal’s colonial wars were hardly to create black ethnostates tho-there were white members of the independence movement. Some of them in high positions, like Lucio Lara being General Secretary of the MPLA.
Meanwhile, late 1953 would see the collapse of the new South African government. The blacks simply outnumbered the whites, including those who had fled across the border from terrible conditions in New Cackalack. The native black Africans viewed South Africa as their one chance to form an independent black ethno-state and were not about to let one white government be followed by another.
In fact, I’d say the Black people rebelling for independence being stated to have the goal of forming a Black Ethnostate is my one criticism of this chapter. I definitely can understand it ending up that way as the atrocities of the Carolinan’s and White South Africans radicalize them, but independence movements didn’t really use this kind of language-especially because there wasn’t really much of a unified Black ethnic identity.
And this is just the beginning! I don't even want to imagine what's going to happen to the rest of Europe.

(cut to Napo chuckling like a madman)


Gone Fishin'
Well, that's depressing, but I have to admit I am..."happy" is the wrong word, but duly impressed to see that the crazy fascists' crazy plans have natural consequences.
In fact, I’d say the Black people rebelling for independence being stated to have the goal of forming a Black Ethnostate is my one criticism of this chapter. I definitely can understand it ending up that way as the atrocities of the Carolinan’s and White South Africans radicalize them, but independence movements didn’t really use this kind of language-especially because there wasn’t really much of a unified Black ethnic identity.

I only want to go so-far in detailing yet another war crime, lol, and will be covering the various factions later, but the whites have r e a l l y pushed their buttons and a black-run state will be the first step. The various factions and movements will eat each other later, should they get that far. Get rid of the colonizers, and then get rid of your internal and tribal enemies after. It will be a huge slog for everyone involved. We're do far removed from OTL and normal independence movements that it's hard to even fathom. South America has just been ethnically and culturally obliterated, and they don't want to be next.
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With the Dutch's fall, Sweden is definitely mighty nervous as the last Protestant monarchy in Europe. Will Maddie hit Scandinavia too btw ?

So North Shore and maybe possibly South Africa are going to be Holland-in-exile now huh ?

And last, as an Indonesian, I do want to see what is going to happen to Dutch SEA. Since Napo said the Austronesians are the origins of Inferiors, I kinda want to see a "Master Infee Empire" enveloping the region. A fascist Australian worst nightmare, their hated enemies united as one, ready to invade their homeland.
Really, this timeline is entering into one of its most depressing chapters... A pity that Maddie wasn't Madeleine. :openedeyewink:

Depressing, yes. But we will also be getting a lot of hilarious dark humor coming up here. The Cokies alone are so absurd and my tongue is always firmly in cheek whenever I bring them up.
Yes another Africa update! What's gonna happen to the Colored people? seems like they are stuck between a rock and a hard place with white nationalists on one side and black nationalists on the other.